The upcoming comedy series “Unmasked” shared its first glimpse into its premiere with Kim Hye Soo, Jung Sung Il and Joo Jong Hyuk’s still photos. Check them out below.
#Unmasked #KimHyeSoo #JungSungIl #JooJongHyuk
To save Bae In Hyuk’s life, Lee Se Young makes a bold decision in “The Story of Park’s Marriage Contract” episode 11.
#TheStoryofParksMarriageContract #LeeSeYoung #BaeInHyuk
With another year behind us, Soompi has prepared masterlists of 2023 K-dramas organized by genre for drama fans! Here are K-dramas from 2023 that include rom-com elements (although many of these dramas fit into other genres as well). Includes dramas that premiered in 2022 and ended in 2023 as well as dramas that premiered in
The final rites for late actor Lee Sun Kyun took place on December 29 in Seoul. Among those present at the funeral were Bong Joon Ho, Kim Nam Gil, Park So Dam, and more. Read on!