Immigrants, or they can override state voting laws or let violent felons out of prison, things that have nothing to do with the coronavirus. Those are the two most important things we could do to help those who are still struggling with this virus get back to work until vaccines are approved and widely distributed. What will not help, what will not help, will is not designed to help was the 133 programs that have been so much of the point of discussion today. The 133 facilities have achieved their purpose. The reason we wrote it and members of this Committee Help drafted it was to fundamentally that the credit slowed to fundamentally credit where the businesses. It was not to subsidize failing businesses that were not going to be able to succeed before china unleashed this plague on the world. It wasnt to bailout fiscally irresponsible, mostly democratically led states and cities who mismanaged their finances for years or even decades. It was to stabilize credit markets. And i have to
3, 2, 1. This hearing will now come to order. Is in a hybrid format and the hearing room has been configured to maintain the recommended six foot social distancing between senators, witnesses and other individuals in the room necessary to operate the hearing, which we have kept to a minimum. , a those joining remotely few videoconferencing reminders which you should be familiar with at this point. Once you start speaking, there will be a slight delay before your display on the screen. To minimize background noise, click the mute button until it is returned to speak or ask questions. Issue,e is a technology we will move to the next senator until it is resolved. I remind senators and our witnesses the fiveminute clock still applies. Those remote should have on your screen one of the boxes labeled clock which will show how much time is remaining. Weve had some trouble getting those boxes to everyone screen or at least getting everybody to be able to find them and follow them. We are going
To the economy. Today my colleagues on the foc and i kept Interest Rates near zero and maintained her sizable asset purchases. These measures along with our strong guidance on Interest Rates on our Balance Sheet will ensure that Monetary Policy will continue to deliver powerful support to the economy until the recovery is complete. The path of the economy continues to depend sidibe drama course of the virus but a resurgence in recent months and covid19 cases hospitalizations and deaths is causing great hardship for millions of americans and displaying on economic and cavities. Following a short rebound of economic at tivoli last summer at the pace of their coverage is moderated in recent months with the week is concentrated in the sectors of the economy most affected by the resurgence of the virus by greater social distancing. Household spending on Services Remain low especially in sectors that require people to gather closely including travel and hospitality. Household spending on goo
Next the director of the federal Housing Finance agency testifying on housing and mortgages during the coronavirus pandemic. House Financial Services Committee Members asked him how his agency is handling the rice in foreclosures and forbearances as well as the operations of fannie mae and freddie mac. The hearing runs over three hours. The committee will come to order. Before we begin, i want to remind members of a few matters including some required by the regulations accompanying House Resolution 965, which established a framework for Remote Committee proceedings. First, i would ask all members to keep themselves muted when theyre not being recognized. It will minimize disturbances while members are asking questions of our witnesses. Members are responsible for muting and unmuting themselves. The staff have been instructed not to mute members except when theyre not being recognized and theres background noise. Members are reminded that they may only attend one remote hearing at a ti
Up next testimony from dacts lien kraniger. She talks about her agencys role in protecting consumers during the pandemic. This hearing will come to order. This hearing is another remote video hearing. Ill go through quickly some of the standard reminders to remind everybody, once you start speaking, there will be a slight delay before your picture shows on the screen. To minimize background noise, please remember to click the mute button until it is your and if theres a technology issue, weve move on until it gets resolved. The fiveminute time still some senators say they dont seem to be able to find that. If you go to the righthand side of the screen and move your mouse, some options will show up. One of them is the grid view. If you click grid view, you will see a grid of everybody, and one of the things youll see is the clock. Ill try to gently remind people, because some senator have asked for the reminder because they cant see the clock. Again senator brown and i have agreed to go