recently published his latest book on thomas jefferson. once a darling of the left he now should his socialist passing though he still holds to keep some sections on marxism. however his forsaken his liberal friends, describing them as to righteous, boring and have been for us. as views then is not to be pigeonholed. maybe that word contrary and best describes him. latest in judgment, please welcome christopher hitchens. [applause] first of all thank you very much ladies and joan were comin coming. thank you for that very handsome introduction. it s nice to meet someone for whom i could ve been separated from epworth. [laughter] i am told ladies and judge of mobile have three quarters of an hour together. so it s an hour okay that s goo good. was going to say i would take it when people like yourselves come to events like this in order to speak as well as to be spoken to. so will try to be is sparing with my share of the time as they can be. but bear in mind that mr. jeffer