Robotics enthusiasts inspire young minds Jack and Kim Smith are retired engineers who run the local 4-H Robotics Club. On Feb. 15 and 16, they volunteered their time to run a robotics workshop with a.
An ad hoc committee of moms from neighborhoods west of Steamboat Springs have submitted a petition to Routt County Commissioners asking for help in adding safe highway crossing infrastructure on U.S. Highway 40 at the.
By Chris Selle | MSD Superintendent MEEKER | I am proud to be a Meeker Cowboy! Much of that pride results from the excellent educators who work in Meeker School District RE-1. As with any school year, we have made wonderful additions to our staff and are excited that the following individuals have chosen to
Each year, the Rotary Clubs of northern Colorado, western Nebraska, and Wyoming sponsor a week-long, all-expenses paid leadership conference for outstanding middle school and high school students called Rotary Youth Leadership Awards at the YMCA.
A strong theme running through the Yampa Valley Electric Association annual meeting on Tuesday was how the member-owned nonprofit electric cooperative is responding to customer-member requests for a future of stable, predictable electricity prices. “We’ve.