4 universities, 10 questions, 24 hours, 45 students and one aim: devise practical, hands-on and actionable solution to activate and support a sustainable food system with a lens on the gastronomy and hospitality sectors.
Hotel Management School Maastricht (NL)) along with a dozen faculty members and industry experts were once again called upon to prepare and shape the future of sustainable hospitality following a first round in June 2020 (see The 24 Hour Sustainable Hospitality Hackathon Vol. I: Highlight Report).
Closing on a tough year for our industry where the interconnectivity between climate change, biodiversity collapse, and pandemics became clearer, students looked forward to actions that can promote resiliency and tackle the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) respectively.
The 17 SDGs formed the hackathon framework. 17 student groups brainstormed actionable ideas and activities. Those activities were classified in three categories: