A classic British costume drama, set in the years 1903 to 1930, telling the tale of a society family upstairs and their servants downstairs. No mere soa.
Lesley-Anne Down then starred in US soap Dallas as a glamorous publicist.
So she never dreamed she would play such a formidable figure as Margaret Thatcher.
In fact, when approached about the role as the Iron Lady, the 66-year-old actress suspected it was a prank.
Lesley-Anne Down never dreamed she would play such a formidable figure as Margaret Thatcher. In fact, when approached about the role, the 66-year-old actress suspected it was a prank. Above, the actress as Mrs Thatcher in the upcoming biopic about Ronald Reagan
Believing she stood no chance, Miss Down (left) confesses she put minimal effort into getting the role. Former US president Reagan was one of the greatest admirers of Mrs Thatcher (seen right in 1983)