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malveaux. i want to get you up to speed for friday, may 27th. secretary of state hillary clinton is in pakistan today to smooth things over with the government leaders. they are still angry over the secret u.s. raid that killed bin laden. sources say clinton told the pakistanis that american aid is on the line, unless they do more to rout out terrorists. today we discussed in even greater detail cooperation to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al qaeda and to drive them from pakistan and the region. we will do our part. and we look to the government of pakistan to take decisive steps in the days ahead. a cia forensics team will also be heading to pakistan. pakistan will let cia experts scrub osama bin laden s compound for evidence. now, the team will use sophisticated technology to look for anything hidden in the walls or the ceilings or items that are buried on the grounds. the patriot act gets a four-year extension. this was just minutes before that law was set to expire.