Bricen Finnegan Brewer was born on Feb. 22, 2024, at Littleton Regional Hospital to his proud parents, Kevin Brewer and Danielle (Mcminn) Brewer of Groveton, N.H.
Households who lost their homes in Berkeley through foreclosure since 2005 or by the construction of BART in the 1960s-70s can apply to be included among seven groups who will have higher priority in many affordable housing lotteries, which already filter households by income. | By Matthai Chakko Households who lost their homes in Berkeley through foreclosure since 2005 or by the construction of BART in the 1960s-70s can apply to be included among seven groups who will have higher priority in many affordable housing lotteries, which already filter households by income. Under new rules now in effect in Berkeley,
different characteristics of applicants like their income level or the composition of their school or the zip code of their school they went to to use those factors as a proxy, as they were for race. they ll still be able to look at geography and they ll still be able to look at income. will they still be able to look at legacy if you re lucky enough to have a grandparent, a great-grandparent that went to that school. that will still be allowed, but race won t? [ no audio ] . all right. he appears to be frozen right now. let me see if we get the professor back. hang on one second. professor chen is back. i was asking about other considerations schools will still be able to make like geography, like income and legacy. legacy still allowed purr your d dad or mom, you can still get into the college, but race no? well, i suppose that we would