Ambitions. Finally, weve seen the cost of systemic racism. It didnt just about police reform. Its about dealing with the wound of systemic racism in this nation. We need a dedicated agenda to close the wealth gap, expand affordable housing, invest in brown and black and native american entrepreneurs. Make real the promise of educational opportunity. For too long the battle over racial equality has divided america. It should be used now to unite us. Donald trump says hes saving the American Heritage by embracing the Confederate Flag and generals who were treasonous against the United States of america. Do you think donald trump has any idea that 360,000 pennsylvanians fought on the side of the union to defeat the flag, that Confederate Flag, including more black soldiers coming from the state of pennsylvania than any other state in the nation . You think he has any clue that 33,000 pennsylvanians died in the civil war fighting against what that flag stood for . I see a different america
Feb 9, 2021 | Features by TRACY ZOLLINGER TURNER
Doris Sims has seen the country “go through hills and valleys” when it comes to race. “A lot especially within this past year has happened within our country with dealing with racial inequality, and dealing with issues of equity and diversity,” she says. For some, she believes, this time has introduced new awareness. “What I’m hoping is that we don’t lose the momentum that we’ve gained. It’s easy to stick a sign in your yard and say, ‘Black Lives Matter,’ it’s another thing to make sure the actions that you take show that Black lives matter to you.”
Feb 9, 2021 | Features
The achievements of Black women are being recognized nationally as never before, thanks to the ascent of Kamala Harris to the vice presidency, the impact of Black women on the presidential election, and the several Black women appointed to cabinet and other key government positions. Finally, and long overdue.
Black women are also mayors of several of the country’s largest cities, including Chicago, Atlanta, San Francisco, New Orleans, and Washington, D.C., and Michelle Obama for the third straight year is the most admired woman in America, according to a 2020 Gallup poll. (Harris finished second.)