From the Nov. 27, 1952 Telegram: "While hundreds of turkeys were prepared for the festivities in Superior homes, Ma and Pa Turkey owned by the Slettens were spared the ax. They are being kept to raise a family. Oren Sletten, co-owner of the miniature turkey farm, has made such pets of the birds he said that he wouldn’t kill them to eat if he never tasted turkey again."
From the Nov. 21, 1947 Telegram: "His attempt to escape imprisonment frustrated by Terre Haute, Ind. police officials, Robert McCusker, 18, of Superior was again in custody at the Indiana city Friday, destined to serve a five-year sentence in the federal reformatory at Chillicothe, O., after a brief fling of freedom."
From the Sept. 25, 1967 Telegram: "A Superior boy who was trapped and buried alive under sand from a cave-in was released Monday from Superior Memorial Hospital, less than 24 hours after the incident in which rescuers dug the boy out by using their hands."