Foreword The promotion of economic freedom at home and abroad is essential not only for a genuine and sustained revitalization of the U.S. economy, but also to strengthen U.S. national security. In 2010, the United States fell from the highest category of economically free countries (those with overall scores above 80) in the Index of Economic Freedom. It has been stuck in the ranks of the “mostly free,” second-tier economic freedom category ever since.
what do you think of so-and-so? anyone who has served as the president s chief of staff has that experience. it s hard to tell whether this will result in the president ultimately pulling back on this. it should be noted that the president also has an acting chief of staff, mick mulvaney. carol, thank you. flipping the script. bernie sanders set to deliver a major speech this afternoon defending his democratic socialist agenda, while also calling out the president for socialism. details about how bernie sanders is planning to paint donald trump as a, quote, corporate socialist. also, with two weeks to go, a look at how the candidates are getting ready for that debate stage in florida and hoping to avoid moments like this. the third agency of government i would do away with, education, the, um, the commerce. commerce, and, let s see, i can t the third one, i can t. sorry.