Armando has built an AI company over 20 years, deeply focusing on Finance and Trading.He discusses his journey, and also reflects on how generative AI startups can be built in a capital-efficient manner. Great conversation! Sramana Mitra: Let's start at the very beginning of your story. Where are you from? Where were you born and raised? What kind of background? Armando Gonzales: I'm the CEO and Founder of RavenPack. I'm from San Diego, California. I currently reside in Spain where I started my company. Sramana Mitra: Where did you grow up? Armando Gonzales: I grew up in southern California mostly. I ended up moving for college to France. I moved to Paris where I studied both business and economics. It was in Paris that I met my early co-founders who were very interested in AI - specifically language AI. That brought me to Spain where it seemed like a good place to start a company. I'm in the southern part of Spain. It's on the Mediterranean coast. Sramana Mitr
Sramana Mitra: Data is clearly going to change the pharmaceutical industry. Susan Wood: Similarly to find sites. Here are 50 sites that do high-quality imaging
Susan Wood: There are people out there who are walking around with a prevalence of lung disease that they're not even aware of. You can have low-level or medium
Sramana Mitra: Did you succeed in raising venture capital? Susan Wood: Within the state, yes. The last round was a couple of years ago. That was with First
Sramana Mitra: What is the average deal size? Susan Wood: In phase three, it's in the order of $3 million to $5 million. I want to mention something else. When