The fire power to close the gap. Danny mentally he knows he is not a big puncher. He doesnt want to open up and get caught himself with the counter shot. Closing moments of the round. Gus washington cruising now. Looking good. Good. Thats good. Thats yours. Great. Not wide. Make him box. From his mouth to his chest. Sit up and breathe. Make a box from his mouth to his chest and commit to it. Navigate the ring. But he is giving you opportunity. When you find the opportunity give me the hard onetwo down the middle. Mark chambers trainer what do you tell him . D b a danny wake up. Wake up. Be hungry. Go out there like a lion. Eat the prey. You cant continue you have to be fired up. Act like this is the biggest fight of your career. Try to knock him out. Mark stop winking, stop smiling. Stop frowning. Throw punches. Danny stop posing for the camera. This is a fight. Gus eight rounds in heavyweight division in round number six between Gerald Washington in the white trunks and Eddie Chambers
The fire power to close the gap. Danny mentally he knows he is not a big puncher. He doesnt want to open up and get caught himself with the counter shot. Closing moments of the round. Gus washington cruising now. Looking good. Good. Thats good. Thats yours. Great. Not wide. Make him box. From his mouth to his chest. Sit up and breathe. Make a box from his mouth to his chest and commit to it. Navigate the ring. But he is giving you opportunity. When you find the opportunity give me the hard onetwo down the middle. Mark if youre Eddie Chambers trainer what do you tell him . D b a danny wake up. Wake up. Be hungry. Go out there like a lion. Eat the prey. You cant continue you have to be fired up. Act like this is the biggest fight of your career. Try to knock him out. Mark stop winking, stop smiling. Stop frowning. Throw punches. Danny stop posing for the camera. This is a fight. Gus eight rounds in heavyweight division in round number six between Gerald Washington in the white trunks and
Some of these talents are regarded in the community as musical veterans; others represent the next generation. Regardless, each woman highlighted here contributes something special to the scene.
With Halloween just around the corner, North Texas has certainly managed to scare up plenty of fun this weekend, including Thundercat, John Mayer, rap battles, rock stars, country crooners, and more.