the university of colorado medical center. what was inside extremely disturbing. don t know how specific it was to what actually happened but there are definitely gun figures shooting at other stick figures. fox news sources say this is video of the notebook being removed on monday. even more troubling it might have been there in that mail room unopened for up to a week. the package was either postmarked or delivered on july 12th. that was a full week before this massacre. the university of colorado claiming it was delivered four-days after the attack monday and found that same day. we hear the psychiatrist is also a professor there who also treated patients at a psychiatric outpatient facility. it is unknown if the suspect and that doctor had any direct contact. the fbi is investigating that notebook. a neighbor talking about the music blaring in an attempt to cause even more death and destruction. from exactly at midnight to 1:00 a.m. the music played and then it shut
self-reliance to give me stuff. now, not every worker on disability is gaming the system. most have legitimate health issues. we know that not every family receiving welfare is taking advantage of the taxpayers. the trend is undeniable. under president obama and even under president bush the younger, american society has moved toward government dependence. we are, indeed, becoming a nanny state. that s the primary reason we have $16 trillion of debt. that s the reason why the work place is stagnant. individual am pigs is on on the ambition is on the decline. that s why president obama s poll numbers remain competitive even in the face of the american economy. millions of americans simply want the government to provide and the president is the provider in chief. by the way, the 100 million americans receiving welfare are not likely to be supporting mitt romney. that s the memo. now for the top story tonight. governor romney in london for the opening of the olympics. in respo