sounds like nobody was alive when it went down? well, it s possible. at this point, anything is possible. we have so little information to go on. although i would say that there s a lot of talk about this sort of ghost plane theory. based on what we know about the initial flight of the plane, it does seem pretty well-established that the flight was under deliberate control, at least in the beginning part of the flight. that s certainly what officials from malaysia seem to be saying, which is why they seem to be dead set on the notion it s a criminal act, even though they haven t produced evidence that seems to verify. jeff weise, mary schiavo, thanks. a land slide devastates two towns in washington state. families are left with only memories of their loved ones. [paintball noises] the annual company retreat. planned, as usual, by this guy. nature lover. people person.
deliberately or going over land indonesia. if you were in extremis you re going over malaysia and there are air spaces where you can land. and secondly there are plenty of places with the may day call that you could have landed in indonesia. and then you ve got this southwest or south turn before you get this long journey down into the south indian ocean. so the ghost plane theory is there, and helios in 2005 did exactly that. the pilots became overcome. everybody was overcome except for one flight attendant who managed to get to the cockpit. they scrambled, in cyprus, this scrambled fighters. and the fighters actually watched the plane all the way to the ground. they watched the engines flame out. on both sides. then they watched it go into the mountainside. so was on auto pilot but an
whatever, fumes. everybody is now unconscious, but because the plane is on a new heading and because it s on automatic pilot and it s got six hours of fuel, it will fly and fly and fly until eventually it runs out of fuel, the engines turn off and then the plane begins a descent into the ocean. now it s not clear if that descent would be dramatic or whether it would be gradual. there are a number of features on this airplane to make it gradual. either way, without human control, once it gets to the water, it is likely to have a catastrophic ending. that is the ghost plane theory. we re not sure if it fits everything that flight 370. many people believe it is a viable explanation. carol. all right. martin savidge. thanks as always. you see that picture right there in the corner of your screen, that would be the european union president in brussels. of course, president obama will shortly be making remarks after a summit between the united
as the search continues for any wreckage of flight 370, so continues the search for answers. the big question still looming what happened to this plane. the mystery has led to a lot of different avenues for investigators. right now we want to take a close look at the so-called ghost plane theory that everyone on board was perhaps unconscious because of loss of pressurization or smoke from a fire and then the plane continued to fly for hours on auto pilot until it ran out of fuel. that s one scenario investigators are examining. it happens very rarely. it does happen. it has happened. so we re going to martin savidge to see what that might look like from the flight simulator. martin, explain that idea what it would look like due to a loss of pressurization or some other incident. reporter: ghost plane, zombie plane, plane without a brain. it would begin with maybe some kind of an alarm that would go off. could be fire, could be sudden
there. she s waiting for word on her parents, her daughter and her daughter s fiance. it s unthinkable one family s loss. up next with so many questions remaining about flight 370 we re going to take a look at one of the theories that investigators are looking at. the so-called ghost plane theory that the jet somehow flew on auto pilot for hours after the passengers and crew perhaps were unconscious. that s one theory that investigators have. we ll see what that would look like from inside a flight simulator. also ahead from the black boxes may not solve this mystery even if they are found. details ahead. i have a cold with this annoying runny nose. [ sniffles ] i better take something. [ male announcer ] dayquil cold and flu doesn t treat all that. it doesn t? [ male announcer ] alka-seltzer plus fights your worst cold symptoms plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. oh, what a relief it is! plus has a fast-acting antihistamine. transferred money from his before larry instantly bank o