so many of you. there must be something going on today. on the timing of the executive order. is it coming today? should we be on our toes and on alert for it sometime today? he i think you should always be object urine toes for things around here. will we get it by e-mail or do you want us to hang here. do i want you to hang here. does that bring back the heby jeebies or is that the calm, cool, and collected thank good tns v is off here. i think i was younger then and had hair. let s get to the issue. sean spicer how did he do? today happy days are here again. between the president secretary and the press corps.
it won t be easy. this sunday on the christian broadcasting network, rnc chair rens prebusiness was reminding all the tolerance talk was giving evangelicals the heby jeebies. i don t care for the word tolerance. i don t have a problem with it, i just think it has another meaning that politically that can go the other direction. joining the panel now, executive director of the aclu, anthony ramiro. thanks for joining us. of course. thank you. your pal steve schmidt is somewhere in the ether world. he s working. start with the issue of tolerance. speaking from the vantage point of the aclu and speaking to the issue of gay marriage, given the work at hand i think we have to send haim dictionary so he could look up the word tolerance.