Rs 33.44 / Rs 34.41 / 13.05% will these three numbers change how the Nifty behaves in next few days. By the time you are reading this, headlines about TCS beating the Q4 estimate would be running on the ticker. The question is what determines that the company has beaten the estimates and how it makes a difference to the fortune of these shareholders of the company and street and nifty as a whole. In the case of TCS, the estimated EPS for Q4 the analysts was Rs 33.44 for the Q4 for FY 24 and the actual numbers were Rs 34.31. While it might appear that this is a mere difference of just 87 paisa, but the fact is in an over researched and heavily institutionally owned stock that it is a good enough difference of expectations for stock to move sharply in the short term. What are the estimates of earnings for 5 large companies? And will they change the course of Nifty.
Although experts are cautious in their predictions for the future owing to deceleration in the IT sector owing to global uncertainties, you may consider Cyient, PSYS for your portfolio.
HCL Tech has decided to skip management level increments (large part of wage bill) and defer increments for others to Q3, which should aid profitability in the near term.