India has reported 756 new Covid cases and 4,049 active cases, with five deaths reported in 24 hours. The number of daily cases dropped to double-digits until December 5, 2023, but increased again after the emergence of a new variant and cold weather conditions. A maximum increase in single-day cases was reported on December 31, 2023.
India has recorded 760 new Covid-19 cases and two deaths in the past 24 hours, said the Union health ministry on Thursday. Two new fatalities one each from Kerala and Karnataka were reported in the span of 24 hours, according to the ministry's data. On Wednesday, five deaths were reported, one each from Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Punjab, two from Kerala. The number of new
A 77-year-old man tested positive for COVID-19 at Max Hospital on Saturday and a 72-year-old woman tested positive at Doon Hospital on Sunday, Health Secretary Rajesh Kumar said. Their samples have been sent for genome sequencing to ascertain if they have been infected by the JN.1 variant of COVID-19, he said. The man, who was undergoing treatment for other ailments at Max Hospital, has been discharged and is under home isolation. He is under the observation of a medical team and his condition is improving, Kumar said.