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the university of colorado medical center. what was inside extremely disturbing. >> don't know how specific it was to what actually happened but there are definitely gun figures shooting at other stick figures. >> fox news sources say this is video of the notebook being removed on monday. even more troubling it might have been there in that mail room unopened for up to a week. the package was either postmarked or delivered on july 12th. that was a full week before this massacre. the university of colorado claiming it was delivered four-days after the attack monday and found that same day. we hear the psychiatrist is also a professor there who also treated patients at a psychiatric outpatient facility. it is unknown if the suspect and that doctor had any direct contact. the fbi is investigating that notebook. a neighbor talking about the music blaring in an attempt to cause even more death and destruction. >> from exactly at midnight to 1:00 a.m. the music played and then it shut off. we don't know what would have happened. we have had mixed reports on what was up in the apartment. so there's really no telling at all. i am just grateful nothing happened. >> we have learned three of the five hospitals treating the survivors of the massacre will either limit or completely wipe out their medical bills. >> thank you. >> appreciate it, ainsley. the top five stories making news at this hour mitt romney ticking off his trip abroad in london this morning. this picture taken moments ago as he met with tony blair. romney also sitting down with some of england's top financial and foreign policy leaders. all of this before a special appearance at the olympic game. he will continue his week long trip by meeting with leaders in israel and poland. we will have more coming up in just a bit. the army psychiatrist charged with murdering 13 people at fort hood now being told to shave his beard or else someone else will shave it for him. nadal hassan says it's an expression of his muslim face and says dee care if it violates military. he also says hassan is in con sem president of court and fi-- contempt of court and fined him for not doing so already. in response to her son's doet stop. >> please, please, please stop the violence. it's not going to bring my son back. it's not. this is the worst thing any mother could go through. >> hundreds of demonstrators have terrorized the california city since saturday smashing windows and hurling bottles at police. police have arrested 24 people. 6 people hurt. none of the injuries life threatening. remember when new jersey governor chris christie said this about not want to go run for president? >> for months i have been adamant about the fact that i would not run for president. it was clear and direct no matter how many times i was asked the question. for me the answer was never anything but no. my job here in new jersey is my passion. >> he is sounding a lot more open to running in 2016. he says now if there's an opportunity for me to serve in another capacity i think i have something to add to the mix. i don't think i'd back away from it. christie still says he hopes romney will beat obama and will be seeking a second term in 2016. >> the bizarre jackson family feud taking another turn. the judge removed catherine jackson as the guardian of michael's three kids. tito's son tj now has custody of paris, prince and blanket. she is devastated the kids were taken away from her while she was vacationing in arizona. she says she will be reuniting with them in los angeles. that's your 5 at 5:00. now it is time to take a look at whose talking. michelle mac inis talkling. the massacre in colorado has sparked a debate about gun control. >> the mayor suggested police go on strike until more gun laws, gun control laws are passed. this led to this reaction from michelle macki neshg. >> michael bloomberg a government official essentially endorsed anarchy. he called on police officers who are paid and who are employed by the government to protect and serve to go on strike. afterwards he had to eat his own words because of course his lawyers probably reminded him of something called the taylor ordinance which prohibits government off if i weofficials officially endorsing public strikes like this which endanger the public. these people are not concerned about public welfare, public safety or self defense or individual empowerment. if they were they would be groveling on the ground apologizing. >> bloomberg later walked back his comments saying he didn't mean they should literally go on strike. senate democrats push back the plan to push back tax cuts. it shows democrats play more about playing politics than helping the economy some say. peter doocy has more on this. vice president joe biden presided over the senate yesterday just in case they ended up deadlocked and needed a tie breaker. they ended up close to extending tax holds for those making 250,000 dollars and below and raised them for everybody else. it passed 51-48. something president obama says they needed to do to jump start the economy. >> the middle class is recovering recovering from this veegs. you don't need your taxes to go up. we could give you sernlt right now but of course we are dealing with washington so republicans in the house they said we are going to hold a middle class tax cut hostage unless they get another trillion dollars worth of tax cuts for the wealthyest 2 percent of americans. >> the democratic plan that was passed and endorced the wte house would cost $250 billion. a proposal would have cost $405 billion. those numbers don't mean a whole lot right now. the bill has little chance of becoming laws since the house of representatives are so controlled republicans who say the democrats want to get re-elected and are not interested in fixing anything. this is about the campaign and not about the economy. the worst thing we could do in the middle of this economic condition is to pass this pass increase. >> and senator mcconnell was realistic about the tax plan's chances in the senate before it failed. there is good news and the good news he said is this new con volume leeted democratic bill would never make it to the president's desk. piecer dos s-- peter doocy in washington. >> now to stories you can bank on. a weak economy piers to be weighing heavily on their minds. more americans believe the economy would actually be weaker a year from now. more on this is lauren simonetti. thanks for joining us. >> the european debt crisis high unemployment and congressional bickering no wonder 35 percent of americans polled say the economy will be weaker next year. 31 percent say it will be stronger. the rest say it will be the same or they aren't sure. it's not encouraging. >> perhaps the contributing factor food prices. >> clib coupons or go vegan. your grocery bill will rise 5 percent. beef prices may see the biggest jump followed by dairy and eggs. it has to do with a nasty drought covering at least 60 percent of the u.s. in real dollar terms your $150 a week greeocery bill $160. total you are spending more is 500 a year. moving to the lierns they are making a lot of money off of us with all of those add-on fees. >> rumyer seats and checked bags brought in 22 billion that's up 13 billion just 13 years ago. when you feel like you are nickelled and dimed you are. thank you very much lauren. we appreciate it. nice to see you. >> 110 minutes after the hour. coming up this diver's heart nearly stops when he gets an unexpected visitor, i can image. we will tell you how this under water scare played out. after serving our country why is the justice department leaving veterans out of talks on removing a war memorial. we will talk about that as well. here's a look at this morning's prices at the pump. the national average stands at 3.49 a gallon. as we head to break a look at leno from last night. according to a new poll 18 percent of a still blame george bush for bad economic recovery. these people are called the obama administration. yes. [music] see life in the best light. transitions® lenses automatically filter just the right amount of light. so you see everything the way it's meant to be seen. experience life well lit, ask for transitions adaptive lenses. thank you, nana send money to anyone's checking account with chase quickpay. all you need is an email address or mobile number. you're welcome. take a step forward and chase what matters. >> gm not the top auto maker in the world. they sold 300 thousand behind toyota in 2012. she claims it was a seizure not a sleeping pill that caused her to slam her lexus into a truck. but toxicology tests show traces of applebee on in kerry kennedy's bloodstream. >> oo time to look at who else is talking. karl rove talking about the president and the economy. >> he says president obama is out of sink with the american people. he believes he can spend our way to prosperity. if we don't need to rely upon small business to be the generator of economic growth in america. >> do you buy the right wing argument he's a socialist and wants to diminish the country so everything changes? >> no i buy the argument his policies have either not helped the economic recovery or have actually hurt it. >> you think it's inefficiency? >> i think he's ideological. i think he has the wrong ideas. he thinks he can spend our way to prosperity. no country in the history of the world has succeeded at that. we took the size of the government from 20 percent of our gdp blown it up to 25 and taken the public debt and nearly doubled it in four years. that's not the way to prosper y prosperity. >> karl rove will be on fox and friends at 6:30 a.m. stick around for that. it is a tribute to those who fought for our country. why is the aclu trying to tear down the mount solidad memorial. for more on that we go to shannon green. >> the battle ore the memorial erected in the 1950s to honor korean war vets has been raging since 1989. the memorial anchored by a large cross on federal land. the aclu has been suing to take it down saying it unlawfully tangles government with religion. they ruled the cross is unconstitutional prompting an apepeal to the court. the justices declined to take up the appeal leaving the parties to take up negotiations about what to do with the cross. here's what he said then. >> want different ways to slice the pie and we are going to go back to talk to the district court and the government we will arrive at an appropriate remedy and solution. >> for days the memorial association found out the justice department has been negotiating with the justice department but not them. done chaunter says he's very concerned. >> original law says the cross stands as a memorial in asan diego. if this going to go off on their own in what appears to be cross step that puts it in danger. >> doj officials say they refuse. they will hold a hearing today to address these concerns both the aclu will have to answer questions about what's going on. the judge will have to decide where the memorial groub will have to be in discussions. >> a 13-year-old's hot dog business shut down by the city. all he was trying to do was raise money for his disabled parents. a major development in this story coming up. talk about too close for comfort. this diver getting an unexpected visitor. we will tell you how it all played outright ahead. and as we head to break a quick look at today's weather all across the nation. >> 22 after the hour. the father of one of those missing iowa cousins could learn tomorrow whether he must stand trial on domestic abuse or drug charges. dan mores see could be sent to prison as the search continues for his 10-year-old lyric. she and elizabeth collins dispiered nearly two weeks ago riding their bikes. a diver getting the shock of his life. >> >> hear all those muffled screams? they are coming from jim abernathy the marine experts filming blue marlins when a much bigger 10-foot long make co shark. fortunately he was able to escape fortunately unharmed by the way. he even managed to snap a photo. and it's time to brew on this. for all of you heading to work this morning listen up, you may want to watch your potty mouth once you get there, heather. it could cost you. a new survey out by career builder bott say 54 percent of employers think less of an employee who swears repeat he hadly. >> they would be less likely to promote someone who loves to use four letter words around the office. this leads us to our question of the day for you. cursing at work, does it actually stall your career? >> send us your comments you can tweet them to us at fox friends first or shoot us an e-mail and we will read some of them later in the show. 24 after the hour. the youth of america weighing in on the presidential race. you might be amused or scared some of the comments. if oy bam ma legali-- obama legalized pot would you vote for it? >> probably. >> probably? and then the romance spread from the big screen to real life. drins stewart robert pattinson had twi or twi hearts -- i am going to get tweets from all of the twi hearts. they have the twi hearts devastated. >> i didn't know what that meant either just so you know. on this date in history in 1908 the fbi was founded. >> welcome back to "fox & friends first". i am patti ann browne. >> i am heather childers. thank you for joining us. >> it is time for the top 5@5:30. law enforcement sources tell fox news james holmes the alleged gunman in the movie massacre mailed a disturbing note to a psychiatrist full of details about how he was going to kill people. >> due know how specific it was to what actually happened but there were gun holding stick figures shooting at other stick figures. >> even more troubling it may have sat unopened in the mail room for up to a week. the university of colorado says it was found monday and mailed the same day. it is not kn had direct contact. >> the mother of hall of maimer cal ripken junior recovering after a terrifying kidnapped. she was ab dublted by an armed man and forced into a car. she was found at in a car the following day. they are still looking for the hollander. >> they shut down a 13-year-old boy's hot dog stand because it violates zoning rules. he saved $1,200 from mowing lawns and shoveling snow to buy that hot dog stand. also he could help out his disabled parents and raise money for college. mad and sad. last time i went to city council meeting they were encouraging me to set up here. going to go to lansing try to change the law so i am able to work instead of keeping kids my age from doing things like this that they want to do. >> the stays mayor did eventually tell him he could move the cart elsewhere. it was too little too late. he already sold the cart to a local company. he will use the profits to help fight the law banning them downtown. >> kristen stewart admits to cheating on her twilight co-star with married snow white and the hunts man director. it unravelled the same day as they make us weekly. stewart who has been dating robert pet inson for four years says quote this has jeopardized the most important thing in my life the person i love and respect the most rob. i love him, i love him. i am so sorry. sources say pattinson is both heartbroken and humiliated. u.s. army sergeant fist class was await that go special moment he could hug and kiss his wife. the two were reunited at san jose airport after spending three years apart. he served back-to-back deployments in iraq first and then afghanistan. the first time i came home i kept it low key. this time i knew she had something planned. didn't know what. >> we got married right before he left. so this is really exciting for us. there's a lot of plans going to visit families. >> he says he is thrilled to be able to stay home for a while. that's your 5 at 5:30. mitt romney just wrapping up a meeting with former british mime principle ner tony blair in london. we are live with more on that. good morning, doug. >> good morning. for romney this is the next phase of the campaign he arrived in a very crowded london yesterday already meeting with british prime minister tony blair. his audience hasn't really changed. this is a visit intended to help elevate romney on the world stage. in an interview he was careful not to directly criticize the president on foreign policy while overseas. but romney's stop in israel is an effort to help him at least draw distinctions and reminder of the strange relationship between president obama and israeli leaders. with regards to any nation that feels the security is at risk they should have a firm conviction that america is securely behind them. i hope the people of israel feel that i hope they want to consider i as a citizen and candidate stand with israel and want to see them have a prosperous and peaceful future. because romney's visit to london coincide with the olympic games there it also highlights his role in 2002 as kind of the rescuer of the olympics here in the united states. but a pro obama super pack was kw quick to put out a new ad mocking him accusing him of out sourcing jobs. that draws it baubling to the economy. romney sees europe as a cushi cautionary tail. this trip is also designed to directly confront one of the president's perceived strong suits. most polls say while the voters question the handling of the economy he generally gets good marks on foreign policy. back to you guys in new york. speaking of mitt romney jeb bush came out and said he believes the presidential hopeful should pick marco rubio as his running mate. >> last night on "the record pat buchanan did not have the same thoughts. >> what i would do is folly -- follow my old boss. if you are even you run on your own you take a safe choice someone who can help new one state and doesn't blow up on you. mccain in 2008 rolled the dice. i would have done the same thing. i think mondale did the right thing in rolling the dice with jerry ferraro. if mitt romney is down 5, 6 points or 7 points come convention time i would take a hard look at what jeb bush said and that's marco rubio. if he is not down if he is running even or slightly ahead you would say maybe my good friend t paul could bring minnesota or portman could bring ohio. while overseas romney said a decision still hasn't been made. but when it is he will announce who his running mate will be. >> a lot of people waiting for that. >> time to dmeek the fox light. >> he has the scoop from the entertainment world. >> hey, heather and patty ann. good morning and welcome to the fox light. it's pretty clear why sophia is tops on the highest paid list she is every where. entertainment weekly is saying the star will be romantically linked to the family guy's romantic love interest on the comedy hit. it kicks off september 30th. it will feature cameos from johnny depp, elizabeth banks and twilight heartthrob lutz. they have been anything but this summer after weeks of idol judges jennifer lopez and steven tyler. fox confirmed five time grammy winner mariah carey will be joining the long running hit show. who will fill tyler's spot and whether or not randy jackson will return in 2012. the speculation is jackson will return and one possible judge will be former idol contestant damned lambert. stay tuned. political animals have been steaming up the small screen sunday night in the usa network. it stars ellen weaver and bornstein for both. we have a look at the much anticipated series. >> show is promised very much families in the white house in the bubble as we call it kind of pay a price for that for the rest of their lives. also on the flip side want to get back on the white -- in the white house. there's a kind of superficial resemblance to not only the clintons but also the bushes, the kennedys all of the way back. >> you have a tony and oscar an emmy. what do we have to do to get you a grammy? >> i am working on it. i am. >> maybe you could do -- >> i do sing a song. i don't think i will get a grammy for it. but i am really working recording poetry. >> oh, wow. >> i have to have a grammy. it's just not fair. >> we will get you there. >> you can watch it every sunday night at 10:00 p.m. it's a great show. for my full interview log on to fox news that's a wrap for this week i am michael tammero. now back to the two fabulous ladies in morning news. >> michael, thank you. >> 37 to the top of the hour. a -- 27 minut 37 minutes after . dozens of visitors of the kingdom leaving with sickness. >> smart phones they are supposed to make us more productive. are they having the opposite effect? as we head to break a look at jimmy fallon from last night. >> new research found using social networking sites like facebook can increase your chances of finding a job. it will really come in handy after you get fired from your current job for using facebook. >> let's span the globe to see what's going on overseas. a strawed dron of f-16 fighter jets after one of the planes crashed into the pacific. the jet on the way to alaska when it went down. the pilots ejected safely in the water 6 hours later. right now test not clear what caused the crash. it destroyed bridges left 16,000 people homeless. to india where one author's teen knee book is creating a big stir. it is 68 pages just about the size of a man's nail. he says he has high hopes that he will make it into the guinness book of world records. pretty interesting patty ann. >> tiny book. that's for sure. is your e-mail the first thing you pick up in the morning and last thing you look atlanta night? our next guest says unplugging from technology can make you more efficient at work. joining us is the founder and ceo of aim leadership. she is also the author of over wired a very interesting book. she is dr. camille preston. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> we feel like we are getting a lot done we are busy all of the time. multi-tasking is slowing us down. >> we are living in a world that is always on always connected and fundamentally changing who and how we are. we are living in this over wired world it's not necessarily making us happier. >> you point out in the book there's way too much information out there, way much more than we can take in. we have to prioritize what we are going to consume. >> absolutely. that's a new muscle a new skill that people have to learn is trying to filter and focus and identify what is it that matters most. >> the way you do it you have five tips for us to get through. the first is break through the e-mail addiction. you don't have to check it every five minutes. oo a we are wired to seek out newness and every time we see something new we get a squirt of dopamine which means per chemically addicted. we feel good and i would challenge viewers to start to think about what are three or four -- how can you littlity the times you check e-mails to 3 or 4 times a day and allow yourself to focus more on what matters. >> shut it off and check it at the designated times during the day and no other time. also work in 90 minute intervals this is more efficient. >> your brain can only function at hopt optimum levels for 90 minutes with intensity. we have all had that experience where we show up at the office sit in front of a computer all day we leave thoroughly exhausted because we are not leaving ourselves opportunities to step back and let our brains drain from the toxic chemicals and really recal rate. >> you work 90 minutes take a sfwraeveng go for a walk something that is going to stretch out the alpha waives. >> that is the third tip unplug when you do step back. even if it is for 5, 10 minutes it can help you reenergize and reabsorb the capacity. >> repoot. >> you also say interestingly take a nap or shower. >> very, very counter intuitive to take a nap but that's one of the greatest things. we know the benefits of meditation. when you are living over wired it's really hard to step back and get that perspective. so a nap is a fantastic way to give yourself that reenergizing boost. >> and a shower. >> you know it's so funny. think about how many times you have had great brainstorms in the shower because you are relaxed and you often come up from sleeping. it's a wonderful way of rejuvenating some of the work environments like zap pos and youtube have nap pods. then simplify. that's kind of summary of all of it. >> absolutely. it is so straight forward it's almost silly. we need to take a couple minutes and figure out what are the things we can delete from e-mail what are the commitments we can cut off to stay really focused. >> you have more of the tips in your book over wired. thank you for joining us. >> thank you for having me. >> 45 after the hour. a sign of the times engine of the economy losing steam. it's your last chance to add to our question of the day. what are your thoughts on cursing at work? does it stall your career? some say it does. we will have e-mails next. steve doocy coming up on "fox & friends". >> coming up you will meet a soldier who says congressman allen west saved his life. he will be here along with the congressman. the host of extreme catches will go fishing with us live outside on the plaza. i don't know how big a fish is in that little baby pool but we will find out shortly. karl rove stewart varney and john stossel along with you fox and friends live from new york starts in 13 minutes. 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[ male announcer ] the ark business card from capital one. choose unlimited rewards with 2% cash back or double miles on every purchase, every day! what's in your wallet? >> welcome back. about 10 minutes before the top of the hour. could there be a mystery illness plaguing the happiest place on earth? dozens of doctors say that several dozen people who went on disney's wild africa trek these last two months have been linked to a nasty stomach bug. fortunately no one has been hospitalized. not a good start to seeing the olympic organizers have already apologized for mistakenly displaying the south korean flag on a jumbo stream during introductions to north korea soccer match. angered annoyed the players they refused to take the field for nearly an hour. small businesses hit hard. how many had to shut their doors. here with more is diane macedo. the recession claimed more than 170,000 small businesses in the u.s. between 2008 and 2010. the report shows a number of small businesses operating within the country's met poll can and micro politan areas dropped to 6.79 million in 2010 from 6.96 in 2008. self-employed americans took a 12 point dive since neovember. 2007. one month when it officially hit to june 2009 more businesses shut down in 2009 than did in 2007. official statistics aren't available for 2011 or 2012 yet but those numbers are expected to pick back up. that is due to people who are laid off starting small businesses because they had no other choice and sincensus data shows 4-5 businesses have no employees at all and make an average of $45,000 a year. they are not always thriving but it is possible they need a little more time. as usual we will continue to watch these numbers closely. in the meantime viewers can find out how small businesses in the area at thank you. >> polls show president obama is still the favorite among younger americans. why does the youth in america like the president so much? jessie waters headed to the music fest ifld to find out. why do so many young people support obama. >> they don't. what are you talking about? >> he supports same-sex marriage which is amazing. >> i think it will take a while to fix the mess the republicans started. >> did you hear that somewhere? >> probably. >> he accepts things the way it is. >> that doesn't make sense. oo ue guys support the president? >> i don't really. i think he's too right wing to me. >> if obama realized pot would you vote for him? >> probably. the next time don't take so long. >> he is horrible. bush was better. >> why is that? why this re so duped? >> a lot of drugs. >> i appreciate knowing that. >> president obama still cool? did you get a little dazed and confused in the mosh pit? >> i have a concussion or something. >> i think you might have a concussion. >> you guys going to vote? >> yes. >> you know election is? >> november 11th, 2012. >> close. >> what's the obama economic policy? you guys understand that? >> you ever watch bill o'reilly? >> yes, i do actually. he's an old school soldier. i respect that about him. >> i appreciate that. >> and we do, too. >> old school soldier right there. if you are heading off to work this morning you might want to watch your potty mouth once you get there. it could cost you. a new survey out by career found that 64 percent of employers say they think less of an employee who repeatedly swears. >> i believe that. weigh wanted to know what you think cursing at work means. does it actually stall your career? here are some of your responses. peter hit tweeted us yes. swearing rarely motivates and is seen as a crutch for intelligent expression. >> tom e-mailed us saying even if a person works at a pub or a bar cursing at work is in bad taste. it gives a poor impression of the american and t-- person and the employer. >> mike e-mailed us saying my boss loves using four letter words, work, stay, late and fire. i don't think that's the four letter words we were talking about. >> thank you to everyone who responded. keep your comments coming. >> the time now 54 after the top of the hour. coming up a crock letting everyone know he's not going away quietly. all part of the good the bad and the ugly patty ann. >> word of the day. this word is something we talked about during the show. stick around for the answer. as we head for the break let's take a quick look at our nation's weather. [ bell tolls ] ♪ ♪ i want to go ♪ i want to win ♪ this is where the dream begins ♪ ♪ i want to grow ♪ i want to try ♪ i can almost touch the sky [ breathes deeply ] ♪ so clear, so bright ♪ not a cloud in sight ♪ so gold and sweet ♪ this dream ♪ ♪ [ knocking ] ♪ male announcer ] even the planehas an olympic dream. dow is proud to support that dream by helping provide greener, more sustainable solutions from the olympic village to the stadium. solutionism. the new optimism.™ ♪ this dream with two times the points onake lunch dining in restaurants,ch?mism.™ you may find yourself asking why not, a lot. chase sapphire preferred. there's more to enjoy. >> welcome back. 2 minutes in the top of the hour. we take a look at the good, the bad and the ugly. up first, the good. the most adorable thing you'll see all day long, this mama adorable polar bear in green land. look at that, coming to the rescue of one of her cubs struggling. get up on that ice chunk. that's what a mama should do. a north carolina man charged with trespassing after he refused to leave jail. rodney valentine had just been released after serving two months for damaging personal property. word is he wanted police to drive them to a nearby motel. when he refused, he said i'm staying put. finally the ugly. look at this. a 10 foot, 250 pound crocodile captured in miami neighborhood. it happened there. but the crock didn't go down without a fight. it hissed and snapped the whole time until wildlife officers finally wrangled it and returned it to a nearby canal. good morning, miami! >> and it's time to get scrambled up and brian kilmeade is here to help us out with our word of the day. >> i'm going to try it with no -- without even looking. >> no!

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Miami , Florida , United States , New York , North Carolina , Afghanistan , Alaska , Minnesota , Washington , District Of Columbia , London , City Of , United Kingdom , Arizona , Iraq , India , New Jersey , Israel , Iowa , Colorado , North Korea , Ohio , South Korea , Poland , Paris , Rhôalpes , France , Americans , America , British , Israeli , South Korean , American , Kristen Stewart , Romney Jeb Bush , Marco Rubio , Michelle Mac , Joe Biden , Jennifer Lopez , Elizabeth Collins , George Bush , Michael Bloomberg , Jimmy Fallon , Heather Ann Brown , Chris Christie , Steven Tyler , Jim Abernathy , Stewart Varney , Camille Preston , John Stossel , Johnny Depp Elizabeth , Rodney Valentine , Stewart Robert Pattinson , Garth Sven , Nadal Hassan , Los Angeles , Diane Macedo , Jeb Bush , Kerry Kennedy , Tony Blair , Pat Buchanan , James Holmes , Heather Childers , Randy Jackson , Patty Ann , Jerry Ferraro , Patti Ann Browne , Mariah Carey , Bam Ma ,

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