Bhardwaj said that like the Hathras Dalit girl gang rape case, the Uttar Pradesh and Central government is trying to suppress this case and the internet services have been stopped in the area.
1 After over two months of investigation, the CBI has concluded in its report that the Hathras Dalit woman was allegedly gangraped by four upper caste men when she had gone to the fields to collect fodder on September 14 in her village Bhulgarhi.
Tribune News Service
New Delhi, December 18
After over two months of investigation, the CBI has concluded in its report that the Hathras Dalit woman was allegedly gangraped by four upper caste men when she had gone to the fields to collect fodder on September 14 in her village Bhulgarhi.
Cops left red-faced
Victim was allegedly gangraped by four upper caste men on September 14