there she is. and it s a full bag. if anybody wants another checkay and look at my bus straight here. so it looks likene. can t h you can t hold this with one arm. let s trd y straight out. no, straight out. so i told you it first came o out. i thought in myn mind, newton, but it didn t do anyou of the women on the show, huh?fh why straight?y bu be careful with my posturest. . i like gus s bling. i think that s pretty good. that icloss. nine: do men close, though?ne if you didn t know that he s got a necklace on.have g all right, that s it for us. everyone, i m tired of us. have a great night, everybody. we ll see you tomorrow. we ll be here later. welcome to jesse watters. primetime tonight. hunter biden convicted of twounts o counts of lying on a form. the combination of gun as and drugs made his conduct dangerous. sno one in this country is abovi the law. hunter finally faces s the the music. what s this mean for the big guy? have yo a pardon for your
. but the former governor before him said you lay thehe for babyn and you decide with the mother what to do. the baby s born. that s an executioo that s anut and i think everybody knows that in the eighth month and thth ande ninth month and bd that, i mean, hard to believe they hav ande some states passig legislation where you can execute the baby after birth. it s crazy. it s like so many things. borde open borders, crazy mental playing in women s sports, crazy. so i think the republica crazy.n has done an amazing job in certain g ways. they ve never understood how to talk about and i agreeth with you, it s hurt the republican party. it s hurt some people. reputy huropleexceptions is ver. i believe that. but what we did is we took roe v. wade out of the federal government, put it in the states, and no o thw the are deciding and in some cases not everybody s happ somy, but the e people are deciding. and i say, let the states decide decidi sa. this is every legal scholar wanted this t
ETHPoW (ETHW) traded 1.3% higher against the US dollar during the 1-day period ending at 15:00 PM E.T. on May 4th. During the last seven days, ETHPoW has traded down 2.3% against the US dollar. One ETHPoW coin can now be bought for about $3.85 or 0.00006045 BTC on major exchanges. ETHPoW has a total […]
ETHPoW (ETHW) traded 5.1% higher against the dollar during the twenty-four hour period ending at 7:00 AM ET on May 2nd. ETHPoW has a total market cap of $391.22 million and $20.54 million worth of ETHPoW was traded on exchanges in the last day. One ETHPoW coin can now be purchased for $3.63 or 0.00006234 […]
ETHPoW (ETHW) traded 10.1% lower against the US dollar during the 1 day period ending at 23:00 PM ET on April 30th. ETHPoW has a total market capitalization of $383.81 million and $17.19 million worth of ETHPoW was traded on exchanges in the last day. One ETHPoW coin can currently be purchased for approximately $3.56 […]