Number one concern and worry is Drinking Water and number two is wastewater. Everything else is a distant third. If theres a problem with the Drinking Water it has to be addressed immediately. Middle of the night, middle of the winter, it doesnt matter when. Every citizen and especially the most vulnerable depend on the safety of the water including families with infants, schools, our Nursing Homes and people with compromised immune systems. We cant have any contamination of the Drinking Water. Our sewer system also needs to function prop toerl avoid any probability of a sewage spill or sewage backup into peoples homes. I would say to you that this really does keep me up at night. Congressman tonko knows that right now our part of the state is buried in snow, just last week the frost penetrated the ground so deeply that we experienced two ruptures in our water planes that are 5 to 6 feet underground. This forced us to issue a boil water advisory where we have to tell families to boil w
Number one concern and worry is Drinking Water and number two is wastewater. Everything else is a distant third. If theres a problem with the Drinking Water it has to be addressed immediately. Middle of the night, middle of the winter, it doesnt matter when. Every citizen and especially the most vulnerable depend on the safety of the water including families with infants, schools, our Nursing Homes and people with compromised immune systems. We cant have any contamination of the Drinking Water. Our sewer system also needs to function prop toerl avoid any probability of a sewage spill or sewage backup into peoples homes. I would say to you that this really does keep me up at night. Congressman tonko knows that right now our part of the state is buried in snow, just last week the frost penetrated the ground so deeply that we experienced two ruptures in our water planes that are 5 to 6 feet underground. This forced us to issue a boil water advisory where we have to tell families to boil w
Let us pray. Dear chaplain conroy let us pray. Dear lord, we give you thanks for giving us another day. At the beginning of a new workweek, we use this moment to be reminded of your presence and to tap the resources needed by the members of this peoples house to do their work as well as it can be done. May they be led by your spirit in the decisions they make. May they possess your power as they steady themselves amid the pressures of persistent problems. May their faith in you deliver from them wear them down. All this week and through the week may they do their best to find solutions to pressing issues facing our nation. Please, hasten the day when justice and love shall dwell in the hearts of all peoples and rule the affairs of the nations of earth. May all that is done this day be for your greater honor and glory. Amen. The speaker pro tempore the chair has examined the journal of the last days proceedings and announces to the house his approval thereof. Pursuant to clause 1 of rul
And this is literally how political scientists think about war. This isnt really how it works. We dont really think that since cyberspace with her ever serious. We dont look them square in the face like this. And for those of you that dont know this is and we dont square off in the face and in fact we dont do good battles like fun battles in cyberspace. We hit below the belt. We do just enough to be irritating but not enough to trigger what we consider an act of war. And this is really telling so how do we figure out when all of these below the belt issues are coming out. It would be really nice if we had Something Like a dark mark from harry potter that told us when our networks were insecure, that all of our data would pop up on the screen. You are owned. The dark lord is coming. But we dont have any of this stuff. Its really hard to enforce our rights claims in cyberspace. This is where i think immanuel kant, is to the rescue. And we think about cyberspace and think about rights cla
This is the essence of and the beauty of the United States of america. Unlike other countries complacent in older systems were still young, dynamic and unafraid to question ourselves. This spirit initially led to revolution and then to the removal of the sin of slavery, the right of women to vote, a Great Civil Rights Movement that truly transformed our nation and now a recognition of the reits of all americans regardless of their sexual orientation. Make no mistake we still have Unfinished Business and work to do. Reform of our criminal Justice System must continue. And under loretta and sally im sure that will be the case. The historic wrongs visited upon our native people must be righted. The widening gap of income inequality must be reversed. In the defense of our nation we must always adhere, always adhere to the values that define us. And at all costs. All costs the right to vote must be protected. [ applause ] now that list may seem daunting but if we are true to who we are as a