Ayaz, 53, was arrested from a village in Chikkaballapur district near Bengaluru on June 17. He was declared a proclaimed offender in the murder of Lal, an incident in which then ACP Gokalpuri Anuj Kumar and then DCP (Shahdara) Amit Sharma also sustained multiple grievous injuries.
Three accused were identified as Sameer alias Bali, Suhail Chaudhary alias Bawarchi alias Asif and Shahnawaj alias Sanu, all members of Irfan alias Chhenu gang.One
Four persons including a rioter who attacked the police during riots in north east Delhi and looted the service pistol of a head constable, have been caught by the Special Cell of the Delhi Police. During this attack Head Constable Ratan Lal .
Three accused were identified as Sameer alias Bali, Suhail Chaudhary alias Bawarchi alias Asif and Shahnawaj alias Sanu, all members of Irfan alias Chhenu gang.One