The Pleasanton City Council voted unanimously last week to approve plans to redesign Lions Wayside and Delucchi parks, including moving the bandstand closer to the Firehouse Arts Center and renovate it to look more like a gazebo .
The Pleasanton City Council is set Tuesday to consider allocating $500,000 so staff can proceed with the planning process to develop two new city-owned wells. Read about that and more from a crowded meeting agenda here.
The Pleasanton City Council has decided to table last week s discussion surrounding proposed improvements to the Lions Wayside and Delucchi parks until a later council meeting this year so the PDA could have more time to provide input.
The Pleasanton City Council is set Tuesday to debate approving the final draft of the new Citywide Strategic Plan a five-year planning framework that will look to replace the city s longstanding two-year planning process.
Rome is burning. If the Pleasanton City Council majority of Mayor Karla Brown and Councilmembers Valerie Arkin, Jeff Nibert and Julie Testa have their way, we might not have the people or the water pressure to put out the fire.