The Indian Express’ UPSC weekly news express covers some of the important and burning topics of current affairs news from this week to help you prepare for UPSC-CSE. Don't miss the Points to ponder and MCQs.
Rurbanisation, urban floods, and more Pranay Aggarwal discusses key issues and probable questions for UPSC CSE on Urbanisation. Don't miss 'Express Inputs', and stay tuned for Part 3.
Will the Principal's partiality towards selected students win over ethics and integrity? Let's learn from Nanditesh Nilay in the caselet today. Don't miss the Express Input and points to ponder.
Dive deep with The Indian Express’ UPSC weekly news express which covers some of the important topics of current affairs news from this week to help you prepare for UPSC-CSE. Try out the MCQs and check your answers provided towards the end of the article.