Schools in Delhi-NCR registered a dip in attendance on Thursday, a day after a bomb scare which left parents rattled about the safety of their children in schools.
New Delhi: At least 100 schools in the Delhi-NCR area received identical bomb threats by email on Wednesday, triggering mass evacuations and large-scale searches as panicked parents rushed to.
Bomb Threats in Delhi-NCR Schools: Several schools across the national capital city and bordering areas received bomb threats, prompting urgent evacuations and heightened security measures on Wednesday morning.
Bomb threats led to panic in Delhi and Noida schools. Evacuation and search operations ongoing with bomb detection teams, disposal squads, and fire brigade. Various schools affected by the threats.
Mother Mary s School, DPS Dwarka, Sanskriti School Chanakyapuri, Amity School Saket, DPS Noida and others have received bomb threats. | Latest News India