are important to the eadvantage gel cals. he said, look, this is not a time to be complacent. i think that was the message received by those in the room, don t think this is going to continue. the there is a turn joseph in the house, the elections, they all have consequences, we know that this stuff could ends. it could be overturned quickly, don t think it could trickle out. because we see the energy on the other side. he made a reference to an tifa which in many ways has become the face of the left. most democrats and political candidates, i m going to stop you for a second there, it s a reach to say antifa is now the face of the left. i think that would be a bit of a stretch. well, i think well, i don t know. you talk about violence, violence is on the left. an tifa. you don t see evangelicals rising, bumping cars. the far right and what we have seen in charlottesville and other places, there is a lot of violence there. i will tell you this