The Telangana police this week rescued two techies who were lured by Chinese-run gangs into working a job where they were committing cyber fraud and toiling 16 hours a day. These two techies are not the only Indian techies who have been lured into these jobs. Over the past years many unsuspecting Indian young IT workers have been misled and trafficked into Cambodia and Myanmar and forced to work for Chinese cyber crime gangs which operate out of these nations.
According to researcher Xian Yaolong, of the Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Beijing has an interest in stopping the fighting between the military and anti-coup forces only in some areas of the country, to protect trade and ensure the security of its citizens. For this reason, even a violation of the recently agreed ceasefire is not necessarily seen as a failure by China.
A report released by a Karen human rights group found that the military have been responsible for enforced disappearances since they seized power two years ago. Pro-democracy militias have also tortured and killed people for allegedly acting as spies and informants for the military regime. Meanwhile, resistance forces in northern Myanmar are making progress, pressing hard on junta forces.
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