file. in 2007, college textbook publishers joined forces to launch course smart. it offers subscriptions to more than 7,000 textbooks online. college kids on the go can download the textbooks to their laptops, their ipods, their iphones. we actually ran a study on this and found that those books are not priced to be fair to students. the make textbooks affordable campaign compared used textbooks to e-textbooks. here is what they found. on average students pay $109 for a used textbook. students can then sell that book back for approximately $73. so the total cost of the used textbook is $36. on average, students pay $73 for e-textbooks. e textbooks have expiration date after which they literally disappear that means no money back. what s evolved is called open textbooks. if you click on customize right here. it literally is this easy for
file. in 2007 college textbook publisher joined forces to launch coursesmart. which offers subscriptions to more than 7,000 textbooks on-line. college kids on the go can download the textbooks to the laptops, ipods, i-phones. we ran a study on this and found that those books are not priced to be fair to students. the make textbooks affordable campaign compared used textbooks to e-textbooks and here s what they found. on average, students pay $109 for a used textbook. students can sell the book back for approximately $73. the total cost of the used textbook is $36. on average, students pay $73 for an e-textbook. e-textbooks, however have an expiration date. after which they literally disappear. that means no money back. what is involve is called open textbooks. customize here. literally it is easy for you to
launch course smart. it offers subscriptions to more than 7,000 textbooks online. college kids on the go can download the textbooks to their laptops, their ipods, their iphones. we actually ran a study on this and found that those books are not priced to be fair to students. the make textbooks affordable campaign compared used textbooks to e-textbooks. here is what they found. on average students pay $109 for a used textbook. students can then sell that book back for approximately $73. so the total cost of the used textbook is $36. on average, students pay $73 for e-textbooks. e textbooks have expiration date after which they literally disappear that means no money back. what s evolved is called open textbooks. if you click on customize right here. it literally is this easy for you to change this book. tell me about flat world