PLANS to build 102 new homes off a busy road in Stanway have been unveiled. Persimmon Homes Essex has applied to Colchester Council for planning permission to create the new estate on land behind number 296 London Road. The properties will be a mix of two, three and four-bed houses and two and three-bed flats, whilst 31 of the 102 homes will be designated as affordable homes. The site has been allocated for new homes in Colchester Council’s Local Plan and Persimmon says the new estate would contribute to the borough’s five year housing supply. A planning report states: “Development on this site will ensure an efficient use of land as well as the additional benefit of physical links with the surrounding area as well as the land adjacent to the west, currently subject to a residential application.
A NEW primary school and community hub are set to be created as part of plans to build 1,000 homes at a popular beauty spot. The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO) has published a new “vision document” for its proposals for Middlewick Ranges in Colchester. The MoD is looking to build 1,000 homes on part of The Wick once the site is sold after military operations cease in 2022. A new two-form entry primary school, with two classes per year group, is planned for the site within walking distance of a new local centre. This will feature shops, leisure and community facilities, such as a GP surgery as well as a public square for use by new and existing residents of the area.
COLCHESTER Council should look to buy a defunct army repair base in a bid to boost the town s Roman Circus, it has been claimed. The MoD is set to put the former Army Base Repair Organisation (ABRO) site, in Flagstaff Road, up for sale early next year. Colchester Council s Local Plan committee has agreed to extend the conservation area surrounding the town s garrison to include the ABRO site as well as Roman Circus House, home of Colchester Archaelogical Trust and Britain s only known Roman Circus. A development brief is also being created to help shape any future plans for the ABRO site, which is set to go out to consultation next year.