The BDA regularly auctions sites for revenue, and on October 16, it presented 123 corner and middle sites for auction across various layouts it had previously developed. However, these sites exist only on paper, and in an era where people rely on platforms like Google Maps for location information, many prospective buyers face difficulty finding these non-geo-tagged sites.
Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has announced an e-auction for 453 properties, including institutional, industrial, and residential plots. The plots are classified into 12 categories and have no legal complications. The registration process for prime plots is open until November 6, and the e-auction will be conducted on November 7, 8, and 9.
DDA Plots: Online bidding of these properties has been scheduled for three days from November 7 to 9, and the exercise has been grouped for public convenience, they said.
The High Court has said that the Development Authority could not permitted to take advantage of its own lapse in not informing the petitioner of the court's status quo order.
GDA Rohini Apartment Scheme गोरखपुर में पत्रकारों शिक्षकों अधिवक्ताओं व आम लोगों के लिए नवरात्र के पहले दिन बड़ी आवासीय योजना लांच होने जा रही है। इस योजना में 256 टू बीएचके आवास होंगे। पत्रकारपुरम की तरह ही इस योजना में भी सभी आवास सेमीफर्निश्ड होंगे।