Gossip Girl actress shared a series of photos on her Instagram, including a grid post showcasing the crop top ensemble she wore out to the ball game. “Mom&Dad Girl Summer,” she captioned her post, referencing the couple s three daughters James, Inez, and Betty. “Thanks @clintfrazierr for being my personal stylist. This hat is a vast improvement from the I showed up in. After 14 years in NY, I think tonight made me an official Yankee. ⚾️”
Reynolds also shared a grid post about the Yankees excursion a rare move for a couple that has kept most of their relationship off-line. He chose to post a cuddly selfie of the two taking in the game. This time, he didn t troll Lively in his caption. “Blake took me to my first home run derby at @yankees stadium tonight,” he wrote. “They won 10 to nothing. I’m not saying I’m a good luck charm. Just saying @clintfrazierr wants me to play left field for the remainder of my life. (The Red Thunder was an absolute hero tonig
Blake Lively and Ryan Reynolds usually keep most of their dates off-line, but last night, the two made an exception when they went to a Yankees game in New York City.