The Steamboat Springs School District has hired two new principals to lead Sleeping Giant School and Strawberry Park Elementary. Hired into the role permanently, Joe Laliberte has served as the interim principal of Sleeping Giant.
Steamboat’s teachers have been through a lot in the last two years. They had to figure out how toteach the littlest learners from a computer screen on the fly, while many adults still can’t get.
The #SteamboatSnaps Fall Foliage Photo Contest is back. Colorado’s impressive foliage is in full swing and Pilot & Today wants to see how you capture the colors in Routt County. Submit photos to the contest.
As students returned to Steamboat Springs schools on Tuesday, Aug. 23, the district’s new superintendent, Celine Wicks, said she wants to highlight the amazing things students are doing that have been overlooked in recent years..