The SC collegium had on Monday recommended the appointment of Justice Sharma along with then Rajasthan HC Chief Justice Augustine George Masih and the then Gauhati HC Chief Justice Sandeep Mehta as judges of the top court.
Get latest articles and stories on India at LatestLY. The Delhi High court on Friday allowed BJP MLA Vijender Gupta to attend the budget session of the Delhi Assembly session from Monday. India News | Delhi HC Allows BJP MLA Vijender Gupta to Attend Assembly Session.
There is nothing wrong with judges being pro-government or against the government as they may have different outlook and approaches towards the issues before them and it leads to the development of law, said Delhi High Court Chief Justice DN Patel.
The Bar Council of Delhi (BCD) team which visited the Rohini Court premises on the day of the blast would submit its report to the Delhi Chief Justice by Tuesday, said its Chairman Rakesh Sehrawat.