he s going to get to the bottom of this. that is exactly the only thing that will bring the truth out. a federal grand jury testimony under oath, subpoenaed documents, get it done, and that is where we are headed for you to speed when you believe all that will happen? mr. barr is the perfect man at the right moment in history. sean: victoria? i think what is scary is i do not believe that the 2016 election was the first rodeo on this kind of activity. there is evidence, a fisa it court opinion at 2017 that talks about the obama administration violating fisa, going back to 2012. there s also evidence of how they went against their political opponents. if you remember, a thorn in the side of the obama administratio administration. sean: can you imagine the deputy fbi director bragging, if
sean: can you imagine the deputy fbi director bragging, if you don t need an attorney, and an fbi director saying, he took advantage of the chaos, setting up a 33 year vet? 2014, they set him up with that russian moment and then had people immediately start typing they were having an affair, and we know that that s false, and she is now suing. if that were true, do you think she d be suing? she just filed a lawsuit last week. there is evidence that they started in the early days of the second term of president obama and they just got better. sean: does this go all the way to the oval office? you are jumping ahead of me but i planned on getting to that. absolutely. sean: john? dirty tricks, character assassination, they ve been in elections for 40 years. but in this election, the fact that the united states government, the fbi, possibly the cia, the nsa, were involved in carrying out the dirty trick. that should concern us all. never in my lifetime have i known the fbi to do
if it is all connected to terrorism. there is something going to attack the united states. when it is misused against american citizens, with the opponents political campaign, this is where we have to investigate how it happened, because no government should do this lightly to an opponent s political campaign. literally the fbi director bragging, oh, i told general flynn a 33 year veteran that he does not need a lawyer, and then they were setting him up. sean: i would never do this in the bush or obama administration s. think about flynn, they use the logan act against him, and then they monitor his phone calls, and release the results of unmasked phone call to the press, and no one has been held accountable for that? sean: ari, last year in the obama administration, 350% increase of surveillance on unmasking americans, why would
something going to attack the united states. the government has this awesome power. when it is misused against american citizens, with the opponents political campaign, this is where we have to c investigate how it happened, because no government should do this lightly to an opponent s political campaign. sean: think of what they did. you had literally the fbi director bragging, oh, i told general flynn, a 33 year vet, that he does not need a lawyer, and then they were settingng him up. comey bragged, i would never do this in the bush and obama administrations. think about flynn, they use the logan act against him, and then they monitor his phone calls, and release the results of unmasked phone call to the press, and no one has been held accountable for that? sean: ari, last year in the obama administration, a 350% t increase in surveillance, unmasking americans, why would
the trump campaign is down playing their relationship with cambridge, too. the critical thing is if you look at brad, who is the digital director bragging about the size of their data base, the size of trump s database is the same size of the cambridge database and they talked about the fact they used cambridge as models to use look alike audiences. to some extent on the regulation front, i treat this like a consumer product. it isn t just the fact cambridge did something wrong but all the derivatives from that. anything that took place on this ill gotten data to begin with, the way i m considering it the fruit of the poison tree. i look at any other place that basically replicated or cloned this data set. what is going on with them? that s the thing that i think everyone sort of thinks after this is so you ve got this data and terms of service and they come along and do something they