The Delhi High Court has imposed Rs 2 lakh as costs on BharatPe co-founder Ashneer Grover in the matter related to his alleged defamatory social media posts against the fintech company even as he tendered an apology for his conduct
NEW Renovations and Close to the PARK! Welcome to your equestrian and outdoor lover s paradise! Situated right beside Withlacoochee State Park, this impressive, oak-tree lined 2.5 acres property comes |
Brandon Sklenar who is known for breakout roles like Spencer Dutton in Taylor Sheridan s 1923 , now is all set to join the movie adaptation of Colleen Hoover s best-selling novel It Ends With Us alongside Blake Lively and Justin Baldoni.
New Delhi [India] June 28 (ANI/NewsVoir): Nature has provided us ample variety of sources of protein-both from plants and animals- but not all proteins are the same