the stars and the black holes that appeared in our universe 13 billion years ago. tonight with the context, stefanie brown james, co founder of collective pac, the group campaigning for equal representation in american politics, and tom peck, political sketch writer at the independent. hello, welcome to the programme. donald trump knew there was no evidence to support his wild conspiracy theories that the election was stolen. his attorney general told him, his chief of staff told him, his white house council pat cippilone told him. but trump refused to believe the reality. today, the jan 6 committee honed in on an extraordinary series of meetings in dec 2020, in which white house staff got into a screaming match with trump loyalists, who somehow had gained access to the president office. rudi giulliani, general michael flynn and the lawyer sydney powell were feeding donald trump theories, without any evidence, that the election had been stolen. he said every video the judg