The Karnataka High Court bench, headed by Chief Justice Ritu Raj Awasthi, is due to pronounce the judgement on the hijab issue on Tuesday morning. The matter has been listed in the first half of the day. Here’s the timeline of the Karnataka hijab ban row.
Hijab row: Karnataka HC to announce verdict TODAY - Here s a timeline of the case - The full bench of the Karnataka High Court is likely to pronounce its verdict on the Hijab case, at 10:30 am today.
It sought direction to quash the February 5 government order whereby the State Government has directed/backed up the college development committees to prescribe school/college uniform for the students inter-alia highlighting therein that wearing of Hijab is not protected under Article 25 of the Constitution of India. Hijab Row Reaches Supreme Court, Apex Court Says Let Karnataka High Court Hear Case First.