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malveaux. i want to get you up to speed for friday, may 27th. secretary of state hillary clinton is in pakistan today to smooth things over with the government leaders. they are still angry over the secret u.s. raid that killed bin laden. sources say clinton told the pakistanis that american aid is on the line, unless they do more to rout out terrorists. >> today we discussed in even greater detail cooperation to disrupt, dismantle and defeat al qaeda and to drive them from pakistan and the region. we will do our part. and we look to the government of pakistan to take decisive steps in the days ahead. >> a cia forensics team will also be heading to pakistan. pakistan will let cia experts scrub osama bin laden's compound for evidence. now, the team will use sophisticated technology to look for anything hidden in the walls or the ceilings or items that are buried on the grounds. the patriot act gets a four-year extension. this was just minutes before that law was set to expire. now, congress renewed the measure late thursday after a lot of wrangling. with the president on the road in europe and the bill in washington, president obama signed by electronic robo pen to prevent any possible disruption to national security. relatives are going to go to the morgue in joplin, missouri, today to identify some of the 132 tornado victims. missouri's governor says that many of the bodies are in such bad shape that families will have to i.d. them by a tattoo or some other distinguishing feature. other remains will have to wait for dna analysis. missouri officials are now updating their list of joplin's missing. that's going to happen this hour. on thursday they put the number at 232. a judge in belgrade says the former bosnia serb military commander can be extradited to the hague to face war crimes charges. he has until monday to appeal. his attorney claims that mladic is too sick now, but five doctors who examine him say that he is fit. he is accused of ordering the massacre of 8,000 muslim men and boys during the bosnian civil war. president obama arrives in warsaw, poland, happening this hour. he met with the prime ministers of tunisia and egypt on the closing day of the g-8 summit in france. now, the group did not offer financial aid to support these new democracies, but instead they suggested international lenders could provide up to $20 billion. another $20 billion could come through gulf arab states and other sources. here's your chance to talk back. one of the big stories of the day, today we are asking is it okay for a presidential candidate to avoid the media? carol. >> they can't avoid us, what are you talking about? are you kidding me? >> everyone loves talking with us. >> oh, they love us. >> what's the question? >> the question today, though, are we getting to the point where democratic candidates talk mostly to msnbc and republicans talk mostly to fox news. former republican vice presidential candidate sarah palin told fox that candidates should watch out when it comes to, quote, the lamestream media. >> there's got to be the preparation on all the candidates' parts for those gotchas. that's what the lamestream media is known for nowadays is the gotcha trip-up questions and you just have to be prepared for it and overcome it. >> we don't know whether palin is running yet, but all signs seem to point that way. she reportedly bought a house in arizona, is hiring a new staff and she's launching that nationwide bus tour. instead of doing interviews, palin prefers to speak to the public through social media and, says cnn senior political editor mark preston, from the safety of her perch as a paid contributor at fox news. but palin isn't the only one who prefers to answer questions in more friendly surroundings. not long ago president obama refused to do interviews with fox. that didn't last. and newt gingrich wouldn't answer media questions at an event in new hampshire. but shouldn't any politician man up when it comes to the press? shouldn't they be able to handle those gotcha moments? so is it okay for a presidential candidate to avoid the media? i'll read your comments later this hour. >> i would say they probably will try, but i don't think it's possible. >> no, because newt gingrich did it just for a short time but then he started talking. talking to everybody again. >> okay. we'll see what they say. thanks, carol. here is a rundown of some of the stories that we're covering the next two hours. searching for clues now. the cia heads back to osama bin laden's compound. also prisoners released by mistake? there is a program to ease overcrowding that's putting dangerous criminals back on california streets. plus, tornado victims in missouri, a frustrating search for missing family members. >> we were told that there was no body found in the rubble and they had seen an elderly woman digging through the rubble but they don't know where she went, you know. i can't locate her anywhere. finally, scientists in italy are charged with manslaughter. they're accused of failing to predict a deadly earthquake. n. that's a coffee and two pills. the afternoon tour begins with more pain and more pills. the evening guests arrive. back to sore knees. back to more pills. the day is done but hang on... her doctor recommended aleve. just 2 pills can keep arthritis pain away all day with fewer pills than tylenol. this is lara who chose 2 aleve and fewer pills for a day free of pain. and get the all day pain relief of aleve in liquid gels. >> announcer: this past year alone there's been a 67% spike in companies embracing the cloud-- big clouds, small ones, public, private, even hybrid. your data and apps must move easily and securely to reach many clouds, not just one. that's why the network that connects, protects, and lets your data move fearlessly through the clouds means more than ever. host: could switching to geico really save you fifteen percent or more on car insurance? was abe lincoln honest? mary: does this dress make my backside look big? abe: perhaps... host: could switching to geico reon car insurance? e host: do dogs chase cats? ♪ 70's music sfx: squealing tires. a cia team gets the go ahead now to search the compound where osama bin laden was killed. now, the forensics team is going to look for any additional information that they can actually find there. i want to bring in our cnn pentagon correspondent, chris lawrence. chris, what do we know about the cia team going for this trip into the compound? what are they hoping to get out of this or find? >> they're going to be looking for anything that you maybe could not see with the naked eye. in other words, this assault team, the s.e.a.l. team that carried so much intelligence out of that compound, they were only in there for about 40 minutes. nearly half that time was spent actually searching the compound. the pakistanis then went in. but in this case, this is a forensic team that's going to go in. so in other words, they may be using things like infrared cameras to look behind the walls to see if anything was embedded in the walls, to see if anything was buried out decide the compound. we know that osama bin laden and the people that lived there burned their trash but the cia may have capabilities to even pull information off of fragments of things that have been burned. so they're looking for things that maybe aren't seen with the naked eye, even swabbing certain parts of that compound for perhaps dna evidence. >> and, chris, do we suspect that there are other people who have actually been in this compound beforehand and perhaps removed material? do they really believe that that hasn't been actually tampered with in some way? >> no, they know the pakistanis came in after the s.e.a.l. team but that's another key part of this as well, in that the pakistanis have agreed to share some of the information that they pulled out of the compound with the cia as well. >> another topic, i know that pakistan recently returned the wreckage of that u.s. chopper that had crashed during the raid. what do we know about that? have they been able to get any information? how it's being treated? can you give us anything, any update on that? >> yeah, that wreckage and what's left of it is now back here in the united states, obviously because it's a stealth technology. they're not going to talk about some of the details. but big picture, when you look at it, an administration official said today in pakistan, look, the pakistanis released the name of the cia station chief. they ordered the u.s. military to reduce the number of trainers there, all signs of perhaps some tension and friction in the relationship. but then on the other hand he said that looks to be perhaps an initial emotional gut reaction to what happened in the raid, but he said since then we asked for access to bin laden's wives. we got it. we asked that the stealth helicopter be returned, they gave it back. now we've asked to get access to the compound ourselves, and we're league all-- being allowe in. all that points to at least some signs that pakistan's intelligence service and the cia may find a good working relationship or possibility of one going forward. >> okay. chris, thank you very much. appreciate it. the former president of pakistan is accusing president obama of showing arrogance, he says, following the raid that killed bin laden. he blasted president obama saying he'd respond the same way if the opportunity arose again to take out al qaeda terrorists. on piers morgan goetonight, he d pakistanis should have carried out the raid. >> technically, legally, i think it is an irresponsible statement and i think such arrogance should not be shown publicly to the world. >> you think he was arrogant? >> oh, i think so. i think it is arrogance that we don't care. we don't care for your national opinion, we don't care for your people, we will come in and do the same thing. i mean this is -- this is arrogance. >> so how can the relationship between the united states and pakistan be repaired? well, next hour i'll speak with pakistan's ambassador to the united states about that. nasa's space shuttle program marks another milestone. we're going to go outside the international space station for a final space walk. work, building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. @@ yet an instant classic." with sports car styling and power, plus the refinement and space of a luxury sedan, the jaguar xf is a timeless blend of performance and craftsmanship. see how jaguar outperforms the competition at or visit your local jaguar dealer. and started earning loads of points. you got a weather balloon with points? 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>> reporter: you know what, it really is difficult for them. t the dealer that say we spoke with say they are limited in how much they can cut back because it's not like they can change the product that they can sell. they say they are cutting back on advertising but are calling this an unprecedented time for selling cars at this point. in fact one dealer that we talked with said it's really a big burden to carry. >> it's a huge responsibility. we're responsible for people and we're also responsible for making sure that people's needs are met. so, yeah, if you're asking -- let's put it this way. i don't sleep very well. >> reporter: and she's talking about the people who actually work for her sheechlt has over 100 employees and she's also active in the community and she supports local groups, but now she can't really do that because of the car shortage. she's limited in how much she can give back, how much time and money she can spend on those other things and that really bothers her. there is also some hope. toyota is saying that production is beginning to come back just a bit and honda said yesterday that production should be back to normal for most models by august. but remember, there's a two to three-month lag between production and then what the showroom floor gets, so that normal august production that i'm talking about, it really means dealers won't have a full inventory of cars until the fall. we're, of course, going to keep an eye on this and continue to update you. this will impact the kinds of cars that are out there and will impact the prices if you're out there looking for a car. >> okay, thank you. it is time to go cross country for other stories catching our attention. first stop, some 240 miles above the earth. that is where "endeavour" astronauts completed the final space walk of their mission and the last ever by space shuttle astronauts. they worked on extending the reach of the space shuttle's robotic arm. a parade of u.s. navy ships sailing up the river marks the start of fleet week in new york. it is a truibute to u.s. armed service members. fleet weekends on memorial day with a military flyover honoring those who have lost their lives in service. and in virginia, members of the army's third infantry honor america's fallen heroes. flags are placed throughout arlington national cemetery. it has been held the past 40 years before memorial day weekend. well, this weekend americans remember our fallen heroes. but for thousands of widows across the country, every day is a memorial day. taren davis lost her husband at 21 and built a sisterhood for those just like her, determined to turn their grief and their loss into triumph and survival. that's why she is this week's cnn hero. >> my husband, corporal michael davis, was killed in baghdad, iraq. you know, even four years later, people still don't really know how to react when you say, hi, i'm taren and i am a widow. after the funeral, i felt ostracized. everybody liked to write off my grief due to my young age. they say at least you're young, you can get remarried. the widows are not going to judge you laughing or tell you i'm grieving wrong. i just wanted to create what i was searching for and just hope there were others that could come and help me too. i'm taryn davis and i invite a new generation of widows to share their love, their sacrifice. >> they step outside of that comfort zone. >> his impact will continue to affect us all for the rest of our lives. >> there are moments where they can all reflect, followed by that time where they feel like they're living life to the fullest. >> my little sister wrote taryn. she didn't know how to get me through the loss so she wanted me to find other sisters. from my first event i went from feeling completely alone to not anymore at all. >> you get up that high, you see the world a different way. i think as widows, we see our life a different way when we land. >> these military widows give me new life again. >> they teach me so much and show me how far i've come and to know one day another widow will come along and they're going to be the one that's changing that widow's life. that's pretty amazing. >> the american widow project has connected almost 800 women through its online community and retreats. now, remember every cnn hero is chosen from people you tell us about, so nominate someone making a difference in your community. go to one resident of joplin, missouri, couldn't believe what he was seeing. people showing up in his town not to help, but to rubber neck at the destruction. we're going to hear why he decides to let people know what he thought. 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here's a quick rundown of some of the stories that we are working on next. tornado victims in joplin, missouri, they are still looking for loved ones. then a computer glitch puts dangerous california convicts back on the streets. at 11:46 eastern, why would u.s. taxpayers shell out $500,000 to put shrimp on a treadmill? we are not kidding. you heard that one right. right now our in-depth story, the big story, the search for more victims in joplin, missouri, ravaged by tornados. our cnn meteorologist jacqui jeras who is live from the ruins. five days after the tornado and people are still, still searching for loved ones. what is it like this and do they have any idea how many are still missing? >> reporter: yeah, we have a new update actually, suzanne. cnn, first of all, has just confirmed that 132 people are now confirmed dead from this tornado. we've also been listening to a press conference which is taking place as we speak on the missing and unaccounted for. that number originally was set at 232. well, they have been able to confirm now 90 credible reports of people who are alive and located, so that's the great news so far out of all of that. in addition to that, two people on that list were confirmed duplicates. 22 new missing reports have been filed and then those six additional deceased where people have been notified with their next of kin, so the total number now for the missing and unaccounted for is 156. so you can see that officials are making progress at whittling away at that list and trying to help these families who have been waiting so long. many of them say that they're growing increasingly frustrated and that wait can be the worst part. >> i was told that there was no body found in the rubble and that they had seen an elderly woman digging through the rubble. but they don't know where she went, you know. i can't locate her anywhere. >> reporter: tabitha freeman has been trying for days to locate her 67-year-old grandmother, ellen. she lived here on pitcher street where the homes are so demolished they have to be identified with spray paint on the sidewalk. >> that's the bathroom and it's -- they always say the safest place to be is in the bathroom and look, it's just -- even if she would have been in there, she wouldn't have made it because it's collapsed in on itself. >> reporter: tabitha drove to joplin from oklahoma, hoping to get answers after not being able to contact nearby relatives and trying online services. >> i have a lot of friends and family here in joplin and it's just the not knowing, you know. i mean i know a lot of people are missing loved ones. >> reporter: earlier i met neighbor aaron cole who said he knows almost everyone on the block. >> yeah, she is alive. miss cook, she got stuck in her basement door in the entryway, she's all right too and i did know that miss freeman, she did make it too. she's in the hospital somewhere. >> okay. well, that will make it easier to find her. >> reporter: we called the hospital in joplin to see if she was there. she wasn't. in the confusion immediately following the tornado, the records show that she was transferred to three different hospitals. we were ready to try them all. >> yes, i'm looking for a possible patient. ellen freeman. i do. thank you very much. she's in room 612 in arkansas. >> reporter: grandma ellen freeman was found okay and resting in an arkansas hospital. >> is ellen freeman in this room? okay. well, this is her granddaughter and i just now figured out where she's at. okay, no, that's fine as long as i know where she's at now. >> reporter: tabitha said she plans to get to know her grandmother better now. >> it's kind of sad to say it takes this to make you realize, you know, you don't really have all that long because you never know when it's going to end, you know. for all i knew, she could have been crushed or, you know, died or something. >> reporter: so a little bit of good news here on pitcher street. we have an update now on the condition of ellen freeman. she was in surgery this morning and is in recovery as we speak and tabitha has decided to drive to arkansas to be with her grandmother. >> it's so good to hear a good story coming out of this. obviously the two of them being brought together. how are people holding up now? how are their spirits? >> reporter: well, they're doing okay. you know, the first couple of days i think everybody seemed to be in a state of shock and disbelief that it was just very surreal. you know, the families that are still trying to find their missing people or possibly, you know, trying to find information whether or not their loved one is deceased. they are growing increasingly frustrated. and the rest of them, you know, are doing okay. they're trudging on. i mean this neighborhood is filled with people who are digging through the rubble and they're trying to save everything they can and just trying to make some decisions if they're going to rebuild or if they're going to end up relocating. >> okay, thank you very much. there are more storms that are forming today. i want to bring in our meteorologist, rob marciano, to tell us essentially what the forecast is. are we expecting there will be more people who are going to be in danger? >> i think we're going to see more storms today, suzanne. you saw in jacqui's live shot that it was relatively sunny and breezy too. that's typical of this time of year out there and they're probably going to see more storms today and tonight. last night we saw big-time storms across the east coast. almost 600 reports of storms. most of it wind damage from the deep south all the way to the northeast to the canadian border. winds gusting 60, 70 miles an hour, a lot of trees down. mostly straight-line winds but they do just as much damage in some cases and there were fatalities. all right, now that front will stall here. we'll see severe weather across upstate new york and parts of new england again. then we reset the table across parts of tornado alley, as another piece of energy comes into the plains, taps a little more moisture and humidity. right now a slight risk of seeing severe weather across that area. that means that we'll probably see some thunderstorms. but a 2% to 4% chance of seeing thunderstorm that say would produce tornados, not like the 30% we had earlier in the week. we're starting to see a bit of progression. i want to give you a little hope here. we're in the april and june area, this is the time of year we get tornados in this area. we get into june, which is now next week. we start to migrate this whole system a little farther towards the north. by the way, we start to see a little bit of that pattern over the weekend. the next couple of days we'll see a stationary boundary, more of a zonal flow. that means we'll see some thunderstorm that say could be severe, suzanne, over the weekend but at this point we don't see a major outbreak at least for the next few days, so a small break at least. >> we welcome a small bleak. we'll take anything. thanks, rob. well, dangerous prisoners put back on the streets without supervision. we're going to talk with a california state senator about how that happened. so, what's the snapshot discount? 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the absurdity of it, the insult of it. if one argues that judges should sign warrants before they go into the house of an alleged murderer, are you in favor of murder? in wisconsin, a judge struck down a law dealing with collective bargaining by state employees. the law to limit bargaining rights led to angry protests by teachers and other workers. republicans say it's necessary to control the costs of employee benefits and deal with this huge budget deficit. democrats say that the law is an attempt to undermine labor unions. our final undercovered story involves hundreds of prison inmates in california mistakenly released without supervision. an audit found that 1500 prisoners were incorrectly put back on the streets on unsupervised parole. hundreds of them were considered at high risk for violence. california state senator ted lu says the audit confirms his worst fears about this program and he's joining us live from sacramento. thank you for being here with us. first of all, tell us what did this investigation reveal? >> the independent inspector general's report found that over 1500 state prisoners were mistakenly released without any parole supervision onto the streets. of that, 450 were determined to be at high risk of violence. >> why did you ask for the investigation in the first place? were you suspicious that something was going on? >> absolutely. i was given specific instances of people who were released onto this now unrevokable parole program without supervision. some of those instances include a woman who had killed her husband, cut him up into little pieces and she was released without parole supervision. and so based on some of these facts, i asked for an audit. an audit recently came back and confirmed really my worst fears. this is a widespread scale and it's a public safety disaster. >> is there any turning back here? what happens next? >> well, i'm asking for the california department of corrections to immediately halt their program, especially because now we're under supreme court order to release 33,000 state prisoners in the next two years. and if our department of corrections cannot safely identify those who are at risk of committing more crimes and those who are not, then i don't see how they can implement the 33,000 prisoner release safely. >> what is the most troubling aspect of what you have found? >> one is that the department of corrections knew this was happening. this program has now been going on for over a year and a half. i repeatedly sent them letters showing instances of people released that should not have been and having actual public safety consequences. a few weeks ago a double homicide occurred in culver city. the only suspect was someone who was released under this program without parole supervision. >> is there anything beyond -- can they actually take these people who have now been released who are out in the public, can they put them back in prison or is this simply what's done is done? >> so here's the problem. under this program, you're released without any parole supervisor and there are no parole conditions. so basically the department loses track of you. and if you go ahead and commit another crime, you won't be brought back into state prison unless you're caught, reprosecuted and reconvicted. so the implementation of this is extremely, extremely serious and i'm calling for it to halt right now. >> all right, senator, thank you very much for bringing this to our attention. we want our viewers to know that we reached out to the department of corrections for some sort of response. we have not gotten a response yet. if we do get a response, we will certainly bring it to you and put it on the air as well. a few years ago, if someone had a paralyzing spinal cord injury, the idea of a patient ever walking again, well, it seemed like it was out of the question. but new technology today and therapy have made it possible for some people to regain some movement in their legs. our chief medical correspondent, dr. sanjay gupta, brings us today's human factor. >> like a lot of little boys, matt corsin loved sports, so much that he eventually ended up as a pitcher with the university of arkansas. but all that changed in april of 2006 when matt decided to drive his four-wheeler over to a friend's house. he never made it. >> my four-wheeler went off a 20-foot embankment. knocked me out, i had a little memory loss. the next day i was found by a fireman. >> reporter: his backbone was shattered. his doctors said he would never walk again. but matt was a young man who didn't understand the word "never." >> that doctor thinks i'm not going to walk again? i will walk again. >> reporter: a year after his injury, matt moved to baltimore, maryland, to work with specialists at the center for spinal cord injury. he began an extensive rehab regimen designed to help patients with chronic spinal cord injuries recover sensation and movement in their legs. >> so one big basis of our program is using modern technology to move someone who is paralyzed using their own nervous system. >> reporter: the therapy includes gait training, water therapy along with functional electrical stimulation known as fes. it is sends electrical impulses to a patient's legs causing them to contract and relax while riding a bicycle. does some of the work the brain would normally do. as matt's sessions progressed, so did his recovery. he began to move his toes. he's been able to walk more than 300 feet with the use of leg braces and a walker. matt also went back to school to finish his degree at the university of maryland, determined not to accept his diploma in a wheelchair. >> things just don't happen, you have to make them happen. >> reporter: so on may 23rd of this year, matt corsin walked across the stage at his graduation. although matt has a long way to go before he can walk without assistance, his doctors and family believes he's going to do it, and no one believes it more than matt corsin. >> one day i'm going to play that game of catch with my son out in the yard, and one day i'm going to walk my daughter down the aisle. there's no doubt in my mind. >> reporter: dr. sanjay gupta, cnn, reporting. ♪ hello sunshine, sweet as you can be ♪ [ female announcer ] wake up to sweetness with honey nut cheerios cereal. kissed with real honey. and the 100% natural whole grain oats can help lower your cholesterol. you are so sweet to me. bee happy. bee healthy. took some crazy risks as a kid. but i was still over the edge with my cholesterol. anyone with high cholesterol may be at increased risk of heart attack. diet and exercise weren't enough for me. i stopped kidding myself. i've been eating healthier, exercising more, and now i'm also taking lipitor. if you've been kidding yourself about high cholesterol...stop. 80% of people who have had heart attacks have high cholesterol. lipitor is a cholesterol lowering medication, fda approved to reduce the risk of heart attack and stroke in patients who have heart disease or risk factors for heart disease. [ female announcer ] lipitor is not for everyone, including people with liver problems and women who are nursing, pregnant or may become pregnant. you need simple blood tests to check for liver problems. tell your doctor if you are taking other medications or if you have any muscle pain or weakness. this may be a sign of a rare but serious side effect. great ride down. if you have high cholesterol, you may be at increased risk of heart attack and stroke. don't kid yourself. talk to your doctor about your risk and about lipitor. don't kid yourself. it's true. you never forget your first subaru. and more. if you replace 3 tablespoons of sugar a day with splenda® you'll save 100 calories a day. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a year. that's how splenda® is sweet...and more. another republican contender may be closer to jumping into the presidential race. dana bash part of the best political team on television live from our washington bureau. dana, i understand you have an update on michele bachmann? >> reporter: well, you know, she was probably dipping more than a toe in the presidential waters, but last night she called into a gop fund-raising event in the ever-important first caucus state of iowa and she went a little bit further. she promised she would make an announcement in the town of waterloo, iowa, which happens to be where she was born. now, she already made clear that she would make her plans known in june, but with sarah palin suddenly making moves to suggest she may, emphasize may, be thinking about a presidential run, the question is how would that impact bachman who would likely draw from the same voters as palin to win the gop nomination. here's what she said last night. >> my decision will be independent of whichever candidate gets in. i have great respect for governor palin. i consider her a friend. and if she gets in, she gets in. that won't impact whether or not i get in or not. >> reporter: and suzanne, bachman also conceded if she does run, she'd have to have more message discipline when she's in what she called the presidential realm. >> i can't imagine both of them in, but that would be quite a campaign to cover there, dana. >> reporter: it sure would. >> i understand the house got another chance to go on the record about the military campaign in afghanistan. can you give us a sense of how that played out? >> reporter: it was really interesting. it was a bipartisan amendment for withdrawing troops into afghanistan and it got far more votes than ever before. it failed but just bbarely, 204-215. 26 republicans joined democrats to support the measure. this even as the president is traveling overseas. that's the thing that never used to happen before while the president is abroad. not just that, the top two democrats also supported the expedited withdrawal and members gave various reasons for it. i talked to a few lawmakers, democrats especially, who actually believe now that osama bin laden is gone, it's time that the troops can come home from afghanistan. >> okay. dana, have a great weekend. for the latest political news, you know where to go, cnnpalm forget snakes on a plane, these are shrimp on a treadmill, i kid you not, and they cost half a million bucks. jeannie moos reports how these crustaceans are causing a controversy. >> reporter: if you think a shrimp on a treadmill doesn't get very far, this shrimp became world famous. his footwork so admired that youtube fans put it to music. all kinds of music. and the shrimp on a treadmill became trendy. shrimp scampiing along, song after song. but now just a few years later, he's become a poster boy -- >> look at him go. >> reporter: a poster crustacean for wasteful government spending. senator tom coburn put out a report mocking the national science foundation for funding research projects such as shrimp on a treadmill with a half million dollar grant. the media began cracking jokes about obese shrimp. >> you know what you call a shrimp that's overweight? >> what. >> jumbo. jumbo shrimp. >> reporter: now this, this is my idea of shrimp on a treadmill. but you won't find this guy working out at equinox. the real shrimp treadmill is at the marine layer lab at the college of charleston, south carolina, where they're using that $500,000 grant to do what doctors do to people. this is like a stress test for shrimp. >> yeah, it is, exactly. >> reporter: how long would they run on it? >> they would run for hours, at least five hours in some cases. >> reporter: lab director lou burnett says they subject the shrimp to, say, environmental n response using blood tests and checking respiration. what's next, shrimp on a stair master? actually treadmills for crabs and even lobsters were the next step. not to create studly crustaceans but to do basic science that might help seafood to survive. professor burnett sounded a little fried, accusing critics of -- >> picking on the national science foundation. it's serious science and it's good science. >> reporter: even if the media don't take it too seriously. >> yeah, look at this shrimp on a treadmill. oh, i'm sorry. >> that's the worst intro i've ever had. take a look at this shrimp on a treadmill. really? really? >> really, george. george. >> is this it? >> reporter: and after a workout like this, even a shrimp needs a cocktail. jeanne moos, cnn. new york. >> we are getting a lot of comments on today's talk back question. we asked is it okay for presidential candidates to avoid the media? carol costello is up next with your responses. d to do is change the way we're thinking about them. a couple decades ago, we didn't even realize just how much natural gas was trapped in rocks thousands of feet below us. technology has made it possible to safely unlock this cleanly burning natural gas. this deposits can provide us with fuel for a hundred years, providing energy security and economic growth all across this country. it just takes somebody having the idea, and that's 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to argue with a lot of "talk backs" and take the non-conforming approach. i have to say, no, it is not okay for presidential candidates to avoid the media. people have a right to see who they are electing and be able to listen to them speak about their positions. nicole -- they should talk to the media at times but there are also times when the media is so intrusive and bully like. they are people, too, and they deserve space and respect -- even sarah palin. john -- if the news media would talk to the candidate versus drilling them, twist words to get to the next hour's story, your question never would have been asked. earl -- don't think it is right that they will only talk to one network. as we all know, each network has its own angle, sadly. it should be no media or open media or all media. please continue the conversation, i'll be back with the entire "talk back" segment in 15 minutes. >> covering campaigns, all of the candidates avoid the media for a while. >> they can run but they can't hide! we'll catch up with them eventually. >> by the way, check this out. this is a judge has ordered a group of scientists to stand trial -- get this -- for manslaughter for failing to warn people before a devastating earthquake hit. there were 300 people who you remember died in central italy and smaller tremors shook the town for months before this magnitude 6.3 quake struck. six days before the quake a commission of seismic experts said a major tremor was unlikely, so this judge says the group gave incomplete contradictory information and the defense lawyers say it is impossible to predict earthquakes. but they are actually charging these guys with manslaughter for not predicting the earthquake. this in italy. >> i'm glad it is in italy and not here in the united states. >> look out, chad meyers! you got to predict these things! you cannot predict something like that. >> what forecaster would really want to try to forecast anything if that was the case? >> we'll see how it shakes out. but it is a case a lot of people are watching. it is kind of unbelievable. >> i don't think anything will come of it but that's just my humble prediction. >> i think you might be right on this one. >> i hope so. >> thanks, carol. well, after the tornado in joplin, missouri, visitors started showing up. right? like a lot of them were not there to help though. we're going to meet one resident who decided to show how upset he was with these gawkers. building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. and more. if you replace 3 tablespoons of sugar a day with splenda® you'll save 100 calories a day. that could help you lose up to 10 pounds in a 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picture. people died right over there. so show some respect to people. i done know if they're here to help in some respect or not, but then you see them pointing and gawking and looking around and taking pictures and pictures and pictures and blocking traffic and blocking -- people that are trying to help. >> i think the sign is -- it is how we all feel. the traffic and people coming by taking pictures and not helping. we're the ones out here working, digging through rubble. trying to just save what's left of everyone's lives. instead of taking pictures, those people could jump out and help somebody look for something or help them move some debris or be a help instead of being a hindrance. top of the hour, i'm suzanne malveaux. want to get you up to speed. the secretary of state is taking a blunt message to pakistan today. hillary clinton told pakistan to step up its fight against terrorism or american aid could dry up. ties are strained over the secret u.s. raid that killed bin laden. >> we seek to defeat violent extremism, end the conflict in afghanistan, and ensure a secure, stable, democratic prosperous future for pakistan. and we expect to work closely with the government and the people of pakistan to achieve those ends. >> a cia forensics team will be heading to pakistan soon. pakistan will let experts scrub bin laden's compounds for evidence. the team will use sophisticated technology to look for anything hidden in the walls or ceilings or items buried on the grounds. in joplin, missouri today, relatives of tornado victims can go to the morgue to identify loved ones. missouri's governor says that many of the 132 bodies are in such bad shape that families are going to have to rely on a tattoo or other distinguishing marks. other remains will wait for dna analysis. not just a short time ago, officials lowered the number of missing in joplin to 156. tabitha freeman has been trying to find her grandmother in joplin for days now. she wasn't able to get in touch with any of her relatives in the area so freeman drove to joplin from her home in oklahoma to try to get some answers. she ran into a cnn crew outside her grandmother's demolished home. >> i saw a lot of friends and family and everything here in joplin. it's just the not knowing. i mean i know a lot of people are missing loved ones. >> earlier i met neighbor aaron cole who says he knows almost everyone on the block. >> she's alive. miss cook, she got stuck in her basement door entryway there. she's all right, too. i did know that miss freeman did make it, too. she's in the hospital somewhere. >> okay. well that will make it easier to find her. >> cnn found grandma ellen freeman at an arkansas hospital and she is doing okay. she had been transferred to three different hospitals in the chaos of that tornado. president obama arrived in poland just a short time ago to wrap up his european trip. he flew there from the g-8 summit in france and he and other leaders held talks today with the prime ministers of tunisia and egypt. but the g-8 did not come up with the cash to help the new democracies. they suggested that international lenders were ready with $20 billion in assistance, and another $20 billion could come through gulf arab states and other sources. radko mladic will be transported to the hague. >> he changed people that were protecting him and at the end of the day i mean that he was protected by very small group of the people from his family. >> mladic is accused of ordering of massacre of 8,000 muslim men and boys during the bosnian civil war. french investigators reveal today air france flight 447 literally fell out of the sky. recently recovered data recorders show that the horrifying seven-mile plunge took three and a half minutes. speed sensors malfunctioned setting off a chain of events that caused the plane to stall. 228 people died when the jet crashed into the atlantic two years ago. it was the final spacewalk of "endeavour's" final flight. >> we're almost in position but if you guys can give me 20 second -- >> shuttle astronauts spent more than seven hours installing nasa's final contribution to the international space station, a 50-foot boom. the last shuttle flight this summer wouldn't carry space station parts, just some food, water and daily supplies for the crew. more on secretary of state hillary clinton's visit to pakistan. she is putting the country on notice. do more to fight terrorism or risk losing u.s. aid. clinton's trip is aimed at repairing relations between the united states and pakistan and former president pervez musharraf talked about the strained relations on cnn's "piers morgan tonight." >> there certainly is a trust deficit but it has been persisting since the last one year. not because of osama alone. they were incidents of mistrust in the past, and therefore it led to the final culmination was this, that there was total mistrust and therefore pakistan was not even told, and as people take it, it was a violation of pakistan's sovereignty. so therefore it has led to a lot of more misunderstanding. i think which is extremely detrimental to the cause of fighting against terror. >> want to bring in cnn's stan grant who is in islamabad. stan, a couple of questions for you. i mean clearly i have covered president bush when musharraf was in power. there was a lot of tension between the countries back then. it seems as if it's gotten even worse at this point. bring us up to the point where -- how did we get here? >> well, it really came to a head with the raid that killed osama bin laden, suzanne. i think using the troops without going through pakistan first, without notifying pakistan is really what is at the heart of this current break. here they are accusing the united states of violating pakistan's sovereignty and that was a message that the pakistan president brought home again today to hillary clinton. but the secretary of state also had a message for pakistan, and that is that she expects them to do a lot more regardless of the current differences to commit a lot more to going hard after the insurgency here, to being able to shut down this pakistan-afghanistan border, and aid the u.s. in its efforts to bring stability to afghanistan and ultimately draw down the number of troops there. now there is a lot of criticism within pakistan towards the united states. a lot of anti-american feeling. and this is something that secretary of state clinton actually said to the pakistanis that they need to actually get their own house in order first. >> america cannot, and should not, solve pakistan's problems. that's up to pakistan. but in solving its problems, pakistan should understand that anti-americanism and conspiracy theories will not make problems disappear. >> reporter: yeah. suzanne, big problem here is that most people say the problems actually begin with the united states with the u.s. war in afghanistan has brought a blow back here that's causing pakistani lives. >> how did pakistani officials respond to secretary clinton's visit? do they seem to be open to some of her suggestions? >> well, there's a difference between what is said publicly and what's said privately. first of all, a lot of money is put into pakistan and a lot of money is needed. in fact, this is a very stretched operation here. military is very stretched, has a very deep-rooted mill tansy here who are able to strike wherever and whenever they want. so to go after it they require a lot of mrn and that has been the lifeblood of this relationship, this transaction between the u.s. and pakistan. so publicly you will get these messages that, yes, they're committed to renewing this relationship and trying to do more, but there is a private side as well. and with so much pressure from the public here who point to their own government and say why are we doing the bidding of the united states when it only causes more problems for us here, when we are the ones who actually suffer from these attacks, and you often find both the military and the government here playing to those anti-american fears. so once again, saying one thing on one hand to america but another thing to a domestic audience. >> okay, stan grant, thank you very much, stan. here's your chance to "talk back." today we are asking, is it okay for a presidential candidate to avoid the media? carol costello here to explain if it's even possible. >> here's the premise. let me lay this by you. are we getting to the point where democratic candidates talk mostly to msnbc and republicans talk mostly to fox news? former republican vice presidential candidate sarah palin told fox that candidates should watch out when it comes to the "lame stream media." >> there's got to be the preparation on all the candidates' parts for those gotchas. that's what the lame stream media is known for nowadays, is the gotcha trip-up questions and just have to be prepared for it and overcome it. >> now we don't know yet whether palin is running for president. but all signs seem to be pointing that way. she's reportedly bought a house in arizona. she's hiring new staff and launching that nationwide bus tour. instead of doing interviews, palin prefers to speak to the public through social media and, says cnn's senior political editor mark preston, from the safety of her perch as a paid contributor of fox news. but palin isn't the only one who prefers to answer questions in more friendly surroundings. not long ago, president obama refused to do interviews with fox nap didn't last. and newt gingrich wouldn't answer media questions at an event in new hampshire. but shouldn't any politician man-up when it comes to the press? shouldn't they be able to handle those "gotcha" moments? the "talk back" question today -- is it okay for a presidential candidate to avoid the media? here's what's ahead on the rundown this hour. first, outrage over the police shooting of an iraq war veteran. police say they were justified in using lethal force. and a mega church leader vowed to fight sexual misconduct lawsuits against him, but now has quietly settled out of court. secretary of state hillary clinton in pakistan. we're going to talk with pakistan's ambassador to the united states. and the man accused of orchestrating the slaughter of 8,000 bosnian muslim men and boys moves a step closer to trial. finally, a group of women in saudi arabia are fighting for the right to drive. >> we sooe sayay a saying in ar the rain starts with a drop. so this thing is really symbolic thing for us women driving. at bayer, we've been relieving pain for over 100 years. and today, we're re-inventing aspirin for pain relief. with new extra-strength bayer advanced aspirin. it has microparticles so it enters the bloodstream faster and rushes relief right to the site of your tough pain. ♪ in fact, it's clinically proven to relieve pain twice as fast. new bayer advanced aspirin. extra strength pain relief, twice as fast. @@ yet an instant classic." with sports car styling and power, plus the refinement and space of a luxury sedan, the jaguar xf is a timeless blend of performance and craftsmanship. see how jaguar outperforms the competition at or visit your local jaguar dealer. a police raid in arizona ends in the shooting death of a husband, father and iraq war veteran, and now an outraged community is demanding some answers. kara finnstrom brings us that story. >> reporter: it began the morning of may 5th with a raid of four houses near tucson, arizona where investigators suspected a violent drug smuggling operation was being run. within minutes it ended with a s.w.a.t. team killing, now sparking community outrage. 26-year-old iraqi war veteran jose garina who investigators now say grabbed but never fired his semi-automatic rifle, was shot 22 times with paramedics kept away while police say they secured the home. also inside, his young son and wife who called 911. >> i don't know what happen. he's bleeding. >> reporter: questions have since mounted about whether deadly force was justify and whether they understood it was police not invaders storming their home. >> i saw this guy like pointing me at the window. so i got scared and i got like, please, don't shoot, i have a baby. >> reporter: now the sheriff's department has released this video of the crucial minutes when they say warnings were sent. the general counsel for the police union describes what s.w.a.t. team members say happened next. >> garina makes eye contact with these officers who are in gear that says "police," the shield says "police," their helmets say "police." they have patches that say "police." he makes eye contact with them, raises his weapon and points it right at these officers. >> also just released, hundreds of pages of investigation documents which detail what officers say the they ultimately found inside the home. body armor and large number of weapons, but no huge cache of drugs or money. garina family attorney released this statement in response, saying "we just learned that the sheriff's department has released voluminous amounts of information in regard to this incident. we will review the documents and cds and will make ourselves available for comment in the near future." garina's wife says he was not involved in drug dealing. the sheriff's department is accused of trying to defame him and paints a different picture of a man with no criminal record who worked for a mining company since leaving the marine core five years ago and was a husband and a father of two. sheriff officials say their internal investigation of those chaotic minutes that led to guerino's death continues. supporters of his family who have been critical of the department have announced plans for a march to the scene of the shooting on memorial day. kara finnstrom for cnn, los angeles. deputies involved in the shooting remain on active duty while the investigation is under way. well, a genocide suspect may face justice. the man accused of orring the massacre of thousands of men and boys could be heading to the haig. a live report from a mass grave site in bosnia. in 2011, at&t is, building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. you can do this... get the ball, girl. hmmm, you can't do that. but you can do this. bengay pain relief + massage with penetrating nubs plus the powerful pain relief of bengay. love the nubs! bridgestone is using natural rubber, researching ways to enhance its quality and performance, and making their factories more environmentally friendly. producing products that save on fuel and emissions, and some that can be reused again. ♪ and promoting eco-friendly and safety driving campaigns. ♪ one team. one planet. bridgestone. breaking news here. want to go to our pentagon correspondent chris lawrence who is learning some information that was coming from the bin laden raid and potentially a deal that bin laden had -- was trying to develop with pakistani government for protection. what do we know about this, chris? >> yes, suzanne. a u.s. official is confirming that based on some of the materials that they pulled out of bin laden's compound, al qaeda was considering the possibility of approaching pakistan with a deal. the deal would basically be we won't attack you, pakistan, and in return, you would allow us to basically have safe harbor here in your country. now the key to this though is that u.s. officials say there doesn't seem to be any evidence right now that pakistani officials were actually approached with this deal. in other words, right now they believe it was an internal al qaeda discussion about possibilities in which -- and directions in which the organization could go. >> chris, is there any concern or questions that the pentagon has now that potentially if bin laden or al qaeda were thinking that such a deal is possible, that that sheds some light on just how close -- potentially close the pakistani government was to al qaeda, was to osama bin laden? >> well, you know, immediately in the aftermath of the raid on bin laden's compound u.s. officials came out publicly and said they believed that some elements of the pakistani government were aware of bin laden's being there at the compound. but the key has always been a who is that in the government, how many in the government, and having actual proof of that. very, very different line there. the defense secretary robert gates has said, look, right now it is a supposition. we assume that to be the case but we don't have any direct proof. right now u.s. officials are still saying they don't have any evidence right now to show that senior leaders in pakistan were aware that he was there at that compound. but again, they're still going through all this so this hasn't been the first thing that's come out of all this material, and it's likely not to be the last either. >> so just to be clear, chris, the u.s. officials believe that this never reached the level of those pakistani government officials, this was just internal conversations that were happening with bin laden, within al qaeda, this potential deal? >> exactly. al qaeda talking amongst themselves. basically osama bin laden communicating with his operations chief about the possibility of going to pakistan and trying to cut some sort of deal whereby al qaeda would be protected, their senior leer would be protected in pakistan, and in return there would be sort of a hands-off policy on pakistan, no attacks inside the country. but again, that's the feeling right now that there was no actual approach to pakistani senior officials with this offer. but again, i got to stress, you know, this was a ton of information that they hauled out of there. they're still in the process of going through a lot of this and trying to make decisions off of what they find and analyze. >> chris, please let us know if you get more information. we should also let you know, we're going to be interviewing live pakistan's ambassador to the united states after this quick break. ♪ it's true. you never forget your first subaru. ♪ things are gonna get easier ♪ ooh-oo, child, things will get brighter ♪ ♪ ♪ someday, yeah [ male announcer ] wherever you are, whatever it takes, like a good neighbor, state farm is there. ♪ but sometimes i wonder... what's left behind? 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[ female announcer ] new purifying facial cleanser from the new line of neutrogena naturals. so-called arab spring, anti-establishment movement is now hitting the road with women in saudi arabia demanding the right to drive, defying threats, beatings, even arrested. our atika shubert reports. ♪ that tonight's gonna be a good night ♪ >> reporter: hands on the wheel, keys until the ignition and the black-eyed peas "i got a feeling" plays as the rallying soundtrack for women to drive. a groundbreaking initiative organized on youtube, facebook and twitter to get women into the driver's seat in saudi arabia. hundreds of women have signed up to hit the road on june 17th and this is one of them. >> we are not against the law. we are not protesting, we're not doing anything that's breaking the law. we made this clear and we are excited to start this thing and we love our country. >> reporter: streets of riyadh and jeddah are full of cars driven mostly by men, segregation by sex means women can't travel without a male relative and can't take public transport. to get around women hire expensive drivers or taxis. it is a daily frustration for a single mother. she describes getting stuck after dark trying to make it home last month to her 5-year-old son. >> i had to walk in the street for half-an-hour looking for a cab. i was harassed by every single car. most cars pass by harassing me because it was late at night and i was walking along. kept calling my brother, his phone was off to come pick me up and i was crying in the streets. i'm a grown woman, 32-year-old woman, a mother and i was crying like a kid on the street because i couldn't find someone to pick me up to take me back home. >> reporter: so she and dozens of other women decided it was time to take the wheel. she and other women with international licenses are also offering driving lessons in saudi's rural areas. manal took this video of giving her first lesson. but this is only a small step on a long road. women still do not have the right to vote in saudi arabia. any woman wanting to travel, work, get an education or even open a bank account requires the permission of her husband, father or other male guardian. getting a driver's license is not enough, say women's rights activists. >> the bigger problem is other restrictions, the most severe restrictions on women's rights. and that work will take much longer and a lot more sustained campaigning for -- to actually have any change on those. >> reporter: but women to drive says their push is a start. the initiative has already encouraged several women to drive on their own with no male guardians, uploading their stories on to women to drive's youtube channel. >> we have a saying in arabic -- "the rain starts with a drop." so this thing is really symbolic thing for us women driving. very basic need. very insignificant right for us. and i think this will encourage women to take action, to take lead in their life. >> reporter: now, women to drive is gathering signatures for a letter to saudi's king abdullah informing him that, as of uniuni1june 17th, women will be in the driver's seat. >> want to bring in cnn's atika shubert who is in london. atika, first of all, it was an excellent report that you did. we are now learning information that the woman you featured in that report has been arrested in saudi arabia? what do we know about that? >> that's right. in fact just a few days after that report aired, manal took to the streets and she started driving on her own and she videotaped it and she was actually with her brother, her male guardian, in the car when police stopped her and arrested her and then they held her for a few hours and then at about 2:00 in the morning the police showed up at her home again and she is still in detention. there have not been any charges brought against her. she's in there for an indefinite period. police haven't said when they're going to release her. according to human rights activists, they say she's now being threatened with losing her job and custody of her 5-year-old boy. so this is very severe punishment for what is really a very minor thing. and really just challenging her right to drive in the country. >> i understand that there is a campaign there, some saudi men are launching a counter campaign to stop these women. what is that about? >> these are from hardliners. they're basically saying that any woman who is caught driving should be beaten. this is what some of the men are saying. specifically with their headbands for their saudi dress. now i have to point out, however, that a lot of the supporters for women to drive, for this initiative for -- supporting women to drive, are actually men. and this is because a lot of men in saudi arabia are saying we don't want to drive around our wives and our mothers and sisters and daughters all day long. we should just give them the right to drive. so this is an issue that is dividing the country, not just by sex by by belief and by custom. >> do we believe that this is actually going to lead to other rights for women, that they'll be able to gain rights ondriving? >> well, with the women that i've toukd to, this is very clear. they feel that the right to drive is a very small thing. they still want the right to vote, they want to be able to travel freely, to open a bank account, without having to ask their husbands or male guardians. so for a lot of women this is just a first step. but as you can see with manal's example, it is a very, very difficult uphill battle just for the right to drive. >> atika shubert, thank you so much for that excellent report. as we just reported a few minutes ago, a u.s. official is telling cnn that osama bin laden considered seeking a deal with pakistan to protect al qaeda leaders and al qaeda would refrain from attacking pakistan in return. i'm going to be talking with pakistan's ambassador to the united states up next. we're going to ask him about this latest information. male a] in 2011, at&t is at work, building up our wireless network all across america. we're adding new cell sites... increasing network capacity, and investing billions of dollars to improve your wireless network experience. from a single phone call to the most advanced data download, we're covering more people in more places than ever before in an effort to give you the best network possible. at&t. rethink possible. personal pricing now on brakes. tell us what you want to pay. we do our best to make that work. deal! my money. my choice. my meineke. repairing strained relations with pakistan. that is the mission behind secretary of state hillary clinton's meeting today with the pakistani president. but clinton is also pushing the country to do more to combat terrorism. joining us from washington is the pakistani ambassador to the united states. thank you very much, mr. ambassador, for joining us. i want to first talk about the breaking news that we had just moments ago. a u.s. official is now telling cnn that osama bin laden considered seeking a deal with pakistan -- protect al qaeda leaders, and then al qaeda would refrain from attacking pakistan. this is coming from documents recovered from the raid that killed bin laden. are you aware at all of this information or this potential deal? >> i don't know why you are even asking that, suzanne, because i also heard the report from your reporter which said that the u.s. officials very clearly stated that this was one of osama bin laden's many fantasies that went nowhere. >> we're asking you because potentially -- >> we are not aware of it. with all due respect, suzanne, with all due respect, suzanne, i mean you can think of many things of wanting to do. so can osama bin laden. the question is did he raise it with anyone. the u.s. government clearly says that he did not, it was something that he and his associates were considering amongst themselves. so if we knew something about it, we would have done something about it long ago. it is very clear that osama bin laden was found in pakistan. we are very pleased with the fact that he's no longer there. we would have liked it better if the americans had work on eliminating him with our cooperation, but at the same time, we think that the outcome is positive and we need to work together to eliminate the remnants of osama bin laden's gang. >> so just to be clear, you're in agreement with u.s. officials who say it never got to the point, the level, where it reached anyone in the pakistani goft, a potential deal. is that correct? >> with all due respect, i don't need to be in agreement with anything because there is nothing here. the u.s. government has not communicated this information to us. some official is telling your reporter that they have found on his computer some plan of contact being the pakistan government which went nowhere. so we really are not in the picture, either a part of the plan or any attempted contacts because no contacts were made. >> secretary clinton is delivering a blunt message to the pakistani goft. she is essentially saying that we need to cooperate better, united states an pakistan, in terms of taking on terrorists. or the united states would be willing to withdraw pakistani aid. is there any sense from your government that this is kind of a quid pro quo that has been set up that's almost threatening in a way? >> i don't think the secretary clinton said any of that. i think secretary clinton's message was that she has certain expectations of pakistan, just as pakistan has certain expectations of the united states. pakistan has paid a huge price in fighting terrorists. 30,000 people have been killed in pakistan as a result of terrorist actions. many of our soldiers have died. only two, three, four days ago there was an attack on a pakistani naval base where many of our people were killed. so quite clearly we are as much victims of terrorism as we are a place where there are terrorists active. u.s. and pakistan want to work together. that's what secretary clinton told us. we have some disagreements on how we should work together an that's what secretary clinton wanted to clear up. think that both sides were a little shaken up by the incident of the 1st of may and 2nd of may when osama bin laden was eliminated. americans are worried why was any pakistan and at the same time pakistanis are a little upset why did the u.s. decide to go it alone? we need to work out a plan in which both sides can work together. pakistan has no interest in promoting our accepting terrorism because we are victims of terrorism ourselves. >> have you heard anything from secretary of state hillary clinton from her trip that has eased the concern that you talk about, the alarm that you talk about, that it was done without pakistan's prior approval? >> i think that pakistan and the united states are working right now on creating a you this -- creating new terms of engagement in which we can work cooperatively. when the secretary of state says that there are expectations from pakistan, we fully understand that. at the same time we want the secretary of state and other american officials to understand the circumstances which have made it difficult for us to do certain things. we have rampant anti-americanism in pakistan. the u.s. has an obligation to try and change that opinion. we can't do it ourselves alone. our government wants to work together with the united states but that doesn't mean that we have the responsibility of changing the minds of 180 million people all by ourselves. at the same time, there are groups in pakistan which have pleefs very s beliefs very similar to that of al qaeda and other certain jihadist groups. >> i'm sorry, excuse me, but the pakistani government, your government, has allowed the cia to'nt view bin laden's wives, widows. you have also returned the stealth helicopter to the united states. most recently you've allowed cia experts to search the bin laden compound. what would pakistan like in terms of the united states in return? >> we would like american understanding of our ground situation. we would like the united states to realize that there are circumstances that have created the menace of terrorism in our country. pakistan and the united states paired up to fight the soviet union in afghanistan. a lot of jihadist extremists are offshoots of that period. we need a concerted effort inside pakistan, an effort in which pakistan's own economic, political problems are taken on board. this can't be just based on specific actions -- in which we cooperate with the u.s., all the things that the u.s. specifically asks for in intelligence cooperation, military action, we are there to help the u.s. but at the same time, the u.s. has to understand why it is that these people are in our country, where they came from, and how we can work together to remove the support network that enables them to operate in our country. >> you know, former pakistani president pervez musharraf spoke with cnn's piers morgan and he was critical of president obama accusing him of showing arrogance following this raid. do you think that those comments now are helpful in trying to move this relationship forward in a positive way? >> suzanne, president musharraf is a voice from the past. he was never elected by the people of pakistan. he is not a figure in contemporary pakistani politics. piers morgan is welcome to interview him many times, but at the same time he doesn't speak for pakistan and the people of pakistan consider him a part of our history. >> final question here. there are some people who are questioning pakistan's essentially telling the u.s. military to close military intelligence liaison centers in peshawar and qatar. it would seem those are very important intelligence centers to work against terrorist organizations. >> we've done that with mutual understanding. it is not a lateral action on the part of pakistan. there are operational reasons for these that i can't go into but the fact remains pakistan and the united states continue to remain in robust intelligence cooperation, we want to improve the relationship between our mill taerz in terms of going after the terrorists but we also have a case here, and that case is that there is too much mistrust of pakistan. yes, there is a history to it and we understand, for example under the musharraf regime, there wasn't cooperation. but the democratic government of pakistan has fully cooperated with the united states and secretary clinton being a nonled that. it is a process in which we need to overcome the burden of history, move forward. so there will be certain occasions when we will be taking a step back. but there will be many occasions when we will move forward together to eliminate terrorism which is the common enemy of both the united states and pakistan. >> all right, mr. ambassador. thank you so much for joining us here. >> always a pleasure being with you, suzanne. >> okay. thank you. he stood in his pulpit vowing before god and his congregation that he would feith sexual misconduct allegations. so why has mega church pastor eddie long settled with the young men who accused him? we'll talk to a journalist following the case.s. deliciously rich. flavorful! 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[ female announcer ] ask the doctor about your loved one trying the exelon patch. visit to learn more. last september mega church pass store bishop eddie long was accused of sexual misconduct by four young men. they had been members of the youth academy at long's new birth missionary baptist church just outside of atlanta. men claimed long had coerced them into sexual relations and at the time new birth missionary had tens, thousands of members in his congregation from around the world. when the charges were leveled, this was long's reaction from the pulpit. >> i am not going to try this case in the media. it will be tried in the court of justice. i am not a perfect man. but this thing i'm going to fight. >> so now the fight is over. the four men who filed lawsuits have all settled, though nobody is actually saying what the terms of this settlement are. tracy brown is editor at the "atlanta journal constitution" and joins us now. tracy, thank you very much. you've been covering this. do we have any sense at all what is involved in this settlement sh. >> you mean in terms of dollar amount? >> dollar amount or any kind of deal. >> actually, we don't. the terms of the settlement from all of the attorneys involved, they pretty much have released a general statement that says the case has been resolved, there will be no more details about the dollar amount. i mean, you know, about the dollar amount or the terms of the agreement. >> do we have any idea why it is that he actually settled? >> i think that probably -- i mean it probably -- there may have been some things that he didn't want to come out if the case had gone to trial or it could be as simple as wanting, as they -- as his spokesperson has said, that they are ready to move on and this could be the quickest way for them to kind of resolve that. >> how would he pay for this settlement? clearly he can't use church funds, for instance. >> it's unclear. i would think as most organizations, maybe he has some kind of insurance that would help pay for it. it may come out of his own personal finances. it's hard to say not knowing what the terms of the agreement is. if it's some high dollar amount that of course would lead to some questions about where the money's going to come from. if it's a lower dollar amount he may be able to cover that himself. it is just hard to know. >> we are looking at cell phone pictures of long released by the attorney for one of the defendants and the publicity surrounding the accusations. do we know if it is actually affected church attendance? what is the situation like there for people who actually followed him and believed in him? >> from what we can tell from our own going to some of the services and the last few months as well as talking to current and former members, it appears that membership has dropped off some. his last service when he did easter service was pretty big. there were a lot of people -- there was a big crowd. it was pretty much a full house. but that was also during the time where there was settlement talk and people expected for him probably to say something so that could be -- have a little bit to do with why there were so many people there that sunday. but overall, yes, i think it would be fair to say his numbers have dropped. >> this is a nationwide story, even a worldwide story. we've been paying attention to this in atlanta. what are people thinking now that this has ended this way? >> i think it all depends on who you talk to. some members have expressed relief about it being over and stand behind him 100%. for other people, it was expected. the settlement talks -- they've been in settlement talks for quite some time. so i think people were kind of expecting that something would happen soon. i think, again, his members are probably a little relieved and say now we can move on. >> he's still preaching? >> yes, he is still preaching. i think the question will be will he be there this sunday and what this means now that the case has been settled, what this means for him and his church and his congregation and his ministry. because it's not just about his ministry inside the church but his ministry around the world. >> it will be very interesting to see if he actually addresses it at the pulpit. tray i brown, thank you so much. >> thank you for having me. we're getting a lot of comments about today's "talk back" question. we asked, is it okay for a presidential candidate to avoid the media? rob says, no. the president is a public figure. if you're running for the office, get used to the media. carol costello's up next with more of your responses. . ♪ i saw what my life could be... and found the strength to make it happen. ♪ i lost my leg serving my country. now i serve in a new uniform. 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"it is okay to avoid it but not necessarily block certain media. they have to look out for themselves. it is also best for the media personalities to be fair in their approach to interviewees." this from audra -- they can't pick and choose policies and world issues to govern. why should they be able to pick and choose what media to use. is this still the united states of america? >> if you can't handle simple questions how can we expect you to handle al qaeda or any other form of threat to our country? >> of course it is okay to avoid the media but the candidate who chooses that strategy will remain just that -- a candidate. >> police continue the conversation, >> they can't avoid us. they got to answer our questions. >> it's our job. we have to hound them. you can't just ask them easy questions. >> carol, have a great weekend. >> more after break. let me tell you about a very important phone call i made. when i got my medicare card, i realized i needed an aarp... medicare supplement insurance card, too. medicare is one of the great things about turning 65, but it doesn't cover everything. in fact, it only pays up to 80% of your part b expenses. if you're already on or eligible for medicare, call now to find out how an aarp... medicare supplement insurance plan, insured by unitedhealthcare insurance company, helps cover some of the medical expenses... not paid by medicare part b. that can save you from paying up to thousands of dollars... out of your own pocket. these are the only medicare supplement insurance plans... exclusively endorsed by aarp. when you call now, you'll get this free information kit... with all you need to enroll. put their trust in aarp medicare supplement insurance. plus you'll get this free guide to understanding medicare. the prices are competitive. i can keep my own doctor. and i don't need a referral to see a specialist. call now to get a free information kit. plus you'll get this free guide to understanding medicare. and the advantages don't end there. choose from a range of medicare supplement plans... that are all competitively priced. we have a plan for almost everyone, so you can find one that fits your needs and budget. with all medicare supplement plans, there are virtually no claim forms to fill out. plus you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts medicare. and best of all, these plans are... the only medicare supplement plans endorsed by aarp. when they told me these plans were endorsed by aarp... i had only one thing to say... sign me up. call the number on your screen now... and find out about an aarp medicare supplement insurance plan. you'll get this free information kit... and guide to understanding medicare, to help you choose the plan that's right for you. as with all medicare supplement plans, you can keep your own doctor and hospital that accepts medicare, get help paying for what medicare doesn't... and save up to thousands of dollars. call this toll-free number now. just a few moments ago we got this great video from the naval academy graduation in annapolis, maryland. more than 1,000 midshipmen throwing their hats into the air. it is part of the academy's graduation ceremony. defense secretary robert g

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,Reach ,Fleet Week ,Memorial Day ,Parade ,Armed Service ,River ,Sailing ,Military Flyover ,Robotic Arm ,U S Navy ,Truibute ,Lives ,Service ,Heroes ,The Army S Third Infantry Honor America ,Flags ,Virginia ,Husband ,Widows ,Taren Davis ,Thousands ,Memorial Day Weekend ,Arlington National Cemetery ,Sisterhood ,Michael Davis ,Loss ,Grief ,Cnn Hero ,Survival ,Triumph ,21 ,Widow ,Funeral ,Iraq ,Baghdad ,Ostracized ,Age ,Others ,Love ,Generation ,Taryn Davis ,Life ,Rest ,Impact ,Sacrifice ,Reflect ,Comfort Zone ,Little Sister ,Sisters ,Fullest ,Military Widows ,Thigh ,The American Widow Project ,Retreats ,800 ,Someone ,Town ,Difference ,Hero ,Cnnheroes Com ,Help ,Nurse ,Hospice Nurse ,Destruction ,Rubber Neck ,Patient ,Britta Olsen ,One Night Britta ,Medication ,Heart Rate ,Tradition ,Checking ,Denmark ,Window ,Person ,Soul ,2011 ,Sky ,Planes ,Supply ,Chain ,That S Logistics ,Stress ,Sync ,Link ,Ups ,Tires Squeal ,Accident Doesn T ,Car Replacement ,Liberty Mutual Insurance ,Policy ,Auto Insurance Product ,15000 ,Offices ,Price ,Auto Insurance ,Coverage ,Call ,Loved Ones ,Computer Glitch ,Convicts ,Taxpayers ,46 ,11 ,Shrimp ,Treadmill ,The Big Story ,Jacqui Jeras ,Victims ,Tornados ,00000 ,500000 ,Idea ,Tornado ,Ruins ,Wall ,Place ,Press Conference ,Unaccounted ,Listening ,News ,Reports ,90 ,Deceased ,Next Of Kin ,Addition ,Six ,Progress ,Whittling ,156 ,Wait ,Tabitha Freeman ,Pitcher Street ,Grandmother ,Homes ,Bathroom ,Spray Paint ,Sidewalk ,Ellen ,She Wouldn T ,To Joplin ,Oklahoma ,Family ,Answers ,Friends ,Services ,Grandma Ellen Freeman ,Miss ,Neighbor Aaron Cole ,The Block ,Basement Door ,Entryway ,Hospital ,Somewhere ,She Wasn T ,Records ,Confusion ,Hospitals ,Yes ,Room ,Granddaughter ,Resting ,Arkansas ,Is Ellen Freeman ,612 ,Kind ,Sad ,Recovery ,Condition ,Morning ,Surgery ,State Of Shock ,Couple ,Disbelief ,Spirits ,Neighborhood ,Trudging On ,Storms ,Everything ,Decisions ,Rob Marciano ,Forecast ,Danger ,Jacqui ,Most ,Last Night ,It Wind Damage ,Deep South ,Canadian Border ,East Coast ,600 ,Right ,Cases ,Weather ,Winds ,Damage ,Trees ,Fatalities ,Front ,Winds Gusting ,60 ,Risk ,Area ,Table ,Piece ,Energy ,Moisture ,Plains ,Humidity ,Tornado Alley ,New England ,Thunderstorm ,Progression ,Thunderstorms ,30 ,4 ,More ,Weekend ,System A ,Boundary ,North ,Pattern ,Zonal Flow ,Least ,Suzanne Malveaux ,Break ,Back On The Streets Without Supervision ,Outbreak ,Bleak ,California State Senator ,Snapshot ,I M Talking ,Driving Habits ,Show It ,Snapshot Discount ,Love It ,Argh ,Progressive ,Offer ,Resorts ,Sandals Luxury ,65 ,Sandals ,1 ,1 800 Sandals Now ,Look ,Track ,Access To Records ,Terror Suspects ,Roving Wire ,Provisions ,Senator ,Harry Reid ,Standing ,Debate ,Senate ,Lone Wolf ,Rand Paul ,Kentucky ,Terrorism ,Tools ,Law Enforcement ,Consequences ,Identify ,Terrorist Suspects ,Combat ,Weapons ,Favor ,Warrant ,Absurdity ,Insult ,Security ,Judges ,Murderer ,Murder ,Wisconsin ,Workers ,Costs ,State Employees ,Bargaining Rights Led ,Bargaining ,Protests ,Budget Deficit ,Teachers ,Employee Benefits ,Audit ,Supervision ,Attempt ,Undercovered ,Labor Unions ,Hundreds Of Prison Inmates ,1500 ,Fears ,Ted Lu ,Violence ,Hundreds ,Parole ,Report ,Investigation ,State Prisoners ,Sacramento ,Inspector General ,Parole Supervision ,450 ,Instances ,Parole Program ,Pieces ,Facts ,Turning ,Scale ,California Department Of Corrections ,Supreme Court Order ,33000 ,Crimes ,Aspect ,Prisoner Release ,Half ,Suspect ,Homicide ,Culver City ,Department ,Problem ,Prison ,Parole Supervisor ,Parole Conditions ,State Prison ,Crime ,Implementation ,Reconvicted ,Reprosecuted ,Environmental N ,Sort ,Hair ,Viewers ,Correspondent ,Legs ,Therapy ,Movement ,Spinal Cord Injury ,Technology Today ,Matt Corsin ,Human Factor ,Pitcher ,Loved Sports ,Sanjay Gupta ,University Of Arkansas ,April Of 2006 ,Friend ,Memory Loss ,Embankment ,20 ,2006 ,Matt ,Backbone ,Word ,Didn T ,Fireman ,Patients ,Spinal Cord Injuries ,Center ,Injury ,Sensation ,Rehab Regimen ,Specialists ,Maryland ,Baltimore ,Water ,Basis ,Gait Training ,Stimulation ,Nervous System ,Bicycle ,Impulses ,Brain ,Sessions ,Toes ,Fes ,Feet ,Wheelchair ,Use ,Walker ,Leg Braces ,Degree ,Diploma ,University Of Maryland ,300 ,Assistance ,Graduation ,Stage ,23 ,May 23rd ,Son ,Reporting ,Daughter ,Mind ,Aisle ,Yard ,Catch ,No Doubt ,Hello Sunshine ,Game ,Cholesterol ,Honey Nut Cheerios ,Goats ,Sweetness ,Honey ,Grain ,Anyone ,Heart Attack ,Kid ,Risks ,Bee ,Edge ,Diet ,Bee Healthy ,Lipitor ,Stroke ,Cholesterol Lowering Medication ,Heart Attacks ,Fda ,80 ,Women ,Heart Disease ,Blood Tests ,Liver Problems ,Medications ,Risk Factors ,Nursing ,Sign ,Don T ,Muscle Pain ,Weakness ,Bride ,Side Effect ,Subaru ,Tablespoons ,Splenda ,10 ,3 ,Contender ,Race ,Television ,Bureau ,Michele Bachmann ,Dana Bash ,Estate ,Waters ,Caucus ,Toe ,Iowa ,Announcement ,Moves ,May ,June ,Town Of Waterloo ,Respect ,Impact Bachman ,Run ,Decision ,Voters ,Nomination ,Message Discipline ,Won T Impact Whether ,Campaign ,Afghanistan ,Sense ,Both ,Record ,Military Campaign ,Realm ,Troops ,Amendment ,Votes ,26 ,204 ,215 ,Withdrawal ,Reasons ,It S Time ,Cnnpalm Particulars Com ,Lawmakers ,Crustaceans ,Snakes On A Plane ,Jeannie Moos ,A Million ,A Million Bucks ,Music ,Footwork ,Controversy ,Fans ,Youtube ,Song ,Poster Boy ,Shrimp Scampiing ,Poster Crustacean ,Government Spending ,Tom Coburn ,National Science Foundation For Funding Research ,Guy ,Jumbo Shrimp ,Dollar Grant ,Jokes ,Jumbo ,Lab ,College Of Charleston ,Shrimp Treadmill ,Grant ,South Carolina ,Player ,Equinox ,Professor Burnett ,Stress Test ,Step ,Respiration ,Stair Master ,Crabs ,Lobsters ,Treadmills ,Science ,Critics ,Seafood ,National Science Foundation ,Intro ,George ,Workout ,Talk Back Question ,Cocktail ,Responses ,Natural Gas ,Rocks ,Carol Costello ,Somebody ,Fuel ,Growth ,Deposits ,Energy Security ,A Hundred ,Pain Relief ,Ball ,Girl ,Discovery ,Bengay ,Nubs ,Pants Pockets ,Coins ,Driving ,Change ,Commutes ,Handful ,Pennies ,Dimes ,Nickels ,Volt ,Fifty ,Chevrolet Volt ,Folks ,Answer ,Nancy ,Approach ,Office ,Talk Backs ,Kyle ,Times ,Positions ,Bully ,Nicole ,Know ,News Media ,Them ,Twist ,Drilling ,John ,Earl ,Angle ,Entire ,Segment ,15 ,Campaigns ,Trial ,Earthquake Hit ,Quake ,Commission ,Tremor ,Tremors ,6 3 ,Guys ,Earthquakes ,Defense Lawyers ,Forecaster ,Look Out ,Chad Meyers ,Unbelievable ,Visitors ,Prediction ,Gawkers ,Command ,Innovation ,D Piggy ,Weeeeeee ,Weeeee Weeeeeeee ,Wee ,Switchco ,Piggy Cry ,Thy ,Mom ,Home Piggy ,Cool ,Maxwell ,Thanks Mrs ,Gg ,Disasters ,Mutes ,Believe ,Gei ,A Anncr ,Bob Crowley ,Mounts ,Cool Picture ,Pictures ,Blocking ,Traffic ,Gawking ,Feel ,Debris ,Hindrance ,Message ,Fight ,Speed ,Extremism ,Conflict ,Ties ,Stable ,Compounds ,Ends ,Marks ,Crew ,So Freeman ,Touch ,Door Entryway ,Arkansas Hospital ,Chaos ,Talks ,G 8 ,Cash ,Ordering ,Investigators ,Data Recorders ,Plunge ,Air France Flight 447 ,French ,447 ,Seven ,Plane ,Setting ,Events ,Speed Sensors ,Jet ,Atlantic ,228 ,Endeavour S ,Spacewalk ,Position ,Visit ,Supplies ,Contribution ,Shuttle Flight ,Boom ,Food ,50 ,Relations ,Pervez Musharraf ,Notice ,Osama ,Deficit ,Trust ,Piers Morgan Tonight ,Mistrust ,Incidents ,Culmination ,Stan Grant ,Fighting ,Sovereignty ,Terror ,Violation ,Cause ,Misunderstanding ,Countries ,Musharraf ,Islamabad ,President Bush ,First ,Head ,Heart ,Insurgency ,Efforts ,Differences ,Pakistan Afghanistan Border ,Feeling ,Criticism ,Stability ,Pakistanis ,Problems ,House In Order First ,America Cannot ,Conspiracy Theories ,Blow ,War In Afghanistan ,Fact ,Suggestions ,Mill Tansy ,Lifeblood ,Operation ,Mrn ,Messages ,Pressure ,Side ,Transaction ,Attacks ,Bidding ,Audience ,Okay ,Premise ,Lame Stream Media ,Stream Media ,Fox Nap Didn T Last ,Man Up ,Police ,Police Shooting ,Outrage ,Iraq War Veteran ,Lawsuits ,Sexual Misconduct ,Force ,Mega Church Leader ,Settled Out Of Court ,Step Closer ,Women In Saudi Arabia ,Slaughter ,Bosnian Muslim ,Women Driving ,Drop ,The Rain Starts ,Bayer ,In Ar ,We Sooe Sayay ,Site ,Bayer Advanced Aspirin ,Relief ,Aspirin ,Bloodstream ,Microparticles ,Fast ,Strength ,Death ,Father ,Police Raid ,Arizona Ends ,Drug Smuggling Operation ,Kara Finnstrom ,Morning Of May 5th ,Tucson ,5 ,May 5th ,War Veteran ,Garina Family Attorney ,Community Outrage ,Paramedics ,Swat Team Killing ,Semi Automatic Rifle ,Wife ,911 ,Sheriff ,Invaders ,Baby ,Don T Shoot ,Eye Contact ,Counsel ,Video ,Warnings ,Swat Team ,Police Union ,Officers ,Gear ,Patches ,Weapon ,Shield ,Helmets ,Investigation Documents ,Pages ,Body Armor ,Cache ,Incident ,Documents ,Amounts ,Drugs ,Regard ,Cds ,Drug Dealing ,Comment ,Criminal Record ,Supporters ,Mining Company ,Sheriff Officials ,Led ,Guerino ,Shooting ,Deputies ,Plans ,Duty ,Scene ,Los Angeles ,Genocide Suspect ,Justice ,Orring ,Bosnia ,Haig ,Mass Grave ,Bridgestone ,Natural Rubber ,Factories ,Products ,Save ,Emissions ,Planet ,Deal ,Breaking News ,Official ,Materials ,Protection ,Return ,Safe Harbor ,Discussion ,Concern ,Thinking ,Possibilities ,Pentagon ,Organization ,Directions ,Which ,Aftermath ,Key ,Elements ,Proof ,Robert Gates ,Supposition ,Level ,Conversations ,Potential ,Operations Chief ,Process ,Ton ,Yeah ,Child ,Ooh Oo ,Neighbor ,State Farm ,Dirt ,Toxins ,Naturals ,Cleanser ,Purifying ,Dermatologists ,Neutrogena ,Purify Pores ,99 ,Harsh Sulfates ,Parabens ,Dyes ,Skin ,Road ,Anti Establishment Movement ,Arab Spring ,Drive ,Atika Shubert ,Gonna ,Threats ,Beatings ,Rallying Soundtrack ,Keys ,Ignition ,Hands On The Wheel ,I Got A Feeling ,Black Eyed Peas ,Saudi Arabia ,Initiative ,Driver S Seat ,June 17th ,17 ,Streets Of Riyadh ,Sex Means Women Can T Travel Without A Male ,Relative ,Segregation , Take Public Transport ,Jeddah ,Mother ,Street ,Drivers ,Frustration ,Taxis ,Brother ,Phone ,Cab ,32 ,Wheel ,Dozens ,Manal ,Areas ,Lesson ,Licenses ,Driving Lessons ,Bank Account ,Guardian ,Education ,Permission ,Restrictions ,Women S Rights Activists ,Driver S License ,Women S Rights ,Start ,Campaigning ,Guardians ,Push ,Arabic ,Need ,Saying ,Youtube Channel ,The Rain Starts With A Drop ,Action ,Abdullah ,Lead ,Signatures ,Letter ,Gathering ,Uniuni1june 17th ,London ,Charges ,Detention ,00 ,Job ,Boy ,Custody ,Human Rights Activists ,Police Haven T ,Counter ,Punishment ,Headbands ,Hardliners ,Mothers ,Daughters ,Issue ,Belief ,Sex ,Rights ,Vote ,Ondriving ,Example ,Husbands ,Uphill Battle ,Male A ,Pakistan In Return ,Pricing ,Brakes ,Choice ,My Meineke ,Meeting ,Mr ,Fantasies ,Nowhere ,All Due Respect ,Associates ,Outcome ,Agreement ,Pakistani Goft ,Gang ,Remnants ,Plan ,Computer ,Contact ,Nothing ,Contacts ,Terms ,Set Up ,Quid Pro Quo ,Expectations ,Fighting Terrorists ,30000 ,Terrorist Actions ,Attack ,Naval Base ,Result ,Soldiers ,Disagreements ,Sides ,Little ,2nd Of May ,1st Of May ,Interest ,Upset ,Approval ,Alarm ,Circumstances ,Engagement ,Obligation ,Anti Americanism ,Doesn T ,Minds ,Pleefs ,180 Million ,Beliefs ,Jihadist ,To Nt ,Understanding ,Ground Situation ,Jihadist Extremists ,Menace ,Soviet Union ,Offshoots ,Actions ,Economic ,Support Network ,Military Action ,Piers Morgan ,Showing ,Former ,President Musharraf ,Figure ,Pakistani Politics ,Voice ,History ,Liaison Centers In Peshawar ,Qatar ,Centers ,Terrorist Organizations ,Mutual Understanding ,Mill Taerz ,There Wasn T Cooperation ,Nonled ,Musharraf Regime ,Occasions ,Enemy ,Move Forward ,Pulpit ,Congregation ,Misconduct ,Allegations ,Pleasure ,Mega Church Pastor ,God ,Harvest ,Journalist ,At Last ,Vegetables ,Stouffer S Farmers ,Case S Deliciously ,Flavorful ,Letsfixdinner Com ,Exelon ,Alzheimer S Disease ,Twenty Four ,Side Effects ,Treatment ,Hospitalization ,Disease ,Symptoms ,Vomiting ,Nausea ,Diarrhea ,Medicines ,Likelihood ,Severity ,Dose Increases ,Appetite ,Weight ,Stomach Ulcers ,110 ,Stomach Problems ,Heart Conditions ,Exelon Patch ,Bleeding ,Visit Exelonpatch Com ,Eddie Long ,Last September Mega Church Pass Store ,Youth Academy ,New Birth Missionary Baptist Church ,Atlanta ,Missionary ,Tens ,Reaction ,Around The World ,Court Of Justice ,Settlement ,Editor ,Tracy ,Nobody ,Atlanta Journal Constitution ,Tracy Brown ,Dollar Amount ,Dollar ,We Don T ,Attorneys ,Sh ,Spokesperson ,Church Funds ,Instance ,Organizations ,Resolve ,42 ,9 ,500 ,31 ,159 ,59 ,May 31st ,0000 ,20000 ,11000 ,6000 ,1000 ,16000 ,7000 ,37000 ,Cnnpolitics Com ,Virtues ,Big Bus Tour Starting On Sunday ,Dislike ,Polls ,Guess What ,

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