are important to the eadvantage gel cals. he said, look, this is not a time to be complacent. i think that was the message received by those in the room, don t think this is going to continue. the there is a turn joseph in the house, the elections, they all have consequences, we know that this stuff could ends. it could be overturned quickly, don t think it could trickle out. because we see the energy on the other side. he made a reference to an tifa which in many ways has become the face of the left. most democrats and political candidates, i m going to stop you for a second there, it s a reach to say antifa is now the face of the left. i think that would be a bit of a stretch. well, i think well, i don t know. you talk about violence, violence is on the left. an tifa. you don t see evangelicals rising, bumping cars. the far right and what we have seen in charlottesville and other places, there is a lot of violence there. i will tell you this
weinstein and post-trump era. the alabama electorate is more than half self identified eadvantage gel cals to begin with. actually, there is a brewing, howard, i think that s an excellent point. there is seemingly a divide emerging. it s still early, but republican party officials in alabama seem to be standing in some cases by ron moore. but there are evangelical leaders that s what it will take. this is not acceptable. i think that s what it s going to take. not morally acceptable. breitbart will stick with roy more, steve bannon will stick with roy moore, maybe a majority i m not even convince thad the condemnations from senators in washington will necessarily stick. right. you mentioned access hollywood, a little over a year ago, there was severe condemnation from senators, from congressmen, people saying that donald trump should drop out.
do you think you ll win iowa and also new hampshire? are you expecting to win there? i do think so. we will do great. we had a poll today where i m leading in iowa. i think i will do great in iowa. i have an amazing relationship to people in iowa, eadvantage gel cals. nation wide i m leading, ron mouth poll, very respected. i think we are getting the message across. we re not being politically correct. we don t have time. we have to do what s right. i want to bring in cnn politics reporter steven collinson, first off the rest of the republican field is stuck in the single digits. the question is, does bush or any one of these candidates of kaveng up to trump s numbers, considering jeb bush had a strong performs. i imagine his campaign is hoping
with evangelical voters. he only has 5% now. he was in the news with davis if kentucky who prefused to issue marriage licenses to same sex couples. what do you see him tomorrow? that was clear play for eadvantage gel cals who are losing in the courts and the fights. mike huckabee says the supreme court isn t the final word. the supreme court is the final word. the constitution says that. that s mike huckabee s point. trump is leading. ben carson, mike huckabee unlike ted cruz he doesn t have tens of millions in the bank. he is in a lot of trouble. we are looking in a race where perry dropped out. you look at christie and rand paul may have to look for the exits. scott walker came into the race with so much attention. people talked about him as being