yeah, that makes a lot of sense. he directly reported in to wiseleberg. while you re here, i have the benefit of getting you on the big news day with don mcgann, former white house testifying. you worked for robert mueller and mcgann was famously part of the resistance internally to donald trump s unlawful order trying to fire muller without cause. he s telling lawmakers, reading from judiciary information, trump asked him to do some crazy blank. he was worried firing muller, your boss, was the point of no return, things could spiral out of control into a second, quote, saturday night massacre. your response. well, from my quick read from his quite voluminous testimony, he appeared to now under oath confirm what is in the report, which is that he was asked by
taking look at part of this post, it says this. it s up to the rest of us and our elected representatives to come to their defense and others to improperly interfere in the other s work. president trump has been vocal about the d.o.j. investigation calling it a witch hunt. they re talking about possibly firing muller but members of his own party are hesitant to back him. first of all, i don t he should be fired. he should be left to do his job. a pro muller ad by the group republican for the rule of law urges congress to protect the investigation. he has been trusted by republicans to put america first. have a lot of confidence in bob muller. this is our justice system and it needs to play itself out. the special counsel has a job to do. call your representative and tell them to protect the muller investigation.
difficult to believe. we saw that dowd came out with a statement essentially saying the muller investigation should end. he got in a lot of trouble for that. not 12 hours later we saw the president come out with a tweet that echoed that exact sentiment. virtually the same wording, saying he believed the muller investigation should be over. this is at the end of the press briefing we saw sarah sanders saying to her knowledge dowd had never really taken action outside the president s direct orders. whether or not that was fr freelancing on this is something that remains to be seen. it s possible he wasn t have direct conversations about this with the president. but just in terms of everything we ve seen about, you know, trump s determination to keep in touch with michael flynn after he left the white house about his asking the former fbi director james comey whether he would drop the investigation into michael flynn. of course, the conversations he had about potentially firing muller, th
person to provide that high bar seeing that he had to recuse himself that he shared improper information to the white house. the bottom line, is there a concert concerted effort to undermine the investigation? there is an effort to make sure the american people have all the information they need. i oppose firing mueller. this effort by the democrats to make people think that the president is imminently firing muller to me is politically motivated and laughable. the president said he is not doing it and his lawyers said he is not doing it. there is no discussion of this from the highest possible source. the president himself. yet the democrats try to will it into existence. they want the american people to believe something that s not true. at the end of the day, i think all these investigations need to continue and need to continue unfettered and unbiassed and people are smart this this country and more information is
and on december 22nd, when we are out of d.c., he was going to fire robert mueller. so trump attorney tj cobb said they are not firing muller and if that is true and we re looking at a saturday night massacre six days from now, what would be the legal ramifications for trump? there are political ramifications for firing bob muller. legally, the investigation will continue. it may not be run by bob muller. the investigation existed before muller was appointed to run it and would very likely exist if he was fired. it would be taken over by somebody else at the department of justice or one of the u.s. attorneys that would have a jurisdiction and venue over the case. so it would be unfortunate if bob were removed. he s a wonderful leader and a wonderful prosecutor but it would exist without him. okay. chuck rosenburg, appreciate your