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not that kamala harris was a good dancer, she was a terrible dancer too but at least she tried a little bit. it's just not a good idea to be around people who are great dancers or good dancers and then you are kind of rocking in an awkward -- >> this whole administration looks like a reality show called america's got issues. the whole video catches look at it, it's all we've got. >> jimmy, i knew we would get in trouble with this got good to see you as always. don't forget to catch jimmy failla on the road, red bank new jersey next week. that's it for us, don't forget to follow me on social media. jesse next. >> jesse: welcome to jetties -- jesse watters "primetime". tonight... >> hunter biden convicted of two counts of lying on a form. a combination of guns and drugs made his conduct dangerous. no one in this country is above the law. >> jesse: hunter finally faces the music. what's this mean for the big guy? >> have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. ideals and we don't know fully what american soil is. [♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: happy juneteenth. >> [ inaudible ] >> took everything from us. there's nothing that could replace my son. >> jesse: the face of evil. >> do whatever you can to keep this monster behind bars. >> jesse: plus... >> my name's wanda. >> that's not what you told me. >> will who are you? [♪♪] [♪♪] >> jesse: fox news alert, guilty, guilty, guilty. was the verdict handed down by a jury of hunter biden's peers. for the first time in his life, hunter faced the music. two counts of lying on a gun form, one count of possession of a firearm by a drug user. hunter biden appeared wide-eyed and motionless as he became the first child of a sitting president to be convicted of a crime. three felonies, hunter facing a maximum of 25 years in prison. sentencing guidelines suggest just a couple although the judge could deviate and do whatever she wants. sentencing will probably occur before september 5th when hunter goes on trial in la for tax evasion. that means hunter could be sentenced to prison just days before the second presidential debate. he will obviously appeal. here's a special council after today's verdict. >> hunter biden was convicted of two counts of lying on a form submitted to a federal firearms dealer about his addiction or use of crack cocaine. and possessing a firearm while a user or addict. no one in this country is above the law. everyone must be accountable for their actions back even this defendant. however hunter biden should be no more accountable than any other citizen convicted of this same conduct. >> jesse: that's the same biden prosecutor who tried to hand hunter probation and lifetime immunity for the guns and tax felonies. we were wondering where this newfound concept of accountability came from. here's what one juror had to say after the verdict. watch. >> biden was on trial, just like anybody else. no one is above the law, no matter who you are. politics played no part in this whatsoever. >> jesse: the jury followed the law, the judge ran a tight trial and justice was served. but just because one democrat was convicted doesn't mean the american legal system isn't being abused. the feds are throwing dozens of republicans in prison on trumped up charges and trying to incarcerate the republican nominee for a crime they cooked up with black magic to hocus-pocus and election. hunters judge did not donate to a group called stop democrats either. the media celebrated the trump verdict like a july 4th barbecue but treated hunters like a funeral. >> this trial inside the courtroom, like virtually every criminal trial, was a personal tragedy, a family tragedy. >> every presidential family is part of the american family, that's the way it works. this is a tragedy for the biden family. that family drama played out in a courtroom in ways we have never seen before. it does not make it any less painful for the nation or for the family. but the verdict is now real and the consequences will apply. >> this public life of this family which began a half-century ago after all with the car accident that killed his late wife and his daughter, injured his two sons, you've now fast forward to today and this really dramatic and ultimately painful process continues. >> jesse: hunters everything the media claims to despise, a white privileged sexist spoiled brat who barks don't you know who my daddy is? but he's a democrat so the media circles the wagons. the media has more sympathy for a crack addict to dumped a gun by a school than for a president who just wants to make america great again. moments ago, hunter and joe were seen hugging on the tarmac in delaware where they will be spending the night together. i'm sure this father's day weekend will be a little awkward biden wished he could have been there sooner but in an act of poetic injustice, he had to attend a gun-control event just hours before the verdict. >> there's never been a time that says you can own anything you want. you could not own a cannon during the civil war. think about it, how much to here this praise, the blood of liberty -- give me a break. if they want to think they can take on government if we get out of line which they are talking again about, they need f-15s, they don't need a rifle. [ crowd noise ] >> no, no, no, no, no. >> jesse: biden's son was so high he's lucky no one died but he wants to restrict the cyclamen meant for sober law-abiding americans. our government had f-15s in afghanistan and attala bench one with rifles by the way. we are not looking to overthrow joe just to throw him out. after a jury found hunter guilty of gun felonies, joe biden said he is proud of him. "jill and i love our son and we are so proud of them and he is today." there's no contrition at all by the biden family. hunter did not show any remorse, he was smiling afterwards. his father is not ashamed, would not even gently condemn his son's actions. hunter has committed more crimes than we can count and all biden says is he's proud. the reason hunter has broken the law for 30 years and not pay the piper is because of his dad. if every time i screwed up and my dad's response was i'm proud, son, i love you, i would keep screwing up. bailing somebody out over and over again does not mean you love them. hunter was kicked out of the navy for cocaine on an administrative discharge instead of a dishonorable one because his dad greased the brass. hunter got caught with cocaine at the jersey shore way back in the eighties and the senator's son had his record expunged. when he left his crack pipe in a rental car, police investigated and dropped the charges. when he put 20 grand on his dad's amex for russian escorts, the secret service cleaned it up. when he lost his laptop, the fbi and cia covered it up. when he owed millions in back taxes,'s sugar brother foot the bill. when he needed money for alimony and child support, daddy's donors bought his dopey art. his dad's own justice department tried to make the gun and tax case go away a year ago today. what makes you think daddy won't save him again? >> will you accept the jury's outcome, there verdict, no matter what it is? >> yes. >> have you ruled out a pardon for your son? >> yes. >> jesse: biden never used the word commute. commuting a sentence means you just spring him out of prison. the charge is still on the record. biden is going to have to save his son to save his own hide. remember that taxes and the gun, only a fraction of the crimes hunter and joe biden would be guilty of, it prosecutors were allowed to follow the facts, was there blowers have testified that investigators were blocked at every turn from following leads that lead to joe. the cia and fbi and the treasury department's are all in on the cover up. a strong case could be made for trump prosecutors to investigate money laundering, racketeering bribery, foreign lobbying conspiracies. donald trump calls the gun case a distraction. "the trial has been nothing more than a distraction from the real crimes of the biden crime family which is raked in tens of millions of dollars from china, russia and ukraine. rocha joe biden's rain over the biden family criminal empire is all coming to an end on november 5th and never again will a biden cell government access for personal pride it -- profit." hunter biden may have faced verdict today but the verdict on joe biden will come november 5th. cohost of "the 5" judge jeanine pirro is here and she's matching me. judge, will this judge sentenced hunter biden to prison? >> well there are those who think that the sentencing guidelines which are no longer mandatory can call for between 15 and 21 months and of course if the judge wants to do a downward departure, she can do so but she has to give a reason to do so. i don't know that she would be inclined to do so given a couple of things. hunter biden could have pled guilty, admitted, took responsibility and admitted remorse. this judge also is the judge who first saw through the fact that the hunter biden team and the department of justice was trying to pull the wool over her eyes and create this immunity in perpetuity so hunter biden would never be prosecuted for a crime for the rest of his life. >> jesse: i want one of those deals. >> who doesn't? in addition to that, the nullification argument. i mean the defense that went on in this courtroom just divide any kind of reason and it was really an insult to the jury that's all right through it. i mean you've got the defendant whose boys is bellowing in the courtroom basically saying i was addicted to drugs. you've got all kinds of evidence, a laptop that the biden a ministration and everyone in so-called intelligence said was fake so this judge may say enough of pulling the wool over everyone's eyes, maybe i will give him some jail time. >> jesse: if the sentence comes down right before the fifth where he goes on trial for taxes in la, does hunter immediately appeal, when does he serve a sentence or would dad come in and commute? >> i don't think his dad is going to do anything before the election because he does not have to. if there is a sentence that is imposed that calls for some jail time, even a small amount, the defendant has the right to request a pallet bail. it will probably be granted so he will not have to serve any jail time. and of course joe biden can wait until the end of his term or he can commute his sentence. who knows, joe has changed his mind, we don't even know if he understood the question. but it's interesting. i want to say one thing, that whole biden family stood there and sat there in the front row with this united front, you know, we love hunter, and every one of them has been negatively impacted by hunter biden being a crack addict and getting a gun. but in addition to that, everyone part of that united front was getting money from what you call the crime family, from all over the world everyone got some money from an llc. so that family is not what they appear to be i think that the jury's all right through it. it's in no way a nullification. this is a very easy case. the quickness within which they brought back the verdict tells me that they weren't pulling any punches. >> jesse: why do you think the president of the united states at a time like this when his son has been convicted of a serious gun charge that could have piled up having a kid snatch it from the trashcan and may be shoot himself are his sister in the head, why doesn't he say anything contrite? like my son made a mistake or i'm sorry that we are putting the country through this, just a gently worded phrase to show the american people that the family takes some responsibility and has some remorse? >> because hunter biden was considered the prince in delaware. everyone called him the prince. he's never been held accountable for anything he's done. he's 54 years old. in addition to that, they have to admit the hypocrisy because within hours of the sentence, joe biden was saying we have to have stronger gun laws, we have to make sure these guns are secure and kept in safe places. i mean come on tell that to your son. >> jesse: judge jeanine, we will see you on "the 5" tomorrow. no more trials for a while, we are out of trials, what are we going to talk about? see you tomorrow. congressman james comer joins me now. congressmen, you've sent referrals to the attorney general on perjury because he lied to you guys in a sworn deposition. so he's got a lot hanging over his head here. how do you think that's going to shake out in light of this conviction? >> well it's more problems for hunter biden. look, what hunter biden did in the deposition is he clearly lied and why did he lie? he lied to protect joe biden. but the fact that he lied under oath is clearly perjury. this will be used to determine his sentencing. so not only do you have the gun trial where he clearly lied on a gun application, the jury's all right through that, now he's got his tax evasion charges where we know he did not pay his taxes, we know to this day he hasn't paid his taxes, his taxes were paid years later by major democrat donor prior to the presidential election to help alleviate a problem joe biden had in the presidential election against trump. so what we've done with the criminal referrals as you know is the first step. it's just the beginning, but it's a major problem for hunter biden and it's going to be taken into account when it comes time for his sentencing. >> jesse: how do you feel as an investigator who cracked this case wide open with a laptop, followed every lead as far as you could, ran into some roadblocks, and there are only focusing on a narrow, still in quincy and a gun charge, which they had to prosecute because he had pictures of it all over the internet? how does that make you feel. >> justice will not be served until the department of justice takes into account all of the financial crimes that the entire biden family committed. it wasn't just hunter biden, it was also joe biden and jim biden, the entire family benefited from the biden influence peddling schemes. we had three people testify who were once partners with hunter biden in these schemes. they testified under oath that the biden's were selling the biden brand, they were selling access to joe biden. there was never a legitimate business. we know from whistleblowers they never paid taxes on the tens of millions of dollars that they took from adversaries around the world. we have laws in congress where i am right now that prevent people from doing this. it's called the foreign registration act, foreign corrupt practices act. we know the biden's have violated these laws so until the department of justice takes the real serious crimes into account, justice has not been served. if i listed the top ten crimes that the president's son committed, lying on a gun application would not even make the cut. >> jesse: so true. is hunter biden taking the fall to save his dad? >> it sure looks like that. he looks like someone that's got a pardon in his back pocket. people asked today, will the president pardon hunter biden. while the department of justice is not finished with him. they have this tax evasion trial, then they've got these criminal referrals, and as i've said many times over the past week, we are not finished. the criminal referrals will just the beginning of the accountability face. we've gone through great lengths and we've been very transparent with the american people about the money this family has taken in, we've been very transparent about the 20 shell companies, the llcs the biden's had that appear to serve no purpose other than to launder money, and when i say launder i'm using a word that six different banks used in those suspicious activity reports. they laundered money to ten different biden family members and according to the irs whistleblowers, they never paid taxes. >> jesse: and you are still looking at new bank records you've got your hands on. >> yes. we find new accounts every day. >> jesse: all right, thank you james comer, he was posted. let's bring in former white house press secretary kayleigh mcenany. how do you think president biden is feeling today? >> i imagine it's pretty rough because there has been reporting for a year plus saying that every single day he has been following hunter biden and the legal matter, so much so that aids will bring it up to him and he will kind of erupt. so aids kind of tiptoe around him, they don't want to bring it out, even though it is a live political story, one that we talk about often, and the white house press briefing, there was supposed to be one today, there wasn't one. i imagine they did not want to field questions on this. i imagine as a father this is a tough moment. he doesn't even want to talk about the politics of it but he will have to at some point. >> jesse: but the verdict does contain the potential thrust into his own personal and financial affairs. and so do the tax charges. they have been walled off from anything against joe biden. so at the same time, as distraught as he is about his son, his addiction and conviction, he must feel politically insulated from any future exposure. >> i think he does. i would be stunned if hunter biden did not take a plea deal ahead of the tax charges. that is where you start getting subpoena power. that is where you start getting subpoena power over all of these bank accounts that james comer is talking about. he subpoenaed them on the congressional level but they start to come into a live court case. there is simply no way they allow that to go to trial when they know they've got, to your point if you don't want to pardon hunter, you have a commutation in your back pocket, you will either pay a lame duck president or second term president, more likely the first. he's going to pardon his son. 's son is going to take a plea deal. i would be stunned if he allowed that. >> jesse: and he would take a plea deal to serve any time? remember he rejected serving time in the first plea deal that blew up. >> yeah, look, i think he learned a lesson. he overplayed his hand today. the facts are supposed to match the law in order to get a conviction. this was a slamdunk case. the facts match the law. he lied on a gun form. tax evasion. either you paid your taxes or you didn't and in his case he did not. this is a slamdunk. if he would have taken a plea deal today it would have been much better for him when it came to sentencing, would have gotten a much lighter sentence, so why would you not do that with the tax evasion? >> jesse: and right before the second presidential debate when everybody in the country starts paying attention. kayleigh mcenany has never broken a law and her life, have a great night. >> never, thank you jesse. >> jesse: breaking news on wanda the ballot stuffer straight ahead. 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[♪♪] >> come on, where my people at? come on and party! i need to see my people. [♪♪] >> jesse: it was so uncomfortable that george floyd's brother had to give the president one of those, you all right bro, you good? does not joe out of it. [♪♪] -- to snap joe out of it -- [♪♪] >> jesse: then biden had to speak and use words even 24 hours later we still can't decipher. >> they are all ghosts, trying to take us back. there are, taking away your freedoms, making it harder for black people to vote. banning books about lack experiences. grandmother juneteenth. she [ inaudible ] >> jesse: he's jet lag from france and tormented over his sons trial, he does not want to be at a juneteenth party and it shows. the man with the nuclear codes is cracking. it was the biden administration who may juneteenth a federal holiday and they are not even celebrating it on june 19th. what the heck is going on here? a new poll shows how much black americans distrust the biden government. three quarters of black americans believe that police do little to stop guns and drugs in black communities. a.k.a. they want more thorough police work. over half of black americans think the government encourages single motherhood to eliminate the need for black men. and over half of black americans believe the government promotes birth control and abortion to keep the black population small. the founder of plant parenthood degrees. what to do you know? black and white americans both think biden's governments deviously corrupt. founder of conserve the culture michaela montgomery joins us now. have you ever seen somebody celebrate juneteenth like joe biden? >> i've never seen a more lackadaisical celebration when it comes to my people, so no. not at all. >> jesse: are you worried about the president? it looked like for a second there he forgot he was alive. >> i'm definitely worried about the president's cognitive abilities to lead this country. when you look at everything that's going on internationally, i don't know how i could feel safe living in a country where my president does not seem to even know where he is, let alone be able to keep track of everything that's going on in the world. >> jesse: these poll numbers, i'm so glad we showed them because the majority of black americans believe police don't do enough to keep guns and drugs out of those communities. in other words, they want more aggressive policing, they want police to do a good job, to have the resources and crackdown on crime. that's what republicans and all americans have been saying across the country for years. >> yeah, i never thought that d funds a police movement made sense because when something happens, who else are you going to call? even here in atlanta we have a public training facility being built so then we can better train our officers and give them the resources they need to better serve our communities. so yeah, it is, you know, pretty interesting how now everybody is more so shifting to something that was originally conservative value. as i was telling what of my friends earlier, there's no reason why the hood was the hood when your grandma was a child and it looks like it's still going to be the hood when your kids have kids, you know. these people are tired of seeing their communities being run down, tired of seeing addiction take over their loved ones. so yeah, they would encourage that the taxes that they pay go to better law enforcement, to better policy and better community relations. >> jesse: black americans getting tired of joe biden in the democratic party. why do you think it has taken until now, and all right after the trump presidency and four years into the biden presidency back on till now for black americans to say hey, we are not wedded to the democrat party like we have been for decades? >> one of the first things is of course joe biden telling us we are not black if we don't vote for him. that had a lot of us like what you mean i'm not black. that started to raise questions. but then of course the current state of the economy is not helping. everybody is frustrated with the fact they need three jobs to pay one mortgage. so yeah. >> jesse: all right. do like my pink tie? getting a lot of compliments. >> i love it, you know, the pink is my thing. >> jesse: that's right. real men and women wear pink. have a great night. eight ice as fighters caught and released by the biden a ministration at the border.♪ right back. [♪♪]as (♪) ♪ i don't care if we ever come back ♪ ♪ that i always remember the fun we had ♪ ♪ i love fishing with dad ♪ now through june 14th save 10% on dad's favorite gift, special father's day gift cards, bass pro shops and cabela's. this is the easiest, non-toxic swap you'll ever make. lumineux toothpaste was made by dentists designed to break up plaque and remove any toxins in the mouth, so it'll deep clean your teeth and whiten your teeth without any sensitivity. find lumineux toothpaste at a walmart and target. >> jesse: fox news alert. eight a legal's with suspected isis ties crossed over the border into the country. ice arrested him in philadelphia, la and new york. national correspondent bill melugin has the latest. >> reporter: a federal source with knowledge to this case tells fox news that eight nationals of to gk stan with suspected ties to isis were arrested by i.c.e. in recent days in new york, philadelphia and right here in los angeles. it is over 7000 miles away from the southern border and boxes told it all eight illegals received full that in by dhs at which time we are total derogatory information on them was flagged. we are told potential ties to terrorism and national security concerns flagged later on after they were apparently released into the u.s. in a joint statement of fox news, the fbi and dhs confirmed the arrest saying in part "as the fbi and dhs have recently described in public and partner bulletins, the u.s. has been in a heightened threat environment. the fbi and dhs will continue working around-the-clock with our partners to identify it, investigate and disrupt potential threats to national security." you might remember back in april fbi director christopher ray told a house subcommittee that the threats against the u.s. have increased since israel was attacked by hamas on october 7th. >> given those calls for action, our most immediate concern has been that individuals or small groups will draw some kind of twisted inspiration from the events in the middle east to carry out tax here at home. >> reporter: and the fbi, dhs and our sources haven't said when and where these eight tajikistan nationals crossed over southern border but sources tell us they did cross illegally, they were not visa overstays. this is exactly what people have been worried about. >> jesse: sure is, unbelievable, thank you. the election is less than five once away, the media thinks the most important question about the last election is this... >> as a journalist, as an american, what do you think is the most important question that needs to be answered from both candidates? >> who won the last election. very simple. let's discuss and debate. >> i mean look, it's been asked by donald trump, he refuses to answer it correctly but we will see what he's does. >> in front of 140 million people. it's a little different. >> jesse: stephanopoulos thinks november 5th is a referendum on january 6th. also rachel maddow thinks trump will put her in internment camp. she says i'm worried about the country broadly if we put someone in power who is openly about way that he plans to build camps to hold millions of people. for that matter, what convinces you that these massive camps he's planning are only for migrants? so yes, i'm worried about me, but only as much as i'm worried about all of us. don't flatter yourself, rachel, if anyone is going to a camp, it's a costa. so like anybody with boeser. no one is sending anybody to camps, you silly goose. except for our sons and daughters as we can get some peace and quiet this summer. this preemptive strike against the next trump presidency is nothing compared to the preemptive strike against the supreme court which has been relentless and vicious, including everything from triggering armed psychos to hunt down justices to flag gate. work -- recusal from that trump cases is the goal, secondarily to delegitimize the court so the trump opinions are discredited. the latest dirty trick got a liberal activist went undercover and secretly recorded justice alito and his wife during a private event. she pretended to be a conservative and tried baiting the justice into saying something scandalous. watch. >> people in this country who believe in god have to keep fighting for that to return our country to a place of godliness. >> i agree with you. >> i support your ruling. i am very pro-life. i don't know how we bridge the gap. >> i wish we knew. i don't know. i don't think it's something -- we have a very defined roll. >> jesse: nothing controversial here about the answer. he does not think we will be able to change pro-choice people's minds and he thinks we should have more religion in the country. so what? but the media seized on it as disqualifying. >> we know alito is essentially a fox host on the court. >> new developments about supreme court justice samuel alito's compromised ethics and open support and comfort with extreme far right causes. >> jesse: former presidential candidate the back ramaswamy joins me now. i did not think they would have this kind of dirty trick in their back but they are going undercover now. what you think is next? >> the reality is, this radical left will stop at nothing to implement their agenda. they will go through the law system, they will go through prosecutorial systems, the financial system and through administrative agencies. the reality is, the american people are seeing through the farce they have put up and you full me once, shame on you, for me twice, shame on me. most people in this country understand that. the media's histrionics are becoming even more extreme because they realized that people aren't falling for it but that is going to backfire i believe heading into november. >> jesse: i'm fine with undercover journalistic tactics, that's been bread-and-butter for decades but it's not like a big expose if he likes god and doesn't think he can change the minds of pro-choice americans. earlier i want to get your take on this because we had breaking news earlier. hunter biden found guilty of three gun felonies this morning in delaware. could be facing up to two years, possibly more in prison, if the judge sentences him that way. what do you think this will do to the biden campaign? >> look, i think there's a couple of things going on here. i think this particular trial and conviction is a bit of a farce, a bit of a faint retreat. no to the timing. it came right after the trump trial and the trump verdict. the purpose of this is in the public eye, to legitimize the trump conviction. it's also designed to deflect attention away from what they should be going after the biden family for which is selling off our foreign policy to make their family rich in places like ukraine where hunter biden has absolutely no business serving on the board of a state affiliated energy company which happens to be the same country we are sending $200 billion of american taxpayer money to. so that's what this is about, it's a bit of a deflection, all against the backdrop that these are federal charges when his father is the sitting president of the united states who can absolutely pardon those actual convictions. so we should not fall for that trick and i think that's what this is about. >> jesse: timing is everything in politics and in life. vivek ramaswamy, thank you, have a great night. >> you too. >> jesse: wanda is back. 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(reporter 1) any response to the trade rumors, we keep hearing about? (kev) we talkin' about moving? not the trade, not the trade, we talking about movin'. no thank you. (reporter 2) you could use opendoor. sell your house directly to them, it's easy. (kev) ... i guess we're movin'. >> jesse: fox news alert, wanda has been arrested. the democrat operative who was caught on camera allegedly stuffing pallets in bridgeport, connecticut last year was charged with unlawfully possessing another person's ballot and witness tampering. but this has nothing to do with her alleged stuffing in 2023. this goes all the way back to 2019. wanda was arrested for ballot fraud in the city's 2019 democrat primary for the same candidate she helped elect in 2023,. wanda is accused of filling out someone's absentee ballot, telling them to not vote in person and then asking them to not tell investigators about what she said. wanda is not the only democrat arrested for fraud. three other bridgeport democrats were charged. one of them is a city councilman. wanda has been suspended with pay from her city job for months she works for the front desk for the mayor she got into office. fox 61 reporter paid her a visit today. watch this. >> we like to talk with the mayor about some of the city workers being arrested for election fraud. >> be right with you. >> reporter: we waited. fast-forward. the mayor did not want to talk to us but his 2019 and 2023 mayoral opponents did. >> i always felt like they had been cheated. i did not know the depth of it. >> we called it live on video directly from city hall. the players and the actors remain the same. >> reporter: they both say they believe they should be occupying bridgeport's corner office. >> i'm going down to city hall and telling him to get out of my chair. >> jesse: candidates were cheated, voters don't trust the system. this is why you need squeaky clean elections every time. we need every wanda locked up before november. a cleveland woman was in court yesterday for the murder of a 3-year-old boy and attempted murder of the kids mom. what she did next was disgusting. senior national correspondent kevin corke with more. >> reporter: evening. you know sometimes it really takes every ounce of your being to not say what you really want to say about a person because it would be propane and perhaps even worse, which is why tonight there's precious little i can say about bianca ellis. she is that cleveland woman who's been charged with killing a sweet 3-year-old little boy named julian and for stabbing his mother. but if you thought she would show any remorse for the crime or any ounce of humanity or regret, you would be sadly mistaken because at her arraignment yesterday she did no such thing. in fact she did the opposite, smirking and preening for the cameras without a care in the world, a foegele repugnant display of sheer evil. none of this should have happened in the first place because ellis already had a warrant because of a theft conviction. though she had previously been taken into custody by cops, she was later released. then just four days later she stabbed little julian to death and wounded his mother margo. authorities are calling it a random act of violence. her pale has been set at $5 million. >> we wish per no bail, period, or extended to the max possible at the very least. do whatever you can to keep this monster behind bars. >> jesse: your heart goes out to that dad. to top it all off, back in february ellis, who also has a felony battery wrap on her jacket, ended up in a women's shelter and allegedly told officers there she wanted to kill someone and eat their flesh. if convicted in this case, she could face the death penalty, and some would argue that's not enough. back to you. >> jesse: not enough. to give her the chair twice. kevin, thank you. more "primetime" ahead. [♪♪] whether dad's vehicle is his prized possession or the family hauler... he needs to protect it. this father's day, give him the gift of weathertech. from laser-measured floorliners and cargo liner to keep his interior pristine. to seat protector to guard against stains and sunshade to block harmful uv rays. the cupfone perfectly secures his phone while driving. order these american made products or a gift card at happy father's day! lumineux whitening strips. no peroxide. no pain. i can use them every day if i want. eat what i want. drink what i want. pop in a lumineux strip and hello... smile is back on point. easy. ♪ >> jesse: the key to life as a soft gaze you're looking at the world or anywhere is of a soft gaze of that way you can pick up thanks in your peripheral vision and see things coming from everywhere and see the big picture if you are to laser focused on this you are missing stuff coming from the side and up and down below soft gays. that's the way to go. let's do text. shelly from colorado i guess the good citizens of delaware haven't heard that you don't miss with this mess with the bidens joe said don't and they did royal from california when biden says he won't pardon his son he meant i won't pardon hunter until november 6 though be a lame-duck commutation or pardon in there somewhere dad i smoke crack bought an illegal gun and lost my laptop today i'm so proud to use in judge jeanine taught me criminal law in 1982 nailing it ever since texas some more want to hear about her as a teacher send pictures as well. joe thought it was june 10th so he threw a party i thought biden was raised in a black church not without rhythm he was dougie fresh wasn't so great either you can were pink tie but can't drink with a straw while. that's all for tonight dvr the show hannity is next always remember them waters and this is my world. >> ♪ ♪ >> sean: welcome to hannity tonight complete hysteria on the west wacko conspiracy theorist rachel maddow claiming

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House , Point , Questions , Affairs , Thrust , Sunglasses , Tax Charges , Plea Deal , Exposure , Wall , Subpoena Power , Bank Accounts , Court Case , Level , Commutation , Lame Duck President , First , Hand , Lesson , Order , Everybody , Slamdunk , Lighter , Attention , Breaking News , Ballot Stuffer , Confidence , Boost , Nice , Headlamp , Supercar , Sports Car , Concept Car , Wheel , Pc Game , Video Game Software , Footwear , Shoe , High Heels , Boot , Dance , Tango , Riding Boot , Foot , Interest , Work , Aspen Dental , Dating Scene , Implants , Price , Budget , Financing , Dentures , Down Plus , , Plus 0 , Sitting , Interaction , Lighting , Chair , Finger , Restaurant , Percussion , Baby , Abdomen , Trunk , Lighting Accessory , Tableware , Eye , Hair , Portrait , Fur , Tourist Attraction , Drink , Design , Bar , Alcohol , Scene , Alcoholic Beverage , Hospital , Medical Equipment , Service , Medical , Training , Health Care , Clinic , Medical Assistant , Elliptical Trainer , Stomach 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Sports Equipment , Putter , Knee , Sidewalk , Golf Equipment , Calf , Sports Training , Door Handle , Superfood , Flavor , Skin Care , Natural Foods , Superfruit , Fruit , Dietary Supplement , Cream , Vegan Nutrition , Herbal , Cranberry , Diet Food , Grape , Seedless Fruit , Grapevine Family , Sultana , Vitis , Flowering Plant , Produce , Vineyard , Berry , Grape Seed Extract , Vegetarian Food , Grape Leaves , Seed Plant , Local Food , Balloon , Microphone , Tobacco Products , Audio Equipment , Action Film , Cooking , Eating , Junk Food , Nature , Public Space , Human Settlement , Traffic Sign , Woody Plant , Estate , Urban Design , Condominium , Land Lot , Street , Campus , Infrastructure , Lane , Pedestrian Crossing , Wood Stain , Bottle , Icon , Fashion Accessory , Hair Care , Model , Brassiere , Sweater , Tomato , Brewery , Blacksmith , Wheelchair , Brass Instrument , Learning , Classroom , Education , Communication Device , Teacher , Seminar , Projection Screen , Gadget , Electronics , Mobile Phone , Smartphone , Portable Communications Device , Liqueur , Computer Hardware , Pub , Indoor Games And Sports , Houseplant , Personal Computer , Coat , Trench Coat , Overcoat , Fur Clothing , Costume , Jeans , Denim , Musical Ensemble , Theatre , Musical Theatre , Mythology , Nativity Scene , Painting , Tape , Middle Ages , Wildlife , Animal , Religion , Headgear , Hat , Anime , 3d Modeling , Output Device , Still Life Photography , Stock Photography , Small Appliance , Plumbing Fixture , Goggles , Romance , Drama , Kiss , Statue , Soldier , Jewellery , Headphones , Hearing , Street Fashion , Fashion Model , Fashion Design , Haute Couture , Groom , Wedding Dress , Floristry , Marriage , Wedding , Bridal Clothing , Flower Arranging , Floral Design , Gown , Bride , Hatchback , Subcompact Car , Volkswagen Tiguan , Hot Hatch , Toyota , Hybrid Vehicle , Volkswagen , Executive Car , Sports Sedan , Volvo Cars , Sedan , Mitsubishi , Mazda , Electric Vehicle , Photo Shoot , Rolls Royce , Performance Car , Turquoise , Emblem , Arrow , Citroën C3 , Volkswagen Gti , Bmw , Citroën , Electric Car , Tesla Model S , Honda Fit , Nissan Leaf , Golf Cart , Golf Club , Hyundai , Roadster , Mitsubishi I Miev , Tesla , Mercedes Benz , Scion , Ford F 550 , Ford Super Duty , Fender , Toyota Fj Cruiser , Mini Mpv , Television Set , Range Rover , Parking Lot , Police Car , Mitsubishi Endeavor , Windscreen Wiper , Mini , Ford Mustang , Ford Motor Company , Hyundai Tucson , Ford , Hyundai Santa Fe , Nissan Qashqai , Hyundai Veloster , Law Enforcement , Jersey , Ice , Sportswear , Cumulus , Document , Flat Panel Display , Distilled Beverage , Coffeehouse , Barista , Coffee , Computer Monitor , Cup , Desktop Computer , Flap , Family Pictures , System , Computer , Screen , Home Appliance , Software Engineering , Sharing , Mother , Student , Reading , Sibling , Dog , Mammal , Canidae , Dog Breed , Vertebrate , Labrador Retriever , Carnivore , Companion Dog , Retriever , Sporting Group , Puppy , Golden Retriever , Pointing Breed , Last Night , Leaf , Celebration , Slavery , Trans Plaster , Nine , Basketball , Competition , Team Sport , Briefs , Trump Courtroom , Name , Brother , Bro , George Floyd , Snap Joe Out Of It , Words , Use , Freedoms , Ghosts , Grandmother Juneteenth , Black Experiences , Books , Jet Lag , Juneteenth Party , Oman , Codes , France , Professional Wrestling , Black Americans , Check , Poll , Quarters , June 19th , Led Display , Led Backlit Lcd Display , Communities , Half , Men , Kaka , Need , Motherhood , Founder , Birth Control , Black And White Americans , Abortion , Governments Deviously Corrupt , Black Population Small , Lackadaisical Celebration , Culture , Michaela Montgomery , Second , Track , Abilities , Policing , Poll Numbers , Majority , Resources , Crackdown , D , Police Movement , Something , Officers , Sense , Public Training Facility Being , Atlanta , Grandma , Value , Friends , Kids , Loved Ones , Run Down , Presidency , Policy , Community Relations , Four , Economy , Compliments , Mortgage , Jobs , Makeover , Border , That S Right , Fighters , Women , Eight , Natural Landscape , Natural Environment , Forest , Nature Reserve , Woodland , Reflection , Vegetation , Wilderness , Biome , State Park , Old Growth Forest , Morning , Water Resources , Wetland , Bank , Temperate Coniferous Forest , Bayou , Temperate Broadleaf And Mixed Forest , Landscape , Northern Hardwood Forest , Riparian Forest , Spruce Fir Forest , Tropical And Subtropical Coniferous Forests , Swamp , Watercourse , Jungle , National Park , Grove , Valdivian Temperate Rain Forest , Pond , Rainforest , Bog , Deciduous , Lake , River , Autumn , Plant Community , Care , Fishing , Fish , Bony Fish , Cool , Album Cover , Photographic Paper , Album , Vintage Clothing , Father S Day , Gift , Cabela S , Bass Pro Shops , June 14th , Bass , Recreational Fishing , Ray Finned Fish , Chip , Waist , Underpants , Dress Shirt , Hoodie , Collar , Portrait Photography , Cable , Ophthalmology , Gauge , Loudspeaker , Fence , Tennis Court , Suburb , Baseball Field , Handrail , Bicycle Motocross , Evening , Aerial Photography , Rural Area , Farm , Arena , Baseball Park , Plain , Landscaping , Branch , Historic Site , Horizon , Baseball , College Baseball , Bat And Ball Games , Ball Game , Baseball Equipment , Baseball Positions , Grass Family , Baseball Player , Pitcher , Tournament , Softball , Pitch , Field , College Softball , Soccer Specific Stadium , Football Player , Urban Area , Race Track , Air Travel , Panorama , Street Light , Cap , Slam Dunk , Sports Gear , Mime Artist , Crew , Extreme Sport , Daitō Ryū Aiki Jūjutsu , Contact Sport , Japanese Martial Arts , Martial Arts , Sand , Grappling , Aikido , Silhouette , Shadow , Buzz Cut , Rapper , Sports Uniform , Baseball Bat , Baseball Protective Gear , Catcher , Stick And Ball Sports , Baseball Uniform , Infielder , Baseball Umpire , Glove , Gridiron Football , American Football , Canadian Football , Baseball Glove , Fireworks , New Year , New Years Day , New Year S Eve , Fête , Diwali , Explosive Material , Wind , Dusk , Landmark , Scoreboard , Telephony , Telephone , Electronics Accessory , Feature Phone , Corded Phone , Caller Id , Remote Control , Countertop , Cabinetry , Vegetable , Kitchen Appliance , Answering Machine , Apartment , Major Appliance , Slipcover , Apple , Electronic Instrument , Mobile Device , Portable Media Player , Dish , Cuisine , Muffin , Baked Goods , Dessert , Ingredient , Kulich , Finger Food , Recipe , Bread , Side Dish , Asian Food , European Food , Staple Food , Brown Bread , Panettone , Pumpernickel , Roasting , Pork Loin , Meat , Beef Tenderloin , Pork , Steak , Wood Flooring , Churrasco Food , Grilling , Rump Cover , Carne Asada , Rib Eye Steak , Beef , Mixed Grill , Grillades , Meal , Comfort Food , Brunch , Lunch , Indian Cuisine , Breakfast , Eggplant , Meatloaf , Potato , Loaf , Sirloin Steak , Mediterranean Food , Patty , Fried Food , Bike , Bicycle Part , Rim , Bicycle Frame , Spoke , Bicycle Wheel , Bicycle Drivetrain Part , Mountain Bike , Road Bicycle , Crankset , Freestyle Bmx , Flatland Bmx , Cycle Sport , Bmx Bike , Cycling , Bmx Racing , Bicycle Pedal , Stunt , Stunt Performer , Bicycle Handlebar , Bicycle Helmet , Bicycle Saddle , Racing Bicycle , Bicycles Equipment And Supplies , Hybrid Bicycle , Triathlon , Bicycle Clothing , Freeride , Town , Downtown , Nonbuilding Structure , Street Stunts , Downhill Mountain Biking , Mountain Biking , Mountain Bike Racing , Motocross , Trail , Terrain , Freestyle Motocross , Racing , Endurocross , Enduro , Atmospheric Phenomenon , Longboard , Outdoor Structure , Metropolitan Area , Bird S Eye View , Metropolis , Mixed Use , Village , Cityscape , Skyline , Kick Scooter , Bicycle Tire , Bicycle Fork , Chopper , Motorcycle , Rv , Travel Trailer , Trailer , Concrete Mixer , Shed , Sewing Machine , Sewing , Handbag , Leather , Musical Instrument , Pool , Billiards , Cue Stick , Warehouseman , Drum , Pianist , Strength Training , Crossfit , Pilates , Commercial Building , Market , Warehouse , Factory , Outlet Store , Hall , Shopping Mall , Convenience Store , Toy , Kindergarten , Supermarket , Supper , Dinner , Rehearsal Dinner , Lumineux Toothpaste , Dentists , Swap , Taste , Dining Room , Housewarming Party , Bathroom , Teeth , Sensitivity , Toxins , Plaque , Target , Find Lumineux Toothpaste , Walmart , Singer , Solution , Personal Lubricant , Personal Care , Moisture , Web Page , Computer Icon , Iphone , Ipad , Customer , Software , Gps Navigation Device , Computer Program , Multimedia Software , Fountain , Water Feature , Fire , Light Fixture , Moonlight , Architecture , Arch , Wing , Luxury Yacht , Drawing , Bill Melugin , Latest , Isis , Philadelphia , New York , Reporter , Source , Ties , Knowledge , Stan , Nationals , Super Bowl , Illegals , Boxes , Los Angeles , Map , Atlas , Ecoregion , Dhs , Statement , Concerns , Security , Terrorism , Information , World Rally Championship , Camel , Slum , Army , Military Uniform , Military Organization , Infantry , Military Officer , Marines , Practical Shooting , Military Rank , Riot , Partner , Threat , Arrest , Environment , Bulletins , Badge , Air Force , Threats , Christopher Ray , Investigate , House Subcommittee , National Security , Israel , Hamas On October 7th , October 7th , Conference Hall , Parliament , Events , Action , Concern , Groups , Inspiration , Individuals , Middle East , Sources , Haven T , Tajikistan Nationals , Visa Overstays , Unbelievable , Five , Candidates , Rachel Maddow , Referendum , Internment Camp , Front , Stephanopoulos Thinks November 5th , January 6th , 140 Million , Camps , Power , Planning , Migrants , Anybody , Camp , Anyone , Goose , Costa , Boeser , Preemptive Strike , Strike , Peace , Supreme Court , Daughters , Stock Trader , Trick , Justices , Cases , Goal , Secondarily , Gate , Recusal , Opinions , Armed Psychos , Samuel Alito , Activist , Conservative , Bartender , Place , God , Fighting , Ngodliness , Ruling , I Don T Know , Gap , Answer , Roll , Minds , Disqualifying , Support , Fox Host , Supreme Court Justice , Developments , Ethics , Causes , Reality , Back Ramaswamy , Left , Shame , Farce , Systems , Law System , Agenda , Agencies , Extreme , Histrionics , Expose , Tactics , Motorcycle Helmet , Race Car , Spring , Timing , Campaign , Retreat , Veil , Trump Trial , The Public Eye , Board , Foreign Policy , Energy Company , Business Serving , American Taxpayer Money To , 00 Billion , 200 Billion , Convictions , President Of The United States , Backdrop , Deflection , Vivek Ramaswamy , Superhero , Captain America , Digital Compositing , Supervillain , Relief , Pain Reliever , Joker , Flash Photography , Flame , Geological Phenomenon , Explosion , Classic Car , Vintage Car , Coupé , Classic , Full Size Car , Gaz M20 Pobeda , Antique Car , Gaz 21 , Muscle Car , Highway , Freeway , Flesh , Guitarist , String Instrument , Full Moon , Celestial Event , Operating System , Spain , Ingredients , Contact , Advil , Marine Biology , Nerve , Payment Card , Petal , Hippeastrum , Anthurium , Amaryllis Family , Arum Family , Herbaceous Plant , Peach , Liquid , Afro , Window Covering , Wallet , Golo , Try , Chocolate , Belt , Hardware Accessory , Hide Beetles , Dulce De Leche , Caramel , Cajeta , Quince Cheese , Confectionery , Sticky Toffee Pudding , Toffee , Glaze , Pudding , Caramel Color , Confiture De Lait , Polish Food , Ring , Wedding Ring , Fudge , Nougat , Butterscotch , Turrón , Praline , Chocolate Bar , Dominostein , Panela , Peanut Butter , Tablet , Dodol , Candy , Muscovado , Bonbon , Weight , Back , Release Supplement , Change , Professor , Propeller , Relief Factor , Author , Beer , Supplement , Glass Bottle , Plastic Bottle , Home Accessories , Mason Jar , Golfer , Professional Golfer , Golf Course , Wedge , Pitch And Putt , Hickory Golf , Precision Sports , Match Play , Fourball , Foursome Golf , Grassland , Sand Wedge , Lawn Game , Ball , Golf Ball , Bocce , Pétanque , Pasture , Meadow , Prairie , Highland , Steppe , Kev , Trade , Reporters , Trade Rumors , Hill Station , Floodplain , Crop , Miniature Golf , Outdoor Recreation , Choreography , Opendoor , Boxing , Professional Boxing , Striking Combat Sports , Wrestler , Action Figure , Tablet Computer , Disc Jockey , Closet , Shelf , Wardrobe , Shelving , Household Supply , Pen , Office Supplies , Nail Care , Cosmetics , Figurine , Barbie , Doll , Playset , Guitar , Plucked String Instruments , Drums , Electric Guitar , Bass Guitar , Drummer , Tom Drum , Membranophone , Electronic Drum , Snare Drum , Drumhead , Bass Drum , Idiophone , Timbales , Percussionist , Marching Percussion , Acoustic Electric Guitar , Acoustic Guitar , Bassist , String Instrument Accessory , Keyboard , Musical Keyboard , Piano , Electronic Keyboard , Digital Piano , Electric Piano , Electronic Musical Instrument , Keyboard Player , Synthesizer , Cymbal , Earrings , Heart , Curtain , Window Treatment , Waiting Room , Netbook , Coffee Table , Beach , Spring Break , Ocean , Sea , Campfire , Double Bass , Bowed String Instrument , Bonfire , Folk Instrument , Xylophone , Museum , Modern Art , Lobby , Hotel , Suite , Boutique Hotel , Wedding Reception , Plaster , Art Gallery , Exhibition , Supermini , Hyundai Veracruz , Mazda Cx 7 , Saab Automobile , Nissan Rogue , Porsche , Saturn Vue , Porsche Cayenne , Chevrolet Captiva , Driveway , Lexus Rx , Toyota Fortuner , Nissan X Trail , Subaru , Tow Truck , Taxi , Bmw X1 , Subaru Outback , Lexus , Lexus Rx Hybrid , Volvo Xc90 , Publication , Newspaper , Selling , Operative , Camera , Formula One , Hard Hat , Ballot , Stuffing , Pallets , Witness Tampering , Bridgeport , Connecticut , Elect , Candidate , Absentee Ballot , Ballot Fraud , Primary , Filling , In The City , City Councilman , Fraud , Mayor , Pay , City Job , Visit , Display Case , Some , Election Fraud , Workers , Fast Forward , Home Door , Window Blind , Opponents , Video , Depth , City Hall , Players , Same , Actors , Corner Office , Headstone , Memorial , Grave , Commemorative Plaque , Monument , Cemetery , National Historic Landmark , University , Woman , Elections , Boy , Murder , Voters , Cleveland , Bounce , Kevin Corke , Being , Attempted Murder , Senior , Little Boy , Little , Propane , Julian , Bianca Ellis , Strongman , Opposite , Cameras , Regret , Arraignment , Humanity , Smirking , Preening , Theft Conviction , Evil , Display , Warrant , Custody , Cops , None , Foegele , Traffic Light , Margo , Pale , Death , Violence , Authorities , Million , 5 Million , Tile , Bail , Off , Felony Battery Wrap , February Ellis , Women S Shelter , Primetime , Death Penalty , Mobile Phone Accessories , Vehicle Audio , Media Player , Mountainous Landforms , Mountain , Mountain Range , Mountain Pass , Bridge , Hill , Fell , Mount Scenery , Summit , Thoroughfare , Valley , Massif , Alps , Conifer , Depression , Pine Family , Geology , Badlands , Escarpment , Street Sign , Water Transportation , Waterway , Boat , Watercraft , Canal , Boating , Channel , School Bus , Emergency Vehicle , Ford F 350 , Backyard , Camping , Patio , Picnic , Tent , Reservoir , Tarn , Loch , Lake District , Fjord , Larch , Pine , Inlet , Fir , Spruce , Tundra , Adventure , Playground , Off Roading , Path , Dirt Road , Off Road Vehicle , Marina , Dock , Port , Airport , Mobile Home , Shipping Container , Construction Equipment , Log Cabin , Garden Buildings , Cottage , Canopy , Shade , Artificial Island , Island , Aerospace Engineering , Earth , Worship , Sparkler , Lantern , Video Game Arcade Cabinet , Arcade Game , Reactable , Plywood , Art Exhibition , Clock , Digital Clock , Boutique , Alley , Lamp , Cathedral , Landscape Lighting , Tennis , Tennis Equipment , Racket , Tennis Player , Racquet Sport , Soft Tennis , Tennis Ball , Jumping , Track And Field Athletics , Heptathlon , High Jump , Pole Vault , Hurdling , Lingerie , Sleeveless Shirt , Sports Bra , Yoga Pant , Hug , Swing , Botany , Annual Plant , Plantation , Herb , Groundcover , Cornales , Cargo Liner , Seat Protector , Stains , Interior Pristine , Xhauler , Weathertech , Floorliners , Hardtop , Mg Cars , Baby Products , Baby Carriage , Plaid , Tartan , Engine , Gas , Bentley , Mat , Cupfone , Gift Card , Uv Rays , Sunshade , Phone , Products , Car Seat Cover , Toyota Venza , Automotive Carrying Rack , Mercedes Benz Glk Class , Sunroof , Steering Wheel , Steering Part , Ankle , Skyscraper , Calm , Sunset , Sunrise , Tower Block , Dawn , Waste , Muridae , Zoo , Animal Shelter , Tower , Spire , Steeple , Clock Tower , Runway , Fashion Show , Bag , Luggage And Bags , Baggage , Lumineux Whitening Strips , Winter , Peroxide , Pop , Lumineux Strip , Smoking , Pleased , Bob Cut , Feathered Hair , Suidae , Domestic Pig , Pig , Boar , Street Dog , Hunting Dog , Pointer , Lycaon Pictus , Snout , American Pit Bull Terrier , Terrestrial Animal , Non Sporting Group , Mountain Cur , Weimaraner , Neapolitan Mastiff , Bull Terrier , West Highland White Terrier , Terrier , Wire Fencing , Livestock , Chain Link Fencing , Orangutan , Panda , Bear , Newfoundland , Guard Dog , Working Dog , Fila Brasileiro , Cane Corso , Perro De Presa Canario , Tosa , Sarplaninac , Caucasian Shepherd Dog , Leonberger , Livestock Guardian Dog , Giant Dog Breed , Ancient Dog Breeds , Irish Wolfhound , Moscow Watchdog , Dog Crate , Fawn , Dog Supply , Rhodesian Ridgeback , Black Mouth Cur , Broholmer , Boerboel , Portuguese Pointer , Hound , Great Dane , Chesapeake Bay Retriever , Aspin , Working Animal , Blue Lacy , Gun Dog , Cat , Felidae , Whiskers , Small To Medium Sized Cats , Kitten , Domestic Short Haired Cat , Seal , Sea Lion , Harbor Seal , Big Cats , Lion , Marine Mammal , German Shepherd Dog , Akbash Dog , Great Pyrenees , Central Asian Shepherd Dog , Rare Breed Dog , Rafeiro Do Alentejo , Conformation Show , Pit Bull , Obedience Training , Staffordshire Bull Terrier , American Staffordshire Terrier , Dog Collar , Police Dog , Greyhound , Leash , Dog Walking , Miniature Schnauzer , Yorkshire Terrier , Toy Dog , Schnauzer , Vulnerable Native Breeds , Pomeranian , Shih Tzu , Cairn Terrier , Norwich Terrier , Active Shirt , Long Sleeved T Shirt , Printing , Cow Goat Family , Old World Monkey , Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever , Australian Shepherd , Small Greek Domestic Dog , Miniature Australian Shepherd , Dalmatian , Kennel , Winter Storm , Visual Effect Lighting , Laser , Optoelectronics , Cowboy , Motorsport , Neon Sign , Gaze , The Key , Everywhere , Vision , Stuff , Side , Anywhere , Thanks , The Big Picture , Shelly , Citizens , Delaware Haven T , Gays , Mess , Colorado , Lcd Tv , Slot Machine , Pardon Hunter , Bidens Joe , California , November 6 , Criminal Law , Somewhere , Crack , Want , Texas , June 10th , Dougie Fresh Wasn T , Rhythm , Black Church , Show Hannity , Straw , Dvr , General Motors ,

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