avoided recall Tuesday night. An effort to recall the Zone 2 trustee
failed with 436 votes for (46.7%) for and 497 votes (53.3%) against. Those attempting to recall Kipp said in their argument that they believed he failed to represent the majority of those in his district. In his response, Kipp said he would not be swayed by the loudest voices, but instead would continue to do what he believes is best for the entire Nampa School District community.
Marsing School District
Result: Undetermined
As of late Tuesday night, results were still out for the Canyon Owyhee School Service Agency (COSSA) levy. The 10-year levy would continue funding for the Owyhee-Canyon County cooperative that provides educational programs to several rural school districts.
On March 9, voters will decide funding requests for several school districts in southwest and central Idaho.
Ten school districts - with voters in seven counties - have put supplemental levies on the ballot. Below you will find a breakdown of each funding request, including the question that you will see on your ballot.
In addition to the levy elections, two elected officials are on ballots for recall elections. One is the mayor of Hagerman, while the other is a Nampa School Board member.
Given the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, voters will have both absentee and in-person voting options. You can find helpful links for checking the status of your voter registration, find your polling place and learn more about absentee voting on our Voter Resources page.