Vanessa Wilson, who was fired as the chief of the Aurora Police Department last week, said Monday she is considering “all options” in response to her termination, and she and community supporters of hers said they all felt her firing was the result of political pressure.
republicans have expressed reservations. i am optimistic we will get every member of the cabinet. let s talk about senator schumer because he said he has concerns about eight nominees and he says he believes there needs to be more discussion about them, about ethics questions and the qualifications. the president-elect cabinet is a swamp cabinet full of billionaires and bankers that have conflicts of interest and ethical lapses as far as the eye can see. what is wrong with him saying that. selective outrage, the outgoing treasury had an account in the cayman islands. geisler who was the treasury secretary before him failed to pay taxes. at that point, schumer said well , it was just a mistake. everybody makes mistakes. this kind of selective outrage against the kind of mistakes
even rex tillerson who three republicans have expressed reservations. i am optimistic we will get every member of the cabinet. let s talk about senator schumer because he said he has concerns about eight nominees and he says he believes there needs to be more discussion about them, about ethics questions and the qualifications. the president-elect cabinet is a swamp cabinet full of billionaires and bankers that have conflicts of interest and ethical lapses as far as the eye can see. what is wrong with him saying that. selective outrage, the outgoing treasury had an account in the cayman islands. geisler who was the treasury secretary before him failed to pay taxes. at that point, schumer said well , it was just a mistake. everybody makes mistakes. this kind of selective outrage