The third season of the series starring Jennifer Aniston and Reese Witherspoon remains faithful to the ambitious modesty that has allowed it to portray the world from the set of an anachronistic TV morning show
Photo Illustration by Thomas Levinson/The Daily Beast/Getty/Apple TV+“I think she likes the mess. A lot of people do,” Stella Bak (Greta Lee) says to an advertising executive about how his wife and other viewers feel about The Morning Show’s scandal-plagued fictitious network UBA. It also sums up why the Apple TV+ drama is so damn watchable.Pandemonium reigns in the cutthroat television business, with the survival of legacy media company UBA taking center stage in the third season. Billy Crudup’
Episode 4 of “The Morning Show” gave Lee her juiciest material yet as new president Stella Bak proving that, amid all the “Morning Show” chaos, she’s the grounding force.