When it kicked off in late July, high-society action-thriller Adamas wooed us with an intriguing set-up and its mysterious title. In the show, Adamas is a diamond-encrusted arrow heirloom of Haesong Group chairman Kwon Jae-kyu (Lee Kyoung-young) that becomes the weapon used in a murder. The victim is the father of twin brothers Ha Woo-shin – an author – and.
The search for the elusive diamond-encrusted Adamas continues in the twisted high-society Korean thriller drama series of the same name. Ghostwriter Ha Woo-shin and prosecutor Song Soo-hyun (both played by Ji Sung) have each been moving towards the same goal, one from within the sprawling mountain compound of Chairman Kwon (Lee Kyoung-young), the other by hitting the streets of Seoul.
While Ha Woo Shin triggers the weakness of Ms. Kwon, his twin brother, Song Soo Hyun encounters a shocking incident.
#JiSung #Adamas #AdamasEp8 #AdamasEpisode8