CENTRAL ARU, Indonesia One afternoon last November, Natanel Ginobal, 67, drove his motorboat to check the mud crabs caught by the traps he had installed earlier the day. He had to move quickly before the tide started receding and made it much more difficult for him to harvest his catch of the day. Natanel […]
Free sites like Global Forest Watch and Landmark use satellites and data to track deforestation in near-real time. Indigenous and local communities are increasingly using tools like this to monitor illegal deforestation and take legal action.
Indonesia, the world’s fourth most populous nation and largest coal producer, has committed to a net-zero future. Great news for the environment? Conservationists are sceptical
JAKARTA A million-dollar bribery case in Indonesia’s Riau province, the country’s palm oil heartland, has prompted calls for a wider investigation into corruption between business players and the local officials tasked with policing their operations. Prosecutors at a court in Pekanbaru, the provincial capital, are seeking an 11.5-year sentence for Muhammad Syahrir, the former […]