The Independent
MASSILLON – Police Chief Keith Moser is aiming to rework the numbers of higher-ranking officers in the Police Department, a proposed alteration that s getting some pushback within the ranks of City Council.
The Massillon Police Department has two captains, four lieutenants and six sergeants. The chief wants to reallocate through attrition, keeping the higher tier at 12, but consist of one captain, three lieutenants and eight sergeants.
Sergeants work more as first-line supervisors, according to Moser, who said his change would spread out officer oversight within the department more evenly. Lieutenants, he said, should handle more administrative duties. Basically, right now it s lieutenants and sergeants doing (much of) the same job, the chief said, adding that his proposal also eventually would save the city money.
The Independent
MASSILLON It s clear that revising a fee for landlords to register residential rental properties in the city will take significantly more time.
Ideas were aplenty when Members of the Health, Welfare and Building Committee met via videoconference for 30 minutes Monday night to mull options to the city s non-owner occupied building registration fee, currently a one-time rate.
In fact, the entire council took part in the special session. Comments were spirited and somewhat lengthy, prompting the committee chairman Councilman Jamie Slutz, R-at large to schedule a second meeting at 5:30 p.m. March 8.
The main topic Monday was to address a proposal presented two weeks ago, raising the city s landlord registration fee to $80 per unit from the current $50. The fee is now a one-time charge, but under the proposal, the $80 payment would be required each year.