Roar of Conquest: Latin Empire Roster news
A detailed description of the Latin Empire roster.
Mar 12th, 2021
Greetings! Today I will covering the stats and availability of the Latin Empire roster in Roar of Conquest, overhaul of Stainless Steel 6.4. The Latin Empire is a brand new faction to the mod that is not in Stainless Steel. This article should help those who are curious to have a better understanding of how their roster will perform in battle and when certain units will become available in the campaign. The stats you see here will reflect version 4.0 of ROC. Now onto the details!
Roar of Conquest 4.0 Change Log: New Faction! news
Detailed description of changes between Roar of Conquest version 3.1 to version 4.0.
Mar 9th, 2021
Greetings! I am happy to announce that Roar of Conquest 4.0, overhaul of Stainless Steel 6.4, is now live and available for download! This article will be covering the changes made between version 3.1 and version 4.0 of ROC, not necessarily the changes between SS 6.4 and ROC; feel free to visit the mod page and look over the other articles for a better understanding of the changes made from Stainless Steel 6.4 to Roar of Conquest. Now, on to the changes!
Bug Fixes
Happily, I found no major bugs this time around; just a bit of cleanup in some messy coding here and there. There is only one, stand-out bug that is currently consistent in the mod, but I am happy to report it is simply a visual one and should not cause any crashes at all. When playing as or against the new faction, you will see a purple texture instead of a portrait anyt