Garfield County Commission candidate Yesterday John Martin said, “[a]nd I’m old. I’m gray. I’ve been here too long.” No one can dispute that John Martin has a long and distinguished career serving Garfield County. Since.
The Snowmass fire board election resulted in a three-way tie among incumbent Elizabeth (Ellie) Striegler and board newcomers Scott Arthur and Greg Balko, who will each seats on the board with a three-year term.
Four candidates have tossed their hat in the ring for three open seats on the Snowmass-Wildcat Fire Protection District Board of Directors, marking the first contested election for the board since 2006, according to the district’s designated election official Susan Herwick.
There’s something about the allure of untouched terrain that some folks just can’t seem to resist when they illegally enter closed terrain at the ski area in pursuit of fresh tracks, according to Snowmass Village Police Officer Dave Heivly. He calls it the “powder fever mystique.”